Sora drifted through serene aquatic waters, his clothes flowing
about his thin form as he spiraled deeper into the strange waters, a few bubbles
managed to escape the spiky haired boys compressed lungs as he continued to drift deeper and
deeper into the abyss.
As Sora obliviously descended the waters he spoke to himself in his mind, setting
free the thoughts that had been troubling him for some time.
I am having these strange dreams, but are they real? or are they all an illusion?
Sora questioned to himself as he opened his shining blue eyes to behold the
rushing waters that were gently bringing him to the ocean bottom.
The boy let his gaze fall onto the ocean floor that awaited him below and was
treated to a different sight that left the boy blinded by its rays.
Sora opened his eyes to fins himself no longer drifting the ocean waves, instead he
stood upon the soft sandy beach of his home, the Destiny Islands. The boy
reached a hand toward the clothes he wore, a white on black jacket with shortened
sleeves over a red flannel shirt paired with a set of billowing red cargo pants.
Sora noted that the clothes were dry, as if he had never been adrift in the cool
waters. The boy expected his large yellow sneakers to be filled with the ocean
waters, but his dry feet and the absence of sloshing water proved otherwise.
Sora then turned his mind away from these mysteries when he saw the familiar
figure of his friend Riku standing in the shallow waters ahead of him.
Riku appeared content as the ocean breeze ruffled his long mane of light blue hair,
the boy also didn't appear to mind that his yellow tanktop and blue jeans had been
soaked by the ocean water as well.
Sora had begun taking a few steps toward the silent Riku when he saw the wave
that rose behind the boy, standing taller than both of them. Riku then turned to
face Sora, his sharp face hinting at amusement as he observed Sora with sky blue
eyes that blended with the waters in which he stood up to his calves.
Riku then extended his arm toward Sora and offered his gloved hand, as if daring
the boy to enter the waters. Sora sprinted toward Riku, wondering if the boy was
aware of the large wave that threatened to drown him under its turquoise surface.
Sora reached the boy, but the wave did as well and Sora found himself tumbling
through the ocean water that rushed at his small form, preventing him from
gaining any control over his movement.
Sora then saw Riku standing as he had on the water surface, one hand extended
toward Sora, sky blue eyes shining. Sora tried to kick himself over to take Riku's
offered hand, but the water pulled him back.
The boy then arose to the waters surface and emerged upon the sun's last twilight
upon the distant horizon, Sora could see that everything was covered in an orange
glow, even the waters on which he now floated.
Sora then heard shouting and looked to find his friend Kairi waving to him from
the sandy beach shore. Sora wondered if he had really been in the water so long
that the sun had come and gone, he also wondered if Riku had managed to swim
back to shore safely.
Sora felt his exhaustion come onto him as he reached the shore, Kairi stood over
him as he knelt in the soft wet sand, her warm face framed by its short red hair
watching him through her Lilly green eyes.
The girl couldn't help but giggle when the boy let out a string of complaints, most
of them involving the swim back to shore. Suddenly ger gaze went beyond Sora
and instead fell onto the darkening twilight lit skies above.
Sora looked to see what had gotten the attention of the girl and was faced with an
awesome sight.
Shining comets were descending from the skies, their shining tails guiding them
toward the ocean surface. However the comets were not the thing that caught the
attention of Kairi and Sora as well.
Falling alongside the comets was the figure of a boy, it was only as the boy got
closer to the ocean surface that Sora recognized the falling boy to be himself. Sora
was confused beyond a doubt, how could he be in two places at once, and why
was he falling in the first place.
Before Sora could answer these questions himself he felt a sudden dizziness and felt himself falling backward back into the calm seas.
Kairi cried out to Sora, but the boy could no longer control himself from his plight
and he then felt himself splash into the water, only the sea and all else were gone,
now Sora was falling through the skies alongside the shining comets.
Sora saw Kairi in ripples above him, her face was filled with worry and she was
reaching a hand toward Sora, but the boy was back where he had began, drifting
in the ocean deep.
Sora felt his feet find purchase upon a surface that was unlike the sandy ocean
bottom he had expected. Sora looked about him but all that he saw was darkness,
the only light came from above Sora, from what he could only guess to be the
ocean surface, but was he still in the ocean?
Sora took a step forward and was forced to shield his eyes with the sleeve of his
jacket as light shined and spread forth, brining to life the platform upon which the
boy stood. Sora could see the platform held the glowing image of a young raven
haired woman, surrounded by smaller images of forest creatures and a number of
Sora looked up as the platform had been fully revealed and saw doves flying off
into the darkness, leaving behind a shower of their white feathers.
Were those doves covering this platform? And where are they going? Am I still in
the ocean? Is this all a –? Sora began to question himself, when a voice ( not his own) announced itself in his head.
So much to do, so little time.... the voice spoke in his mind, Sora jumped back in
fright as the voice rang through his head, a voice that the boy just couldn't place,
yet it seemed familiar to him.
"Who are you?" Sora demanded, but he got no response from the strange voice.
Take your time, don't be afraid. The voice continued, sounding as if it were trying
to reassure the boy of something.
"Don't be afraid of what?" Sora asked the voice, but again it ignored his inquiries.
The door is now shut the voice said to the boy, pausing as if to think.
Before Sora could question it again, the voice spoke a command.
Walk forward the voice ordered without any strict command, for the voice knew
the boy would obey it without question, after all it was the only guide to Sora in
this strange dream, or was it a dream? Sora honestly could not tell any longer.
Sora did as the voice asked and took a few steps forward, his footfalls echoing as
he cautiously made his way across the platform.
Good, now you will choose. The voice spoke, suddenly Sora watched as three
pedestals rose from the surface of the platform, floating upon each was a weapon.
Sora walked about the white pedestals, silently observing the weapons he passed.
The boy saw a shield dominated by a tri circled emblem that looked almost like
the profile of a mouse head, he also saw a scepter topped with the same blue
mouse head, and finally came the weapon that caught the attention of the boy.
A golden blade rested atop the final pedestal, its fine edge refracting the light that
glowed from the floor of the platform.
Sora knew that he chose the sword as his weapon and he walked over to sntach
the floating blade. Sora felt power as he held the weapon in his hands.
Great power sleeps within you, if you give it will give you strength. the
voice spoke in Sora's mind.
"I choose to weild the blade" Sora informed the voice, his bright eyes searching
for the mysterious guiding entity, surly the voice couldn't be in his mind alone, it
had to possess a body.
You choose the power of the warrior, invincible courage, a sword of terrible destruction,
Is this the power you seek? the voice asked, brinigng Sora to suddenly doubt in his decision
to weild the chosen weapon, but the again the voice had mentioned invincible courage to
the boy.
"Yes I choose this blade" Sora answered, trying to sound confindent about his choice.
Then your path is set the voice responded, suddenly the sword disappeared from Sora's hand
in a flash of light.
But what will you give up in exchange? the voice questioned, prompting Sora to turn and face the remaining
two pedestals and the weapons they housed.
Sora's gaze fell onto the shield.
Who would want a crummy shield?, its more for defense than an actual weapon. Sora thought to himself, the boy then picked up the
shield and examined its surface, surprised by just how light it actually was.
The power of the guardian, kindness to aid friends, a shield to repel all. the voice spoke, its words causing Sora to second guess
himself again.
Will you give up this power? the voice asked him, Sora thought over the decision and decided that he would indeed give up the shield
in return for his chosen blade, after all this was all a dream really, none of this would really effect him, or would it?
"Yes I give up the power of the guardian" Sora told the voice, and as before the shield disappeared in a flash of light.
The first step is now complete. the voice announced, Sora then felt the pedestal upon which he stood topple forward as it along
with the other two sank into the platform which was slowly beginning to shatter.
Sora watched in horror as the platform quickly fell to pieces, its glass shards thrown into the darkness as it made its progress
in reducing the entire set. Finally the destruction reached Sora and he felt himself cry out as he fell into the darkness, the tinkle
of the glass shards echoing about him.