Alright I'm XxLovelessxXP I'm new to posting my stories on Fanfiction and have absolutely no pairings in mind for this story. HOWEVER this WILL in fact be a Yaoi fanfiction, eventually. I just have to figure out who is going to be with Tsuna and I'd like everyone to help me with this. Oh, and by the way Tsuna WILL be SEME, and you guys will vote for the uke!
Disclaimer; I don't own KHR, just the plot.
Reborn was a man with a great dislike, or more like hate for idiots. He had very little patents for them too. However if Reborn hated anything more than idiots, it had to be cowards. Reborn was a man who enjoyed the thought of all dimwits and all cowards facing sudden demise. But then again, very few people would exist if his musings were reality.
Sawada Tsunayoshi, the son of Sawada Iemstu, The Outside Adviser of the Vongola was a candidate to become the Vongola Decimo. But unfortunately Sawada Tsunayoshi hadn't inherited any form of talent from his father, in other words he was both a idiot and a coward. The ironic thing was he resembled the Vongola's icon; the Vongola Primo. Reborn remembered his discussion with the Vongola Nono, he spoke of his successor in a very high regard. If Reborn had to guess the reason why Nono disappeared last month was to visit the kid. Reborn couldn't see any potential in the kid from what he heard from Iemstu and the information on his profile which was two years old. Since that was the last time Iemstu was home with his family keeping a close eye on his son.
Tsuna was failing classes and was absent from school almost every day and only showed up for exams. He had absolutely no friends, or acquaintances. His teachers despised him and apparently the kid had some sort of beef with one of the mafia groups. Age 14 and soon to be 15 on October 14. Blood type A, weight 48 kg, 5'5 feet tall, eye color brown, and hair color brown. In reborn's honest opinion Sawada Tsunayoshi wasn't cut out for the mafia. But it was his responsibility to shape this idiot into a capable Vongola Decimo.
Reborn removed the picture of Tsuna from two years ago from his pocket that Iemstu had given him. His dark eyes scanned over the old picture that had been folded over many times, with slightly ripped edges. Tsunayoshi was short and scrawny. His skin was creamy and without a flaw. Tsuna's eyes were a soft caramel brown. He probably would have been pretty popular if he was an idiotic klutz. But Reborn couldn't help but chuckle at the thought of Dame-Tsuna facing Xanxus. Reborn relaxed into the seat of the private jet, trying to forget about his future head ache; Sawada Tsunayoshi.
*Park, Namimori, Japan*
Brown spikes swayed as the warm breeze caressed the young man laying beneath a large oak tree. Long limbs were stretched out over the slightly damp grass. His black tee that fit snugly around his well built lean torso, had been ripped across the abdomen. His 27 jacket had been tied loosely around his waist was beyond repair due to rips and blood stains. His worn jeans had a rip in on the knee, revealing the blood dripping from the gash in his knee. Blood dripped from his lip and he has a bruise on his arm. His eyes reflected the clear sky, but the melting orange color remained. After inhaling through his slightly parted lips he gave a tired sigh.
"Sawada Tsunayoshi today we are definitely handing you over to the boss, times up, and you have to pay up. Either with cash or your body.." Spat one of many men in cheap tacky suits with crazy hair styles. Tsuna stood up dusting off his worn jeans. "Hah? Every single day it never ends.." He groaned glaring at the yakuza flunkies. "Or you could be smart… We know your Daddy's a Vongola Hot shot, so all you have to do is get them to pay your debt.." He said it. The trigger word for the normally pacifist Sawada Tsunayoshi to show his murderous side.
The man who had spoken earlier was out in a blink of an eye. Tsuna cracked his knuckles as a smug smirk found its way upon his lips. The yakuza came at him with brute force rather slowly. Tsuna swiftly disarmed them without forgetting to knock them around a bit. Tsuna had gotten a little more damaged than he would have liked, but he was alive wasn't he? He momentarily gazed at the unconscious bodies before removing all the bullets from the guns he confiscated moments earlier. Leaning against the tree he lazily gazed at the deadly, yet momentarily innocent objects in the palm of his hand.
Tsuna sighed once more before pocketing the bullets so he could dispose of the later. "Mukuro what did I say about stalking?" Mukuro materialized and shrugged with a amused expression. "Awe mad, because you hate being a Vongola prince?" Mukuro joked gazing at the unconscious bodies, only to have a loaded gun cocked to the sided of his head. "Ne, Kuro-chan did you know I have a habit of being trigger happy?" Tsuna's voice started of sickeningly sweet to steely cold.
He watched Mukuro with narrowed eyes, he had no actual intent of pulling the trigger. But couldn't help but be tempted to accidentally let his finger slip. Then again he inwardly frowned, it wasn't his body, it was Chrome's. The poor girl was a willing pawn in his sick game. But then again Tsuna was also a willing participant, he thought slightly lowering the gun. He sighed for what seemed to be the tenth time today lazily leaned against the oak tree.
"So what did you come her for?" Tsuna asked staring into those mismatched eyes halfheartedly. "Awe, Am I not allowed to come visit my beloved Tsunayoshi-kun?" He mused teasing toying with a stray strand of Tsuna's hair. Tsuna rolled his auburn eyes and held back a groan. " Bullshit. You did not come all the way from Italy to 'visit'. Now give me the information or pass it on to Lambo." He argued pressing him for answers. Mukuro usually didn't leave Italy unless he had a pretty damn good reason and Tsuna wanted to know what it was.
Mukuro snaked his arms around Tsuna's neck. Tsuna looked at him questioningly with a raised brow, but remained silent. "Well, as you know my Vongola Prince, you are a candidate to become Vongola Decimo. So Vongola Nono has sent a Alcoboleno to over see your training." With that Mukuro disappeared.
End of flashback
The sound of foot steps had disturbed his momentary reminiscing peace. It was Yamamoto Takeshi, his friend that shared his secrets and fears. "Tsuna are you going to lay there all day? Or come to my place to patch you you up?" Yamamoto asked with a goofy smile on his face. Tsuna's orange orbs softened. Yamamoto lent him a hand in getting up. Yamamoto whistled at the bruises and marks on Tsuna's body. "Looks like your friends were playing rough again.. Here you can lean on my shoulder." Tsuna nodded in thanks and put his arm around Yamamoto's shoulder.
"Thanks... Takeshi. and they are far from my friends, damn tacky bastards." Tsuna cursed wincing as he put weight on his leg. "Awww, you finally started calling me by my first name Tsuna. But really you need to let me know when those thugs show up... You can't fight them alone all the time." Takeshi said in a serious tone. Tsuna lifted his brow and smirked. "And involve you in my problem? I appropriate the help though. Aren't you going to become a baseball star? My baseball nerd of a friend." They walked slowly to Yamamoto's home. "You know I've thought about this for a while.. I'm thinking of postponing my baseball career... And dedicating myself to the sword.."
Tsuna stopped and tilted his head with his brows furrowed. "But you love baseball... Hell, you wanted to jump off a roof cause you broke your arm..." Takeshi turned around and smile. "And you know who stopped me from jumping? Sawada Tsunayoshi, my boss and best friend. Who happens to be stuck with a debt from a high scale mafia organization and constantly fights off yakuza on a daily basis." Tsuna sighed and put his arm on Takeshi's shoulder. "Do what you want, but you owe me sushi for bugging me.. Baka..." Takeshi smiled sincerely, it took so long for Tsuna to finally recognize him as a true friend. "Hurry it's going to rain soon." Tsuna said glancing at the sky.
After arriving at Takeshi's family shop, rain poured down outside. "Wow Tsuna you can predict the weather." Takeshi grinned tending to Tsuna's wounds. "You know you should come back to school, Lambo and Hibari miss you." Tsuna gazed outside and smirked. "Oh, Sure. I bet Hibari misses me a whole lot. He probably has no one to bite to death now that I ditch school so that no Yakuza come to play at Namimori."
Tsuna's stomach growled loudly and Tsuna blushed slightly. "When was the last time you ate?" Takeshi asked as he prepared some sushi. "Hmm... I think I stayed at Lambo's long enough to have some Miso soup.. Yesterday or was that two days ago." Tsuna pondered seriously wondering when he ate last. Takeshi sweat dropped. "If I hadn't known better I'd be surprised you've survived two years on the streets of Japan." Takeshi watched Tsuna drool as he sat down the mouth watering sushi on the table with amusement.
"Hey I'm not smart academically, but I'm street smart!" Tsuna replied sticking a piece of sushi in his mouth. "Not smart academically? You're kidding... You helped me cram for exams in exchange for four meals and a place to crash, and I got one of the top five spots. You know I would have given you those for free." Takeshi sat down with Tsuna and drank his cola. Tsuna pointed at him with his chop sticks. "Owing people leaves a bad taste in my mouth. So after this I'll help you spar. I don't want you to die on me in a fight with yakuza, I have enough issues and I prefer not being a suspect for murder." Takeshi closed his eyes enjoying Tsuna's company. "Hai, hai boss." Takeshi joked using Chromes nickname for Tsuna.
Reborn had been spying on both Tsuna and Takeshi for a hour now and got the jest of Tsuna's situation. Reborn learned many things. Perhaps Sawada Tsunayoshi wasn't a total idiot. The rip in Tsuna's shirt allowed him to see the abs that Tsuna had earned over the past two years. He had also learned that Tsuna was quite intelligent. On the days he had attended school for exams he aced them, but teachers figured he cheated and gave him failing marks. Tsuna was was distant from people and stayed well away from school and home due to debt collectors. Apparently his fool of a cousin co-signed him on a loan from a vicious mafia group in the area. Which led to his running away from home and absence from school. Sawada Tsunayoshi was close to very few people which included Yamamoto Takeshi, Hibari Kyoya, Rokudo Mukuro and Lambo. Which was quite an accomplishment considering Rokudo Mukuro was feared by 4 different governments, Hibari Kyoya was feared by all of japan and god knows who else, Yamamoto Takeshi the successor to the Shigure Souen Style (In Reborn's opinion he was born a killer) , and Lambo had connections with the Bovino family. Additionally according to Yamamoto Tsuna survived two years of living on the streets and continuous fights with trained fighters.
Reborn now saw his potential, Sawada Tsunayoshi would be an interesting Vongola Decimo. Reborn smirked from his place in the shadows. Tsuna sighed. "Ne, Arcobaleno planning on coming out any time soon? It would be nice to speak to you in person." Reborn was very pleased with his brand new pupil. Reborn stepped out of the shadows and approached the two. "Your Sawada Tsunayoshi, correct?"
So please vote on either of the following bellow;
2718- Tsuna x Hibari
2769- Tsuna x Mukuro
2780- Tsuna x Yamamoto
2759- Tsuna x Gokudera
So please be gentle this is my first fanfiction, vote, and review!