Mirror's Mirage:Hi, folks! I'm back with another Legion One-Shot. A minisode from Season One! (Sort of) My little—sorry younger brother (Galeblaze) and I were watching Sundown awhile back and we noticed that Phantom Girl and Cosmic Boy appeared together often in these two episodes (Parts 1 and 2) So we were thinking they had something before,maybe they were friends but things grew between them. They grew up and apart. So here's my take on it.

What Once Was

~~*~~Four Years After Season One.. Late 3022 during the Chronos War (Second Season War against Imperiex)~~*~~

"I don't like this," An older Phantom Girl with a changed uniform of white on black instead of black on white traversed the corridors with an older Cosmic Wave formerly Cosmic Boy. He had changed his uniform and the color of it to a cerulean blue.

"Phantom Girl, I'm sorry," Cosmic Wave sighed. "But Timber Wolf has a lot to answer for,"

"Rokk, do you honestly believe Brin could do something so terrible as to kill his own father?!" she exclaimed, whirling in front of him, arms akimbo.

"It doesn't matter what I believe," he told her. "The evidence gives us undeniable facts we have to take into account no matter how much we may dislike it. And we have to remember this is the man who turned him into what he is today,"

"If it wasn't for his powers he wouldn't be in the Legion!"

"Exactly. No matter how his life has gone since he first joined us, he apparently still felt embittered towards his father. It's natural but what he did was wrong," Cosmic Wave explained sternly.

"It's not true!" She stomped her foot childishly. "There has to be another explanation!"

"Tinya, you're being unreasonable," he coaxed, putting gentle hands on her shoulders, trying to calm her down. "Don't worry; he will be given a fair trial," She did not look convinced. "Come on, Phantom Girl," he sighed, wrapping her in an embrace. "It'll be alright," She reluctantly returned the hug but seemed distant.

Cosmic Wave was worried about his friend; since Timber Wolf had joined four years ago she had gradually become friends with the werewolf and while he had grown to respect Timber Wolf's abilities, now he was worried that Tinya's feelings for Brin would cause her to make the wrong choice.

Season 1 After Chain of Command—June 12th, 3018 New Metropolis Three Years Since the Legion founding in the year of 3015, April 23rd

Cosmic Boy stared out the viewport of the Legion Cruiser on the top deck as the Cruiser descended from the skies towards the tall white pillar that was the Legion Tower: HQ. Home.

"That's it, huh?" Ferro Lad murmured. He had been a Legionnaire for only a few months but had yet to see HQ or meet the other Legionnaires. Understandably, he was slightly nervous but he seemed to work well with the Legionnaires he worked with on the Winath Assignment. He had even managed to form a trust if not friendship with the critical Lightning Lad.

"Yup, your new home," Cosmic Boy agreed, his thoughts wandering. He wondered what had changed since he had left. Superman had joined the team in his absence as had Matter-Eater Lad, Timber Wolf and Star Boy. How were the others doing?

"I wonder how my old home is doing..." Ferro Lad muttered.

Cosmic Boy cast a sideways glance at him. "Don't worry: I'm sure your brother's fine,"

"Hope so. We didn't exactly part on good terms,"

"Give him some time," Cosmic Boy assured the new recruit. "He'll come around. Maybe he'll even join; his powers are different enough from yours."

"I think you should really consider duplicate powers," Ferro Lad advised. "Could come in handy, having more than one person with the same power. Like Saturn Girl."


"I'm just saying," Ferro Lad shrugged as the Legion Tower came closer in the viewport. "Having two telepaths wouldn't be a bad thing; let's say Saturn Girl wasn't—no, wrong word. Let's say something was beyond her current state of power. It'd be nice if someone could back her up,"

Cosmic Boy nodded, thinking it over. It would be nice if they did have one more telepath...He was concerned about Saturn Girl, all the girls really. If they could have someone who had and understood their powers... "Good point," he agreed. "I'll discuss it with Bouncy, Saturn Girl and Lightning Lad,"

"Wait, isn't Bouncy the leader?"

"Yes, but Saturn Girl, Lightning Lad and I are the founding members," Cosmic Boy explained.

"Guys!" They both jumped as Superman zipped into the room. "Sorry abou that but we've landed. Hey, Ferro Lad, Triplicate Girl wants to get you a room, have you meet the other Legionnaires at base and show you around. You also need a medical evalution and history recording from Brainy and Saturn Girl needs to check out your mental health and stability and we can skip power evalaution." eh counted each objective of on his fingers as he spoke and paused. "Sound good?"

Ferro Lad looked mildly shell-shocked as he stared at his new teammate. "Sounds overwhelming," he sighed.

"Don't worry," Superman smiled. "It'll get easier, Timber Wolf can vouch for that."

"If you insist," Ferro Lad shrugged as both he and Cosmic Boy followed the young Man of Steel out.

Legion HQ

"Okay this is the fifth level and the dorms for all Legionnaires," Triplicate Girl was explaining to Ferro Lad as they and Superman hovered down the corridor (they were floating upright). "The East Wing is the boy and the West the girls. Superman can help you if you have any questions; he's pretty good at playing host or you can ask Cosmic Boy."


"And this is your room," Superman stopped and typed in a code, allowing the door to slide sideways into the wall. "It's pretty generic but you can decorate if you'd like and change the codes." he explained as Ferro Lad looked around. "There is security; it detects any non-Legion presences so keep your flight ring on your hand even if its not activated. Brainy is working on a DNA detection system but it's not running yet.

"Got it." The room was generic; it was fairly large, large enough to practice in private without breaking anything and windowless (Legion HQ had no windows) with a bed in the left corner, a desk by the wall, a chair, a changing screen and a closet.

"There are cameras in the halls but not in the rooms," Triplicate Girl added. "Just detectors and no one's allowed in unless they're you of course, you allow it or they're the leader. Even the founders need permission unless they're the leader but they can take drastic action if they believe to be needed."

Ferro Lad sighed inwardly. It was a lot to take in. "Okay,"

"Did you bring anything with you?" Superman asked.

"No. Just what I'm wearing,"

"Then we'll get you some changes of uniform and some civilian wear and some other things," Triplicate Girl decided, counting off on her fingers as she, stared up at the ceiling. "Come on, I think the store room's stocked." They flew off down the corridor after Ferro Lad had changed the codes on his new room.

"By the way, where is Cosmic Boy?"

Superman shrugged. "He said he had something to do,"

Phantom Girl sighed as she stood over the holodisplay laid on the center table of the Archives Room. It was a spacious room lined by a wall of computers and holoscreens projected on the walls. The table she was standing at was curved with a chair in front of it.

"Stupid reports..." she muttered, rearranging the glowing screens. "Okay, so this goes in this folder..." She soon became so absorbed in her work she didn't notice someone enter the room a few moments later.

"Working hard?"

She jumped, whirling around to face the culprit and her face lit up. "Cosmic Boy, you are back!" She immediately flew over to engulf her friend in a hug and he chuckled. "I haven't heard from you in so long!"

"Good to see you too, Tinya," he assured her, returning the embrace briefly. "Sorry about that; I was helping out people with Ferro Lad and the long-distance doesn't work well with the flight rings. Haven't been having too much trouble with Lightning Lad?"

"Don't worry; he was a good leader, I guess," she shrugged. "He wasn't too mean,"

"That's good," he sighed, smiling at her as she turned back to her station. "What are you working on?"

"Just filing reports," she sighed. "Boring, but Brainy says it has to be done. Why doesn't he do it? Oh yeah. A twelfth level intellect has better things to do than file reports,"

Cosmic Boy smiled lightly as her annoyance. "He's right you know,"

"Of course he is!" she exclaimed, throwing her hands up. "He's a good kid, just annoying sometimes,"

"I'll help," the Braal native offered, joining her by her station. "Makes the work go faster,"

"Thanks, Rokk," she smiled faintly. "I'd like that,"

They worked in companionable silence as the screens beeped and Cosmic Boy couldn't help thinking back.

This is only two chapters so I'll post the next one tomorrow! (or sometime this week, depends) Please review!