Author's Note: For those of you reading Lulu of Condo 11, don't worry. I won't be putting it on hiatus or anything. All will continue like normal, and I'll be updating soon.

This story is dedicated to my dear friend, who stayed up until 12:45 AM with me just to finish my assignment. Thanks to my friend, the inspiration for this story has come.

Misaki the Supermaid

Chapter One: Savior

Ayuzawa Misaki sighed. It was cold, and the streets were empty. She couldn't find any places willing to employ her, and it was getting late.

"Mom, I want to help you. I can't just do nothing. We need to pay for bills, the huge debt that father left, and other necessities." Misa cried out, hand clenched into a fist.

Her mother sighed. She knew her daughter was stubborn, and once she set her mind on something, she would do it.

"Misa," Mrs. Ayuzawa said gently, wiping her wet hands on her apron "We don't need much money. The debt just gave us a harder time, but you shouldn't over-exert yourself."

"But, I'm the only other person that can help!" Misa replied "Suzuna is still young. She's in middle school, and has her studies to worry about."

"Nee-san," Suzuna, Misa's younger sister, called out "You still have your studies too. You're just in highschool. If you get a job, I need to help out too. I shouldn't burden you both and not do anything about it."

"Suzuna," Misa told her, sighing in exasperation "Some highschoolers really do part-time jobs. For them, if problems are about the family's financial matters being unstable, they tend to take jobs to help. It's normal for us, but not for middle schoolers."

"That's unfair," Suzuna replied, climbing up the stairs to her room.

Misa sneezed.

"Geez," she told herself quietly, rubbing her arms, taking comfort in the slight warmth "It's cold. I should have brought a coat."

She sighed and pulled her thin jacket closer around her.

As she walked down the street, she realized that there were no more jobs available, as she was heading to the park.

The sky was turning dark quickly. A lone vending machine under a lit streetlamp stood in the midst of empty park benches.

Misa headed towards the vending machine. She yearned for something warm.

She inserted her coin in the slot and pressed the button to choose her drink. After a while, she realized that the machine had jammed and cursed in irritation.

Misa heard shuffling footsteps.

She turned around quickly, and glared as she saw dark figures.

"Well," said a man "What is this little lady doing all alone under a streetlamp at this hour?"

Another man snickered and moved closer.

"Come with us, girl." He said, arm moving in to touch her "You seem troubled. We'll help you,"

Misa slapped the man who tried to touch her. He was surprised as she kicked him in the stomach and sent him running away.

"I see." The first man said "You're the violent type. Don't move so much, or you'll hurt people and yourself. We don't want that. None of us do, right?"

He amazingly dodged Misa's kick and then grabbed her forearm. He grinned at her, and she wasn't comfortable. He was close. TOO close.

"Get away from me," Misa struggled, but he was strong. She slapped him with her free hand, but that just angered him more. He then grabbed Misa's other arm and kept her in place, grinning wickedly. She couldn't move.

"Get her leg," said the first man

Misa kicked, but while her leg lay in midair, another man had held it in place. She couldn't move. She couldn't attack.

"This is why I hate men," she growled angrily, thinking of a way to free herself

"Yes," the first man replied, leaning in closer. Misa tilted her head back. "You are troublesome. Why don't we just end all that trouble?"

Another man appeared, and then Misa wondered just how many men there were.

The third man held something that glinted when the artificial light shone on it. As he approached, Misa knew that it was the blade of a knife.

"I'm sure your folks would pay a hefty amount for a ransom," he said "Because if they don't," he held his knife up and it became clear and much more distinguishable under the light.

"You get it, right, girlie?"

Misaki gritted her teeth.

She heard a rustle, then something passed by. Whatever passed by was quick, and soon, pushed the third man onto his back.

The knife was thrown into the air, and it landed on a bench a few feet away.

The second man who had been holding Misa's leg in place released to fight back the newcomer. As soon as he released his grip, Misa brought her leg down and the back of her shoe collided with the crown of the man's head.

The second man rubbed his head angrily and was about to attack but the newcomer flipped him. He then turned to the first man and said,

"Don't touch her just because she looks cute,"

Misa instantly hit the man as soon as he turned away and released his grip on her.

Police sirens rang, and the three men hastily tried to run. A few policemen instantly caught them, and escorted them to their vehicles.

A nearby officer reported on his radio that the wanted men were captured, and all were fine. He thanked the newcomer.

"Thank you for helping us, Usui, sir."

The newcomer, the one called Usui, nodded in reply and the police left. Misa sighed and leaned on the vending machine. Her captors were wanted men?

Usui grinned and turned to face Misa. He ran a hand through his hair and put his face close to hers.

"Aren't you glad I saved you?" he asked cockily. Misa frowned.

How cliche. A man saving a woman from a bunch of thugs and expecting her to fall in love with him.

"Yes, thank you." she replied, walking away quickly. She turned around once she realized that Usui was following her.

"What do you want?" she asked grumpily. Usui laughed and smiled. "Perverted stalker," she mumbled and crossed her arms over her chest.

Usui laughed again. "What were you doing alone at this time, anyway?"

Misa grunted. She turned away.

"You owe me for saving you. Besides, maybe I can help."

Misa turned around and sighed. She hated owing people. It reminded her of her past. She didn't like burdening people, unlike her father. She might as well tell him, after all, what could he do?

And so Misa explained.

"Mom?" Misa asked her mother. She was staying home during the weekend, as Suzuna was on a field trip with her classmates.

"By the way," Misa looked around "Where's dad? I haven't seen him since yesterday afternoon."

"That's what I want to talk to you about." Mrs. Ayuzawa said. She relaxed herself and explained to Misa calmly.

"You know your father. He has a habit of gambling. Well, last night he went out again. He gambled a lot, and started to owe people. Last night, everyone asked him for payment. He didn't have money, so he fled. He left us with the debt, Misa."

Misa tensed up. They had never been rich, but with this debt, they were in trouble. She knew that the debt was huge, even if her mother didn't say so.

"So," she said slowly, trying to contain her voice. She hated her father now. How could he just leave without a goodbye then force the rest of the family on paying the debt? They had no choice anymore! She hated him. She hated all men. They were all alike, weren't they?

"Things will be harder, then?"

"I see," Usui said calmly, nodding his head. Misa was getting annoyed. Why did he act as if he understood?

"Now, I will make a pact with you, okay?" Usui told Misa. She was curious. "If I pay your debt, will you be my own little personal maid?"

Misa knew it was tempting, but being this stranger's maid? How could she? But she couldn't let her family suffer for her selfishness. Besides, how did she know he could actually pay all that money?

She sighed. "Fine, here's my answer."

YAY! Chapter one is done. Please tell me what you think. Was it bad? Good? Horrible? Nice? Interesting? All reviews and comments are appreciated. I'll update again next week.

Well, I apologize if it seems boring, but give me a chance. I'll try to make it as wonderful as possible. I'm sure you already know Misa's answer, right?

Read and Review, people. Don't just Read and Run. ^_^