Disclaimer: I do not own Bleach. I wish I do.


A bead of sweat formed in Yumichika's forehead as Rangiku towered over him.

"The hell, Yumichika, take off my bra already!"

He choked at how straightforward she was. It was unnerving. But he obliged nonetheless. He knew what was next, and somehow it scared him.

"Well?" demanded Rangiku. "The panties should come off too, you know."

And the panties came off.

"There," said Yumichika breathlessly. "Now, I think I should--"

"You're not getting off of this situation any time soon," said Rangiku, as she held Yumichika firmly by the wrist.

"What the hell--"

"Next time, don't you ever wear my clothes again!"

A/N: I dunno if you got that or what, I just felt like publishing it xD Please review, anyway :) Thanks for reading!