A/N-So, I was on YouTube the other day and I fell in love with this great Fake Movie Trailer that was mixing my current two favorite shows…One Tree Hill and Life Unexpected…it was done by LeytonTLA86 and it's call Father Unexpected…anyways, I got permission to make it into a story and I hope that I do well.

This is my first Leyton story so hopefully I will suffice…I've added some twists as well especially with some characters from Tree Hill so hopefully everyone will be happy.


Chapter One: Unexpected Surprise

There are times in someone's life that they think they can't survive the day. They are so tired of everything in their life that they finally think enough is enough and they try and do something about it. It makes it more bearable when you have friends to help you along the way…at least it does for Gracyn Scott when she has her best friend Samantha Baker by her side.

Gracyn and Sam are sitting on the back porch of Sam's house sitting and talking.

"So, are you really going to do it?" Sam asks her blonde haired friend.

"I don't have a choice Sam. I'm just done living how I am living. Anything is better than living in foster care. You of all people should know that."

"Grace, sometimes you get lucky…I did."

"Sam, you have been my best friend since I was 8 and you have always been lucky, me not so much."

Sam nods her head and takes a sip of her soda.

"What do you want for your birthday?" Sam asks.

"To be emancipated."

Sam laughs and bumps shoulders with her friends.

"Besides that Grace."

Gracyn looks at her friend with a sad smile.

"I want what you have…a family."

Gracyn and Sam stayed silent for the longest time until Sam spoke up again.

"Who are your parents?"

Gracyn pulls out a piece of paper from her pocket.

"Um…Peyton and Lucas."

Sam nods her head.

"That sounds familiar," Sam shrugs her shoulders and sighs.

"Everything sounds familiar to you Sam."

Gracyn and Sam just laugh it off.

Lucas Scott walked into his living room with a basketball in his hands. His brother Nathan had come and asked if he wanted to play. Nathan was currently waiting in his living room.

"Are you ready to go man?" Nathan asks.

Lucas nods his head and passes the ball to Nathan.


As Nathan and Lucas walked down the street Nathan is asking him question.

"So, when is Peyton coming home?"

"She should be here in a few days."

Nathan nods his head and bounces the ball.

"How has the new relationship working out?"

Lucas smiles.

"It's working well. It took us awhile, but it's working out great."

"I'm happy for you man. I mean it. You deserve to be happy."

Lucas smiles and nods his head. Both men approach the basketball court and Nathan passes the ball to Lucas.

"Are you ready to lose big brother?" Nathan asks with a smirk.

Lucas smiles.

"Bring it on little brother."

Lucas checks the ball and they begin a game of one on one.

Gracyn walks into her current foster home with a sad sigh. She couldn't even remember these people's names. It has been her 2nd foster home this year. Soon she was turning 16 and hopefully a judge will give her emancipation so she won't have to be a ward of the states anymore.

"GRACYN, GET IN HERE!" a female voice yells from the kitchen.

Gracyn slowly makes her way to the kitchen and stands there with her arms crossed over her chest.

"What do you want?" Gracyn asks.

The middle aged woman looks up from the stove and towards Gracyn.

"Where have you been?"

"Like you care," Gracyn says with a roll of her eyes.

"Whether I care or not doesn't matter."

Gracyn scoffs.

"Yeah, that's right you just want the money from the states don't you."

The woman without a name—in Gracyn's mind—glares at her.

"The state doesn't pay me enough to take care of you."

"Yeah, well in a few days you don't have to worry about it because than I will be emancipated," Gracyn says before exiting the kitchen.

"Good luck."

Nathan and Lucas walked into Lucas' house after their basketball game and Lucas grabbed a couple of waters for them. Nathan was sitting on the couch when Lucas walked back into the living room.

"So, has Peyton said why she and Brooke left in the first place? I mean they got back like a few weeks ago and apparently Brooke is married and has a kid."

Lucas shrugs his shoulders.

"I'm not sure. She told me she was scared, but she loves me. There wasn't much I could do. I love her too man. I just have this feeling that she is hiding something from me and as for the whole Brooke issue that kind of through me for a loop."

Nathan laughs and nods his head.

"So, her and her new husband, Julian Baker adopted this 15 year old girl…whom I still haven't met. It's just a little weird I guess, but I always saw Brooke as the motherly type."

"I'm sure we will know more about it later."

The door bell rings and Lucas and Nathan look at each other.

"You expecting anybody?" Nathan asks.

Lucas shakes his head.


"If it's a girl scout I want cookies."

Lucas laughs and opens the door. A blonde haired girl was behind the door looking a little apprehensive.


"Hi," Gracyn responds.

"Are you a girl scout or something because if you are my brother wants cookies?"

Gracyn laughs and shakes her head.

"I'm not a girl scout…I'm Gracyn…I'm your daughter."

A/N-There is the first chapter. How am I doing so far and should I continue with this story? Remember to check out LeytonTLA86's video Father Unexpected and comment on it. The link to the video is on my profile and I will post it here just in case…REVIEW PLEASE!!!!
