Disclamier: Do. Not. Own

A/N: I hope this lives up to expectations and you enjoy it. It's a little later than I planned but longer than what I first intended. Unbeta'd so please notify me to any mistakes.

Please Review!

Giving Akkarins arm a final touch, Sonea stepped shakily away from the small bed as Vinara opened her eyes and looked to her with a confirming nod. She removed her hand from Akkarins chest and began snapping instructions to one of her young Healers, who stood close by the door watching the room apprehensively. Sonea took the moment to turn from the rooms occupants and collect herself. Her nerves and emotions were in shambles and she felt as though a nest of faren had hatched within her stomach.

'This is happening,' she thought unbelievingly, pressing her palms against her cheeks. She frowned in surprise when she felt the trail of fresh tears there. She hadn't realised she had been crying and didn't know whether it was in joy or fear. Both perhaps. A horrible complex mixture of the two that had her hands shaking and stomach swirling. She was glad for both though, both meant she still cared, that after everything, she was still there. She heard Vinara rustling around the room behind her giving out orders and felt a wave of gratitude and respect towards her, knowing that if she were alone she would've been at a loss. She felt rather weak and helpless listening to her, envying her experience to deal with such situations and there was longing there to do the same; to be able to handle situations with a calm and collected mind, ordering unflinchingly with such confidence that none questioned her authority.

'She's so strong.'

She needed to be strong too. For herself and for Akkarin. His presence within the room seemed to have intensified from the moment he began to waken. Whereas before he had merely been a occupant to the room, to Sonea, he had almost become as much apart of the room as the small cabinet and wooden chair yet within a few short minutes he had separated himself from the usual quiet and reinforced his being in the waking world, he was Akkarin again. He was here and he was coming back. He was back.

She could do this. She would.

Taking a deep, cleansing breath, she drew strength from Akkarins enhanced presence and turned to face the room once more, just in time to see the young Healer speaking with Vinara nod her head and flee the room, parchment in hand. Her mentor remained and moved around Akkarins bed, reaching under the irons frames to rise the upper section of the mattress up, murmuring softly to him whilst doing so.

"There now, you'll feel much more comfortable sitting after all the time you've spend sleeping, Akkarin."

With a sharp click the iron frame snapped into place and locked, positioning Akkarin's torso upright at a secure slant, although he groaned softly as his muscles pulled and stretched uncomfortable at the new position, the skin around his eyes tightened as he winced. Vinara propped his head up with pillows before moving towards the rooms cabinet, easing Sonea aside, out of the way as she did so, all business, her mouth a fine, determined line.

Sonea barely noticed her.

Seeing him sitting upright in the light of the room, it struck her how much Akkarin had changed in the weeks he'd been bedridden and unconscious, unaware of the world and himself. He is not the High Lord she once feared, she realised, taking in the tight skin around his cheek bones. She'd stopped seeing him as such because he is no longer that man in title nor being. In the faint, dimmed light of Vinara's globe she somehow sees him more clearly than she has in months despite spending each day and night with him, paying attentive, almost delicate detail to him. He hasn't exactly lost that heavy, authoritative allure yet there is just something missing, something almost off-putting. He may feel like before but he certainly doesn't appear so and she suspects many would agree. His high cheek bones have become prominent due to his weight loss and his skin has an unhealthy paleness to it that almost makes him glow in the thin light. His dark hair is longer and tousled, lank against his forehead, it tumbles down to spread over his neck and pillows and his arms too are thinner, the muscle having decreased to the point where she can make out his wrist bone under the stretch of skin.

But he is still very much Akkarin; those are his lips and lashes, that strong jaw and elegant nose have not changed.

And yet she is hesitant to approach him.

Was he truly the same? Would he still be the man she had gotten to know, who she spent her exile with, the one she respected and admired, the man she had began to love or would he have changed, would he regret it now that he had returned to Imardin, to the Guild, to the judging eyes of the Houses or would he remain the same. Would he remember the Invasion as he had within that brief touch of his mind she had felt and hate her…Lords, what if he remembered nothing of their exile, their time together-


Startled, she jumped as Vinara lay a gentle hand on her shoulder, looking at her with curiosity, she pushed a large glass of cool, clear liquid into her hands.

"Give this to him, he needs it to help re-hydrate the walls of his throat, to help him speak."

Panicking, Sonea shook her head furiously, emitting a strained, soft whine, declining; she almost cried when Vinara frowned in confusion and continued to push the glass into her hands persistently.

"No, No, Vinara, please. I can't. I can't. Just not-not yet. Please." she pleaded in whispers, all too aware of Akkarins alertness as he shifted slightly on the bed.

Reluctantly backing off, the elder woman sighed, her eyes flashing in disappointment as she turned towards Akkarin and made her way to his side.

"Akkarin," she called gently, reaching out to touch his arm, "I need you to drink this," and she raised the rim of the glass to his closed lips which he opened hesitantly, as though unsure. The glass clinked sharply as his bottom teeth touched the rim. His eyes remained lightly shut and his hands by his sides; completely entrusting Vinara with himself.

"It will help your throat so you may speak once more. I dare say there's a lot to be said." Vinara continued softly and slowly tilted the glass until the liquid reached his lips and at once Akkarin began to drink greedily, as though a man dieing of thirst, he gulped down the fluid until not a drop was left. Sonea watched transfixed, as his throat flexed and contracted as he swallowed. It was a little over whelming to see his body move so animatedly after so long of watching carefully for flinches and twitches. Those small signs had brought such relieved delight and hope and now…now here he sat, moving slowly and sluggish, awake though he moved as though still within a dream.

It was so very like one of her own dreams that she felt a childish panic for a brief moment that it actually was and that she would wake by his sleeping side with a sore back.

A sudden rough, broken cough drew her from such maddening unnecessary thoughts and towards Akkarin who had attempted too soon to speak. Vinara returned the glass to its place in the cabinet, giving Sonea's arm a tight comforting squeeze as she passed.

- 'He'll be as right as rain soon. Though I'm not so certain about you. You seem pale.'

- 'I'm fine.' Sonea sent her in return and brushed her hand off as she stepped away, reluctant to let the Healer know of her inner turmoil.

Vinara seemed to see right through her lie and shot her an unconvinced glare.

"I know it is tempting," she directed to Akkarin, sighing yet choosing to ignore Sonea as she sorted through the cabinet, "But do not reach for your power-store just yet or attempt to heal away any ailments you have. Your body has been healing naturally and it has done splendid work. The best option would be to continue letting it do as such. Let me handle the rest."

Akkarin nodded jerkily in understanding, not knowing Vinara did not see with her back turned and continued to swallow reflexively, meditating on regaining his speech.

Watching him, Sonea wondered if he even knew she was there. Was he angry that she wasn't talking to or helping him and if he did notice, did he care? She wished she still had her blood-ring: it remained in her cloak pocket in the neighbouring room. It could have acted as a source of comfort even if it would have been an invasion of Akkarins privacy. With consuming force the desire to reach out and touch him, to let him know that she was there, rose like a burning flame and she felt tears prickle her eyes. But what if he did not want her there, would she be able to handle his rejection and hate or less cruel yet just as bad, would he be the same towards her as before in the presence of the Guild…

Did it truly matter, she found herself thinking as she slowly stepped towards the bed.

After everything, all that they had been though and done together, did it really matter whether or not Akkarin remained the same towards her. She found herself taking a step back, out of her usual self and found herself strangely open minded to the whole situation.

Her and Akkarin had not always been close, she had hated him and she had been nothing but a mere slum girl turned novice to him, an oddity that had fluttered in and out of his life for a period. How or why or even when everything changed still remained a mystery to her yet it did change and they had found one another at a time when they both needed it.

He truly was a wondrous man. A passionate and determined one who fought for what he believed in, who gave so much, that he was willing to die for what he held dear. Such strength had always been present, she had once feared his mere being due to it, yet she had been blind to the man underneath that cold allure. Perhaps that was when things changed; after Akkarin told her his past and reasons for learning Black Magic; he lowered himself from the pedestal he was placed upon and showed her that he was human, a man, just like any other, who made mistakes and felt regret, who cared and was capable of love.

He had shown her that too, she mused, approaching the bed silently once more. He had shown them all, her in more ways than some yet his true nature had been revealed and he was a creature of complex beauty that she simply wanted to forever have around her. She loved him. She had for quite some time and even though she could not pinpoint it, she had been devoted to him for longer. He had once stood before her and told her he too loved her. He had shared his mind with her, shared his warmth and touch with her, his very breath and sweat. He had made her feel loved and gloriously woman. And if all that were to be made void…what of it, would she still continue to love him?

Reaching his bedside, Sonea paused.

'Yes' she thought simply. She would continue to love him. They had shared and given so much that she would never forget any of it; he would forever hold a place within her heart even if such feelings were not returned. They both survived. Akkarin was alive and breathing, returning to them and how could she ever deny him his anger when it was so very understandable.

Vinara continued her search through the supplies until she rose with sigh of relief, a small vial of thick brownish fluid in hand. Making her way to Sonea's side she pushed her once again aside and behind her as she spoke to Akkarin.

"Right, now lets see. A good dose of this will ease the muscle cramps your due to experience and most other pains you may feel due to being bedridden for so long,"

At this Akkarin tried to interrupt, most likely to question just how long, Sonea guessed, but to her amusement he was silenced with Vinara's long index finger being pressed against his month.

"Don't, " she warned sternly before removing her finger and replacing it with the vial. "Drink." she ordered. As with before, Akkarin gulped it down and grimaced slightly at the taste and texture.

"Now, Akkarin, can you open your eyes?"

He hesitated and Sonea watched the muscles in his neck contract. They waited in silence for a moment until,

"No-" His voice was a harsh, broken whisper and Sonea's felt her gathering tears fall. Her hand rose to reach for him but Vinara beat her to it and she lightly, with all the care of a Healer, pressed her finger tips to his closed sockets and sent a wash of energy towards were it was needed.

Sonea waited anxiously behind her, watching attentively at each small movement of Akkarins face and body, drinking him in, both pleasure and worry causing her hands to shake.

'This is it.'

A knock at the door signalled the return of the young Healer that Vinara had sent out earlier yet Sonea couldn't take her eyes from Akkarin.

Vinara removed her hands and dimmed her globe light as she moved it to the corner of the room,

"Don't be too brash now," she told him, watching with a critical eye has he slowly eased his eyes open. "They'll be sensitive."

Sonea couldn't breath. She felt like running from the room and grabbing Akkarin at the same time. She wanted to see his eyes again. Weren't they dark brown? She panicked, or was it dark green? Blue?

Nonsense, she thought, shaking her head forcefully. She was being foolish. Lord's, Akkarin would tease her for it…or he once would have, she added sadly.

A brush of cloth next to her made her glance and she met the concerned eyes of Rothen. Confused, she was about to question him when she realised he must have arrived with the Healer; Vinara had told her she'd alerted the Higher Magician's to Akkarins progress. And Rothen, dear, sweet, fatherly, Rothen was now Head of Alchemy-

His hand brushed hers reassuringly and she gave him a watery smile in thanks, knowing he was there for her and her alone. She held his hand and squeezed tightly, returning her gaze to Akkarin.

Only to find his dark eyes watching her.

Her breath fled her lungs and she gasped, eyes widening, his name on her tongue when he blinked and his gaze pasted over her to Vinara and Rothen in turn. He frowned and shook his head as though to clear it. Underneath the blankets, he was moving his toes.

"Hazy" he croaked and closed his eyes tightly. Vinara nodded in understanding and informed him that it would take a moment for his sight to adjust. Akkarin sighed, a odd dry sound and reopened his eyes, first the left then right and Sonea could see that they were, indeed, unfocused and unusually blank.

"Anything else apart from your eyes? Any other ailments, minor or detrimental?" Vinara muttered.

Akkarin shook his head and remained staring, a deep frown creasing his brow, a grimace to his lips. Sonea could feel her knees shaking as she watched him. Her nest of faren creatures had returned and threatened to crawl up her throat.

'Please.' she silently begged him. 'Please. Please. Look at me. See me. I'm here, I always have been.'

Rothen brushed his thumb across her knuckles in comfort yet it did nothing to help her.

Slowly, Akkarin's eyes began to refocus with each blink and Sonea shamefully wished he could hurry up, she longed for closure, for a chance to talk, for him.

'If he looks to me with hate and anger,' she instructed herself, breathing deeply, 'then so be it. I will tell him all that he wishes to hear and then…we shall see…'

However she could not stop the tears from falling and trailing down her cheeks and she lowered her head in an attempt to hide them.

Why did she have to be so emotional where Akkarin was concerned.

She forced herself to breathe; inhale, exhale, repeat and pushed the panic and fear down with a small wash of magic, instantly feeling the difference, she felt lighter and stronger; more like herself yet the crying continued, uncontrolled; it felt a relief to let them fall silently.

There was a rustle of movement and a broken, harsh whisper and she fell apart at her name being ripped from his lips.


He'd felt her in the room the moment he awoke.

Sonea's unique presence had burned itself deep into his senses and he could feel her there even though she had backed away from him and remained silent. He was not angry nor upset with her doing so, relieved possibility, that she was not fussing over him and letting Vinara work; he wanted up, he wanted to be able to speak and see as soon as possible and with Vinara fluttering about him knew he would not have to wait long. Sonea's interference would have only prolonged Vinara's progress. Sonea would know as such, she was a Healer by heart if not by title. However he was not blind to the inch of disappointment curling through his stomach.

It was a relief to sit, to have his back arched that small degree and feel the tinge of mixed pain and pleasure as his muscles stretched. Throughout his body, his bones ached and muscles stung in the first tingles of cramping yet he couldn't find it within himself to care. He was confused, unsure of how he had gotten there; he had been injured, that much was clear and he could tell that he had been recovering for a very long time, the stiffness of his muscles reminding him at each attempt to move. Casting his mind back he was greeted with simple darkness and fog, tenderly laced with the fading flickers of dreams and distorted memories; he reached out and grabbed one that drew his attention with a familiar face.

Kariko, sneering down upon him, his dark hand raised to finish him as he lay in a pool of his own blood.

Yes, he had been injured. From the memory the glittering gems of the knife imbedded within his chest shone.

Yet he was still alive and Kariko…the Ichani were gone.

The memory was short and soon faded from his grasp back into the fogy depths of his mind. It was unpleasant to remember being so weak and helpless, to be at the mercy of his enemy on the brink of death-

-Tendons of darkness wrapping firmly around him, caressing him, encaging him within a void of nothingness and shadow, alone and confused, trying, trying, trying desperately to remember and make sense of how or why-and his heart was beating and pumping, his senses taking the room in around him, he wasn't alone, her mind was brushing his, just outside consciousness, her hand on his-and he smiled within the darkness of their room, sighing in pleasure at her soft meows and heated breath on his face, the sun setting through the window, beautifully tranquil and right and unreal-

Unease filled him and he returned to the room as Vinara instructed him to drink and discouraged him from touching his power source. His eyes still remained heavy with lassitude and it was tempting to simply heal it away. He knew Sonea was there, he could feel her and it killed him not to see her. To literally be left in the dark and out of the loop.

Was she well, was she all right and healthy. Had she too been injured? He could not remember, she had been exhausted and pale, panicked and full of despair in his memories of her.

Vinara left his side once more and Akkarin could feel Sonea's eyes watching him, yet he had no knowledge as to what she was feeling or if she was even as he remembered her. How long had passed since the Invasion, how long had been dreaming.

Lord's the remaining flashes of his dreams teased him; impossible combinations of desires and longings editing his memories, making his head buzz with confusion, not knowing what was real and what as purely from his own selfish mind. Within them all, Sonea was well, was happy and content; that spitfire, full of fierceness and determination, dark eyes and pale lips. His mind's image of her remained the same and he felt the fear that she had somehow changed in the time he had been recovering and moved on with her life. Yet there were ghosts of warmth on his skin that told him his worries were for not.

'She never left me.'

Small steps towards as bed confirmed it. Yet he found it hard to smile and put it down to his unused facial muscles.


His vision was blurred and with each blink Akkarin felt as though his eyes were covered in sand, the discomfort burning enough to make them water, however he could see somewhat, enough to know that three people stood around him and that Vinara's magic was taking effect. The faces were distorted yet the colours remained and he could make out Vinara's green healing robes in the, thankfully, dimmed light and the dark purple of an Alchemist who he took to be Sarrin due to the darker sash. Sonea was harder yet easier to make out, it was her pale face that drew his attention and only after focusing could he make out her darker robes in the dim. With only her complexion and blurred body language to go by, it was enough, and he could see that she was too pale, frail and to his surprise, she was crying, her head lowered, shoulders jerking.

Relief clashed with grief at that sight of her and he could not submerge the longing to reach out to her through his pain, ignoring the stiff protests of his muscles; they had loosened enough under the effects of Vinara's last potion and he could move his cold toes.

"Sonea." he whispered, his voice cracked with disuse yet filled with a longing he hoped she would recognise.

With a sob, she looked to him, blinking tears, her lips parting in a soft sigh of held breath. Through blurred eyes she took in his out-stretched hand reaching for her and slowly, tentatively as though expecting him to snap it back, she too reached for him, letting Rothen's hand drop silently to his side.

A small step forward and she was there, by his side once more and grasping his hand tightly, the warmth of her making Akkarin's stomach jerk pleasantly and his chest tighten with suppressed emotion. At her shaking touch, his lips quirked into a small, content smile. Sonea's cheeks were flushed, her eyes rimmed red and slightly swollen, a trail of tears marrying their way down to drop from her chin.

"Akkarin," she breathed, staring at him and their entwined hands in disbelief and awe.

Those dark eyes remained the same, he noticed, her voice though weak and low, was as he remembered, her petite frame and pale skin; all the same, she shone to him as she had done before and he pulled her hand to his dry lips, placing a linger kiss to her knuckles, ignorant to the others present within the small room, they could be thanked and dealt with later. Sonea however, could not. With his eyes, refocused and clear, he thanked her from his heart, hoping she could understand and see.

- "Thank you," he told her, opening his mind and letting her sense his thoughts and feel his gratitude,

- "Thank you, Sonea. Thank you. You wonderful woman…thank you…"

She could feel his dishevelled mind and his confusion,, his joy and relief as well as his concern and love for her all at once and over whelmed, she broke; the choking tightness within her chest increased and she threw her arms tightly around his shoulders, sobbing into his neck, comforted when she felt him attempt to wrap his arms around her.

It felt so good to hold him again, to feel the rise and fall of his chest against her breast as his breath touched against her neck. His warm body and arms settled around her and she felt a great sense of security and protection as his presence washed over her. She felt safe and not so alone anymore. She had dreamt about this for so long that it didn't truly feel real. But it was, she told herself and through her tears and turning emotions, she smiled happily, breathing a laugh which Akkarin shared.

Watching them, Rothen felt his heart throb painfully and a great sense of unease rose within his chest. It was unsettling to see Akkarin holding his Sonea, his little girl; he couldn't remember a time he'd seen Akkarin greet anyone with anything more than a brief, professional handshake or nod. It only confirmed his fears but seeing Sonea smile and hearing her laugh, he couldn't bring himself to interfere in their reunion.

Catching his eye, he saw Vinara give him a understanding nod as she stepped away from the bed. He followed her to the door, noticing that the other younger Healer had left.

"I think that clears a few things up, don't you." she murmured quietly, watching for his reaction. He merely nodded and continued to watch as Akkarin moved closer to Sonea and closed his eyes against her neck.

"I…had my suspensions, I cannot say I am truly surprised. Worried. Quite bewildered and slightly angry but…" he paused, wondering just how much the elderly Healer by his side knew and realised.

"I have watched her from the beginning, Rothen," she concurred softly, "I've seen enough to understand and I've had the time to contemplate and accept it. Though I fear for them, not many others will be so open minded and understanding."

"I know."

"Their situation is direr and delicate enough as it is without any other issues adding to them."

"I know, Vinara. Trust me, I've lost many nights of sleep worrying and fearing this."

"She was his novice, you know the-"

"Yes," he hissed, getting angry with her unneeded persistence, "I understand all too well yet I find it hard to care when I see her so happy. After everything, she deserves some peace and settlement."

She continued to watch him with her calculating gaze, her mouth a stern line. Running her eyes over him once last time, she shot the couple one last look laced with pity before turning from his side.

"Call me, and me alone, if there are any other problems, Akkarin, Sonea. Lord Rothen and I have a meeting to attend." Throwing Rothen one last stern look over, she strode from the room, shaking her head.

Akkarin slowly released Sonea, who hastily wiped away her tears as though just noticing them as she looked to him. Akkarins dark eyes moved over his face in surprise and Rothen found his confusion lightly amusing,

'A lot as changed since his return' he thought, giving Sonea a small smile, 'He has a lot to be informed of.'

Deciding it best to let Sonea have the time she'd desired for so long to talk to Akkarin, Rothen nodded politely to him, eyeing him cautiously.

"Call me if you need anything, Sonea. I'm never far."

She nodded and turned her gaze back to Akkarin and he took this as a dismissal.

He did not want to keep the other Higher Magicians waiting. Nor Darryl or Dorrien for that matter.

It was late and he knew he would not sleep this night. Perhaps it had been a mistake to accept their offer; being a Head of Discipline was draining enough without Sonea to watch over.


"I'm sorry," Sonea gushed as the door shut softly behind Rothen and Akkarin turned back to her, "Akkarin, I-the invasion, I didn't leave I-I did but it was to-"

He cut her off with a tug on her arm, urging her to sit on the bed with him. He hadn't understood or liked the anger in Rothen's eyes but didn't wish to dwell on it, Sonea demanded his attention as she started to tear up once more. Silly girl, he thought and lifted a hand to her cheek in a caress that seemed to do more harm than good.

"I'm sorry." she whispered, leaning into his touch. It pulled at his chest to see her so frail, he had never seen her as such in the time he'd known her; her upbringing in the harshness of the Slums had always been present in her fierceness and determination making her a strong woman and to see her crying…it tore something within him and the need to comfort and return her to her formidable glory swam through his veins.

"Sonea," he called softy, his voice still not returned to it's usual silken tones, "What could you have done that requires your apologises."

Her eyes widened suddenly and her tears eased as she removed her cheek from his hand to look at him.

"Akkarin," she began tentatively, "What exactly do you remember? Do you-do you remember the invasion? Facing Kariko?"

"Yes," he nodded, frowning in concentration as he thought back, "I remember fighting by you and then…I was injured, Kariko's blade-how did-"

"He tricked us, Akkarin," she told him bitterly, "He threw it to the ground and rose it as we passed over it. You were…stabbed in the chest…"

"I remember…I couldn't move." No, the pain had been too sudden and intense. He could vaguely remember pulling her down as he collapsed and then-what…lights-no, the flare of heat-strikes and the intensity of force-strikes passing against the sky… He sent Sonea the image, asking for confirmation and she hummed in reply, resending her own image of the same memory only it was from her point of view and much clearer.

"Rothen and Lord Balkan stood above us with Dorrien. When they'd seen that you were injured they combined their remaining strength to hold off the Ichani…I was too-I couldn't…there was so much blood, Akkarin."

She broke off, turning from his piecing gaze, guilt and shame twisting her stomach unpleasantly. How had she found the strength to pull herself from him that day, how had she left not knowing she would make it back in time; it had been a stupid, daring risk that had, thankfully, paid off but what if it hadn't. These were not her first thoughts on the matter, her dreams had been plagued by them for weeks. The horrible truth was that she truly believed that she would have given up on life if she hadn't Akkarin to watch over and return to. She couldn't imagine handling her situation as well and calm as she had without him to come back to at night to anchor her. She had suffered depression in the weeks from the invasion yet it hadn't consumed her, thanks to Akkarins still presence within his small room.

He had saved her as much as she had saved him the day of the invasion.

Reaching out, Akkarin brushed her mind with his own, concern edging his presence.

"I made a foolish decision that day, Akkarin, and I'm sorry for it." she answered his prods softly, a sad smile gracing her lips, "I did leave you there. I left you dieing and at Kariko's mercy under the weak protection of Balkan and Rothen."

-And then he was there again, the day of the invasion, watching through Sonea's eyes as she looked from his bloodied, fallen form to the three magicians above. Through their connection he could distantly feel the panic and horror she had felt then, the confusion and sudden determination as she pushed herself to her feet and away from him.

"I had to, Akkarin, I could see no other way. I took the last resort and made for the Arena."

-A glimpse of the looming shadow of the Arena and the immerse flow of power running through her fingertips, quaking her bones and making her skin hum as it swan through her veins.

"Kariko…he must had thought you dead for he did not touch you after I had left. He was about to though as I reached you…"

"Yes," he replied, lost in memories, sense and order restoring itself within his mind's hallways; frames appeared and snapped into place in order of events. With a wash of finality he realised, with the last frame and memory, that he had passed out and been restored from the brink by Sonea. She had saved him. Within himself, he had known as such deep down, buried beneath the layers of darkness and distorted dreams.

"I tore through Kariko as he rose his hand to finish you and once I reached you, I healed you as best I could and forced you back to life…I'm sorry, Akkarin."

"Don't be ridicu-" he began to argue when cold realisation settled in.

Sonea watched as his face went slack for a heartbeat and then he was once again holding her tightly,

"Sonea, you silly girl, I am the one who should be apologising!" he whispered feverishly into her hair, bewildered she could only gladly return his hold, "I am the one who needs to apologise, I was the one who left. This whole ordeal was my burden to bare and I dragged you into it. That is something I will never forgive myself for and in the end, I fell and left it upon your shoulders to finish."

"Not this again, Akk-"

"No! This is different." He pulled away to look into her eyes, "How long, Sonea? How long have you sat by me, worrying and making yourself ill."

"I am not ill." She protested but it failed to deter him. He was getting angry as she'd suspected he would but his anger was turned towards himself.

It was oddly bizarre to be sitting there arguing together as they once had before. She wasn't frightened by the anger on his face or the waves of displeasure and self-hate he radiated. It was comforting in a strange way.

"I was our burden to share, Akkarin, I made it mine with the decision to help you. I'm not going through all this again when there's nothing to be done about it now."

He stared at her for the longest time, simply tracing her face with his eyes, the intensity of his gaze making her shiver and blush.

"We're both alive." she whispered, "You survived and the Ichani are gone…it's over…"

'It's over'

Years of solitude spent suffering and fighting in silence. The burden he'd carried home from the depths of Sachaka, it's weight baring down upon his shoulders, he'd carried it alone for years, built his adult self and life around it. What did it mean for him now that it was over…he could not even say that what he felt was a form of relief. He felt shaken, lost in many ways but…he was not alone now. Sonea remained stubbornly by his side…

Sonea could only watch as Akkarin remained silent and withdrew into his own thoughts, his eyes remaining on her yet distant, unseeing. She felt her chest tighten. She did not want silence, not now when it wasn't necessary; she'd spent two months sitting by Akkarin's side in silence.

So, she broke it. She settled herself comfortable on his bed, lifting her right leg up, and she told him of those weeks she had sat there with him.

"You were very unresponsive in the first few weeks after the Invasion. We healed your physical wounds and you were, medically, fine yet your mind…well, we couldn't reach you. It was as though you weren't there and that had truly frightened me." She paused, watching for a response that she never received, she was not, however, deterred, "You were comatose and unreachable until twenty-one days ago when I felt your mind reawaken. You've been sleeping since then, healing and resting and slowly waking. It's been two months since the Ichani invaded and we've done lots so far in terms of rebuilding and restabilising order…"

She told him everything and anything from the essential,

"From what I've been told, the King is taking extra caution concerning Sachaka. He has forbidden merchants from travelling beyond the Steel Belt Ranges and increased security at the remaining forts…Lord Balkan has been made temporary High Lord," She slipped in, wondering how he would react to this. It seemed to draw him back from is thoughts and he looked at her curiously,

"Balkan?" he considered, "Yes, that would be wise. Who is his replacement?"

To her days back at the Guild and her activities since her own recovery, she spoke never really expecting him to answer, simply pleased to be able to talk to him, knowing he heard her,

"I was only exhausted, I had a mere two days rest before I was back on my feet…I've watched over you since…making sure you were all right and well…yes I'm fine now, tired and if not a little ill the odd time but that's expected…Rothen's been made Head of Alchemy, as you saw. He deserves it but I think the extra workload is taking its toll of him…Dorrien is still here, helping with the rebuilding and working the odd hour to make up for the lack of available Healers…Dannyl is still here too…"

Sonea talked for hours, telling him two months worth of information and gossip; her quiet, tender tones filling the silence of the small room. Akkarin was grateful for her and he asked questions here and there which Sonea did her best to answer.

"We're not really apart of the Guild just yet." She told him, "We've not actually been reaccepted as citizens of Imardin…I believe the Higher Magicians were waiting for your return until anything was drawn up."

"We will stood before a Hearing once more, Sonea."

She nodded and sighed,

"I've not thought of much more than having you awaken nor have I tried to find out much about our current standing within the Guild. We just don't have one…I have an escort, though and if I travel during the day I must be in the company of a full Magician…It's quite irritating but sometim- "

Akkarin interrupted her by raising his hand to touch her cheek once more, making her breath catch in her throat and her cheeks flush. He was smirking softly at her, his thumb tracing her lips and-oh! That look-his eyes burning in not-quite lust yet shining all the same. Slowly, softly, ever-so-silently, he eased her face towards his until his breath met hers. She had all but stopped breathing though and he stole whatever she had left by touching his lips to hers, kissing her gently.

"Thank you, Sonea. You've done so better than anyone else could have." He whispered against her and she responded by reaching out to touch his own cheek, feeling the light stubble there.

Together, they sat throughout the night, unseeing as the moon passed and starlight waned, talking, familiarising themselves with the other, both grateful for the others presence and warmth. She told him everything and he listened intently, taking in each detail of her face and when he noticed the dark circles under her eyes, he stopped her chatter and told her to sleep.

"Rest," He said, pulling her small frame onto the bed by his side, "It's late and we can talk more in the morning." Then he added, smirking, "I'll take watch."

Sonea complied, laughing slightly at the memory. She pulled her wary self up beside him and he curled around her, tight for room on the small bed. She had never lay there as such and it felt dream-like to do so. Yawning she realised just how exhausted she was.

"I missed you." She told him quietly, turning into his chest and the warmth he emitted. She felt so very safe there, his arms around hers, her joy consumed her and yet, hidden beneath it all, there remained a discomfort; a swirling in her stomach that she chose to ignore.

"I'm glad to be back, Sonea. Now rest."

She did and it didn't take long for sleep to take her tired mind into its warm depths.

Her smile remained and did not diminish.


In the fading darkness of the room, Sonea sleeps soundlessly and dreamlessly; safe and content for the first time in weeks.

Akkarin however, remains awake and still, his muscles throbbing gently from remaining stiffness and lassitude. Within the growing light of dawn, as she sleeps, he lets go and grieves silently. He lets his tears fall, knowing none will see.

He grieves for his losses-Lords, Lorlen! Gone, gone for good, leaving with a smile-and his return, for his failings and achievements-he is alive despite injury, he rose from the darkness to a world without Ichani and burden-but most of all, he grieves for the loss of a man he once knew and was: himself.


