Thank you all so much for the support of this story, please continue to enjoy!
Helia followed the path the team had taken on their mission. He didn't know what trouble they had run into, but it had to be serious if Riven was willing to call him in knowing Helia's limits. The question was why was he calling him in when he should call the school for back up? He increased speed and hoped that sense would be made soon.
Riven watched the stranger's interactions with Harry carefully. He wasn't sure what was going on here, but he knew it couldn't be good. The man was up to something and he didn't know what it was yet… but he would. He was also watching Harry to see his reactions. Harry seemed to be holding his own though he was obviously lost, but Riven could help little there, only one person was holding all the answers and he didn't seem to feel like sharing.
Helia landed his ship a good distance from where the camp was oriented, he didn't want to come in the middle of something and the distance would give him a chance to fully explore the situation. He found the clearing with ease, he also found one of the Freshman knocked out and he made sure that the young man was alright before continuing. This was a simple mission and they did not have the skills to handle a surprise of this size yet.
Helia looked around a tree and saw Harry and Riven standing defensively in front of a large muscular man who seemed a bit unkempt. Helia frowned, why would Riven call him here if there was only one of them? Surely Riven and Harry would be more than enough for one attacker? He held his position and listened, Riven had called him here for a limit and it would only take a little time to find out why that was.
Harry narrowed his eyes at Fenir as he called himself, Harry was frustrated, feeling as though this name should mean something to him, but it didn't. Harry mocked himself, his mother could be standing in front of him and he wouldn't know the difference. A thought fluttered in his head, no…his mother wouldn't be standing in front of him because she was dead….along with his father…he had watched his mother die. Then it all came back.
Fenir smirked as Harry's eyes widened in recognition though he still kept his neutral expression. "You can't hide from me child…I can smell it on you." Fenir growled as he crouched "So now that you remember me you remember what you did don't you?" He laughed and mocked "But the battle isn't done yet kid, someone took Voldemort's place and he has some business with you."
Harry's finger tips tingled with magic. Yes he remembered but he kept his detachment. That was the past, the Wizarding World was his past, and he didn't know what his future was. He certainly wasn't going to live his life being the Wizarding World's attack dog. He began to relax, he couldn't hide that he had remembered forever. He was going to have to get used to denying people what they wanted from him. The first person would be Fenir Greyback.
Riven watched Harry and the changes that slowly overcame him, usually Harry was cold and detached unless a reaction was forced out of him. Riven now saw a confidant and comfortable version of Harry. What had happened? Did he remember his past? What was going to happen now?
Harry smirked at Fenir "I'm afraid that your new master is going to be very disappointed when you return without me. Hopefully his methods aren't as ruthless as Voldemort's was…but you never know maybe he's even harsher after taking his master's place."
Harry had already figured out who had replaced Voldemort, one person whose pride had barely allowed him to bow once in his life would never allow himself to be in that position under another again. "Tell Lucius that he'll have to find someone else to be his arch nemesis."
Fenir growled in annoyance, Harry was correct. Lucius wasn't as cruel as their last master, he was much worse. The constraints of serving one master had gone against his nature and now he was recovering from his shame of bowing to a man who was killed by a child. Fenir shrugged and licked his fangs "Too bad…for you, you'll have to tell him yourself and I can't wait to see his reaction. Maybe he'll rip that soft skin of yours apart and let me have the left overs."
Riven couldn't help but feel a little left out, he wasn't being allowed to participate at all and if he did he decided he would only be disrupting whatever twisted communication was taking place at this moment. He looked around. Helia should have arrived by now, he spotted familiar outline of hair and smiled, yes Helia was doing the same thing he was. Waiting and listening.
Harry wasn't going to show all his tricks yet and pulled out his wand, he didn't need it but it would help him to have some secrets in case this didn't turn out as he planned. "Once again…I'm going to have to decline." He shot a binding spell, there wasn't much that would work against Fenir in this state, but it would be enough to give him time to think of how he was going to deal with him.
Fenir growled as he crashed to the ground but stood up slowly "Don't remember your lessons from Hogwarts child? That's not going to work with me."
Harry smiled and pulled out his sword "It doesn't have to." He had no real desire to kill Fenir, knowing that it would only bring him attention he didn't want or need at the moment, or retribution. Neither of which he wanted, but he would have to get the message out. Harry Potter was no longer interested in being a Savior.
Fenir saw the determination in Harry's eyes and thought that it was an interesting development. He remembered the boy he had fought in the Final Battle before it was down to Harry and Voldemort. The boy, because Fenir really couldn't see him as fully grown yet, had been more than a worthy opponent, but he had no fire no depth. Harry had been a trained killing machine and that was exactly how he had become.
Harry smirked and began to attack with his sword. He didn't know how these weapons would work against a werewolf, but he was going to find out. "I'm not going back." He hissed.
Watching the two fight Riven knew this was about Harry's past, it seemed that Fenir's arrival had done something to remind Harry about his memories. Now whatever he had remembered seemed to spark his determination not to return. Something that hadn't been in Harry's file was going on and Riven wasn't sure what it was.
Helia had checked the perimeter. The students had all been unconscious but unharmed and there were no signs of more enemies waiting. It seemed that whoever Harry was fighting against had decided to come alone. Helia saw no reason to keep his position secret and came out into the clearing. The fight between Harry and the stranger was not something that seemed should be interrupted.
Riven looked up when Helia came to his side and gave his lover a questioning look. Helia shook his head mutely in response. This was not their fight, it seemed as if the outcome would determine the rest of Harry's life and that was not something they had earned a place to decide.
Harry noted Helia's arrival and wondered when that development had happened. He knew that Helia had been there before he had shown himself, but he had no idea how or why Helia had come. The sword was working effectively against Fenir and the other man's stamina was slowly starting to give. Harry wondered if Fenir was at that point when a werewolf's strength began to lessen as they aged. He hoped so, he was done with killing but Fenir was the type who had lost the right to live a long time ago.
Fenir was surprised to find that not only could Harry keep up with him. He was surpassing him. Fenir was an Alpha and had been for many years, though Harry's progress was making him question if he should have passed this mission off to a younger buck and stayed back. He winced as the blade cut across his chest and he fell back against the ground. When had he gotten old?
Harry smirked over Fenir, this would decide it, this action in this moment would decide who he would be in the future. He would not return to being the Golden Boy, he would not go back to the Wizarding world. Now who was he going to be? If he killed Fenir he would have killed a person out of cold blood, his own choice, not the decision made for him by prophesy but his choice alone. Or he could let Fenir live. The choice was his.
Helia saw that this was the pivotal moment and stepped forward placing a gentle hand on Harry's shoulder "He is part of your old life…he has nothing to do with what happens after this."
Those words seemed to be what Harry needed to hear. Harry lowered his sword and backed away his face grim. "You're right Helia." He murmured, Harry was no longer The Boy Who Lived…Fenir was nothing to him. "He is a stranger to me." They all are he finished in his mind. The fact that he had his memories held no power over him.
Helia smiled and motioned to Riven to gather the rest of the students so they could leave. The mission had been completed now they merely needed to return.
The ride back was silent, the freshman had been told that it had been part of a training exercise and all except Harry had failed. No one would know that Harry had regained his memories, Fenir held the knowledge with him, but it was doubtful he would speak of it with his own memories obliviated thanks to Harry.
Harry moved to the back of the ship. The freshman would manage to bring them back to the school. He looked between Helia and Riven; they had both been there for him, helping him clean up the mess from his past. He narrowed his eyes as he looked at them before asking plainly "What do you want from me?"
For a moment there was vulnerability in his eyes as he spoke and Helia and Riven knew that this was their chance to have him. Helia stepped forward and gently caressed Harry's cheek. "We just want you."
Riven came up from behind Harry and blocked them from the view of the freshmen. "We want to protect you." He laid his hands on Harry's shoulders and looked at Helia over Harry's head as they moved as one. Helia brushed his lips against Harry's and Riven's own lips moved down Harry's neck before they pulled away.
Helia caught Harry's gaze and held it as he murmured "We want you to be with us…we want to be there for you, we want to be the reason that you stay." He knew that he was being a bit poetic but he couldn't resist. Harry was a special person and they would all be good together. He and Riven would be fine without him, but who would Harry have then?
Harry cast a quick look on the surprisingly attentive freshmen and then to the rooms in the back for when they slept. His lips curved into a sensual smirk and murmured "You certainly are persistent." He ran his hands through Helia's hair and pulled him in for another kiss before doing the same for Riven. "I suppose we could make an arrangement."
Thank you all so much for reading this story! I hope that you enjoyed it!