Thank you for the alerts and reviews. :)
Chapter Four
"Grassear, Blackstorm, Robinfeather, Crowpelt, and Lynxpaw," Rivershrew called out warriors for the hunting patrol.
Hazekit and AShkit watched as the deputy of THunderClan busily organized patrols.
It had been two moons since Hazekit had met Littlepaw, and Eaglepelt's kits had finally become apprentices. Mapleflower had moved into the nursery, as she had began to have a more heavy belly.
But the nursery was lonely now, and Hazekit often wished Whitepaw were a kit again. Though the white she-cat did still play with Hazekit now and then, she had grown a strong bond with Lynxpaw. Now the two apprentices were almost always together.
"I want Grassear as my mentor," Ashkit mewed, his eyes fixed on the slender gray tom.
Hazekit searched the crowd of warriors for a mentor she'd want, but none came to mind. Goldfur had been friendly. Maybe that was the mentor Hazekit would end up with.
"We'll be apprentices soon, I bet." Ashkit mewed, and he glanced at Forestpaw and Rockpaw. The two apprentices were practicing battle moves together.
"Soon? I want to be one now!" Hazekit protested.
"You sound like a one week old kit," Ashkit grumbled.
Hazekit cuffed her brother lightly over the ear. "Mapleflower's kits will come soon, and then we'll have someone to play with."
"Swiftpaw, Frostsky, and Rockpaw. You three can patrol the WindClan border," Rivershrew instructed.
Rockpaw bounded over to Swiftpaw and her mentor and pricked his ears. "If we spot WindClan, can we attack them?" he asked.
Rivershrew shook her head. "WindClan hasn't been a threat lately."
Rockpaw scruntched up his shoulders. He obviously itched to dig his claws into enemy flesh.
Swiftpaw purred and batted at Rockpaw who jumped back angrily.
Hazekit's eyes widened. Could Swiftpaw actually be trying to make friends with Rockpaw? Good luck, Hazekiy thought bitterly.
"Hi, Hazekit," purred a familiar voice. It was Littlepaw.
"Oh, hi Littlepaw." replied Hazekit as the apprentice sat down next to her.
"I wish you were coming to the gathering tonight," he said, shrugging. "It isn't easy when ShadowClan apprentices end up calling me Mouse-paws."
Hazekit gave Littlepaw a soothing lick at his ear. "Don't worry. I'll be an apprentice soon, and then I can show those ShadowClan apprentices who's boss."
Littlepaw chuckled, and finally grinned.
"Hey, Littlepaw." Ashkit spoke up. "Can you tell us what the leaders say at the gathering? Last moon you said Rainstar was mad at Hollowstar because he thought they had stolen prey."
"Sure, Ashkit," Littlepaw agreed. "But I doubt there will be much talk of that. The two medicine cats talked to over at the half-moon, and they've both tried talking to their leaders."
As the patrols padded out of camp, it became more empty.
"Littlepaw, wanna play ShadowClan battle with us?" Ashkit asked as he bounded into the center of the clearing.
"Sorry, I've gotta go count the stocks," Littlepaw replied, and bounded off.
Did he only check the stocks?
"Thanks for scarying him away." Hazekit glared at Ashkit.
"Scare? I didn't scare him!" Ashkit hissed.
"Littlepaw is an apprentice! He doesn't play nursery games," Hazekit growled.
Ashkit leaped forward, grabbing his sister's soft scruff. The two tumbled in the dust until Creekstep called from the nursery, "Stop fighting! Your pelts are a mess!"
"Mine isn't!" Ashkit mewed, giving his chest a few quick licks.
Hazekit growled.
"Come into the nursery and leave each other alone," Creekstep meowed.
Hazekit shot her brother an annoyed glare. "You started it," she muttered darkly.
Inside the peaceful nursery, Creekstep stroked over her kits and check them.
"Stop licking me!" Ashkit complained.
Hazekit grinned as she watched her brother being tortuted by licks.
"You're next, you know," Ashkit hissed at Hazekit. Finally, his pelt had been cleaned.
"Look, your pad is cut," Creekstep fretted as she held up her son's paw.
"It's nothing." Ashkit pulled away.
"Oh, really?" pressed Hazekit. "Those cuts can get infected. Then you die."
"Hazekit, stop teasing," Creekstep growled softly.
"Get Reedtail to check on it," Mapleflower suggested. "It could be serious." The young queen sat in the shade of the back of the nursery, her gentle green eyes gleaming.
"Mapleflower is right. Go get some herbs from Reedtail- Don't run. You might open up the cut more," Creekstep told Ashkit, who scurried out of the nursery.
"Ashkit started attacking me," Hazekit told her mother as soon as her brother had disappeared.
"Again? You two have been disagreeing like badgers lately." Creekstep sighed.
"Their restless, Creekstep." Mapleflower licked her pelt. "They don't have anyone to play with except each other."
"When your kits come, they will," Creekstep replied to the younger she-cat.
Mapleflower smiled lightly. "And I can't wait until they do come."
Hazekit pricked her ears.
When I become a warrior, my duty will be to my clan and not to the nursery, Hazekit thought, and smiled.
Okay, so review are very much suggested. It really make my day when someone willingly reviews my stories.