Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto.

No one in Konoha would ever question the superiority of his ninja skills. After all, he was the only one would could hold his own against the new, rather young, Hokage. Sure he made a mistake. But it was quickly forgotten. They believed that he was sent on an unranked mission the entire time. He came back to the village as a hero of some sort. The intel he provided and the fact he had killed the Snake Lord only added to this testimony.

His personality, on the other hand, had not changed. He was still infamous for his cold demeanor. His ever stoic face lacked any emotion whatsoever. The villagers may have praised his skills but they shrank away from him. He was put on a pedalstool, so high that they feared him.

But she knew that was all gossip. Hurtful at times, but it was false gossip. She knew the truth.

He wasn't as strong as everyone thought he was. No doubt on a mission, he outranked her. He was faster. He could last longer. In combat he would always win. But she never feared him as the others did. She didn't because she knew that there was nothing to be afraid of.

She saw how loyal he was to Naruto, not that he would ever admit it of course. He never questioned the missions given to him, no matter how easy they may have seemed. She saw how he was nicer to Sakura. After she had saved his life and healed his wounds, he didn't look down on her as he used to. He respected her. She saw how he looked at his former sensei with a little more pride. Kakashi was more of a father figure to him now. Granted their still strained relationship was far from perfect. But she noted how he would seek his mentor out at times. When he returned, his mood was lighter, relieved in a sense. The walls he had worked so hard to build slowly started to fall. In reality, he was the one who was scared. He was afraid others would hurt him as he had been hurt so deeply before. But she reassured him that would never happen. They loved him. She loved him.

She was with him when Naruto told him the truth of the Uchiha massacre. The need for revenge suddenly vanished. The hatred for his older brother that fueled his very being all of a sudden disappeared. Never had she seem him so lost, so defeated. She held on to him the entire night.

Yet life moved on.

But she knew at certain times the sadness overwhelmed him. He often visited their family grave. He brought lilies for his mother, who he felt was the greatest victim in this tragedy. He also brought flowers for his brother. It was the least he could do for his self-less brother.

It wasn't.

He named their first child after him. Little Itachi looked exactly like his father with dark hair and dark coal eyes. She saw how his face softened when he held their tiny child in his arms for the first time. She noticed that he laughed, maybe more of a chuckle, when their son decided girls were disgusting. She didn't miss the fact he smiled whenever they sat at the dinner table together. She felt agitated when he always asked Neji to basically stalk them when he was out on a mission. But she understood it was because he cared too much.

When their second child came, it was only right to name her after his mother. That girl already had him wrapped around her little finger. It was comical to watch the feared ANBU captain being bossed around by a 5-year old girl.

As Hinata Uchiha laid in their bed, she could feel some pain in her tired bones. Her hair had more white than any other color. She heard her husband of 35 years come into the bedroom.

"How was Itachi?"

"Hn. I still can't believe he chose the dobe's daughter."

"You know that she is the only one who can exert any sort of influence on him. Someone has to keep that boy from killing himself."

"I guess you approve."

"I like her."

"Hn. They want a spring wedding."

"That's in 2 months. I should give her my kimono."

"Maybe you should save it instead."

"Good point. I heard your daughter and Ino's son have been spending quite a bit of time together."


"Think about it tomorrow dear. I don't think you can handle it."

"Hn. Good night." She felt him pull her closer, their bodies now touching. He clung to her as if his life depended on it.

"Love you." She always whispered it to him as if it was their secret. She felt him relax slightly but never fully releasing her. It was almost as if he was scared she would disappear.

"Hn." With a soft kiss on her neck, Hinata soon fell asleep. Her last thought was how only she got to see Sasuke Uchiha for who he really was. A man who put on a strong front to cover up the broken pieces inside. A man terrified of losing things precious to him. A man who doesn't use words to express his emotions but uses subtle actions instead. A man who she loved dearly.