Chapter 19

England felt like an ass. He was, actually, the dumbest moron possible. He got the sudden emergency called from Korea the day before. He understood the situation and he could sense the desperation in Korea's tone asking him to save China. Yet he was still thinking for a moment before running to his car.

And he went there when police were ready to barge in. England couldn't go through the police barrier. When he could, China was already almost shot. Luckily he was quick enough to shield China but got shot himself instead.

Wow. That made him feel like a man for a time before the pain started to burned his stomach.

When he woke up, he felt pain yet numbness from his body. And his stomach felt like punched by a sumo fighter. However, when he saw how pale China was haggardly waiting beside his bed, England felt like a hero.

"Yao…" His voice felt like a stranger's. "How long.. have I been… out?"

"You idiot, aru. Even more idiot than Ivan." China started to cry. His eyes were bloodshot, clearly from crying for a long time. "It's been one day, aru."

"I am sorry." England smiled, moving his hand to touch the sobbing Asian. Yet it was too painful to move. China noticed it and grabbed the hand closely.

"Idiot, aru. Idiot."

"I am happy you are angry for me, Yao." England smiled even wider. "I am happy I wasn't late."

"You are… an idiot, aru. You are still high from the morphine."

"I am." England grinned. "But you are angry at this idiot, right? So Yao… sorry about the sudden proposal, but I have been dying literally to get the answer. So…"

"Idiot. Aru. Who do you think would marry an idiot?"

England's face fell back. "… Is that your answer?" England felt like he better off dead rather than listening to further answer.

"But I know a dumber idiot who may want to marry you, aru." China suddenly hidden himself behind England's palm. "And the dumber idiot may love you back, aru."

"I am high in morphine, Yao, so I can't make sense of any sarcasm here." England was clearly confused. "Who is the dumber idiot?"

China didn't answer and kissed the lying down idiot with bullet hole in his stomach. "I am the dumber idiot, aru."

England smiled as he closed his eyes back. China whispered softly, "Get some rest, aru. I'll be here when you wake up aru."

"Yao, sleep. I can wait for him while you sleep."

China and England turned back to see Japan on the door, looking haggard and tired. England smiled. China was still unmoved.

England spoke out. "I could say the same thing to you … Honda."

"Call me Kiku." Japan whispered. "I can… take your place. Yao, you should go to sleep."

China shook his head and stayed beside the bed. England whispered softly. "He is right, Yao. You need sleep. Go and rest."

"You want me to go, aru? You want to cast me out, aru?"

"No Yao. I am glad you are here, but…"

"Yes, he needs his rest. I will see you out personally." Austria came into the room and smiled at Japan and England. China initially refused but eventually surrendered to the doctor. Meanwhile, Austria checked England condition and explained that although the wound was almost superficial (medical note: not deep), but his stomach was punctured, so England might have to stay longer and eat liquid food.

England nodded as another shoot of anaesthetic took him into a deep sleep.

"I understand your pain, Yao. Liquid food is no fun." England grumbled as China spoon fed him the liquid soup. America snickered on the other side of the bed, eating apples (he wasn't allowed to bring burger into the room by China because England might get jealous if he saw America getting solid meat).

"You look funny, Iggy. You haven't shaved for days." America smirked, "And Yao, can I try a spoon of Iggy's soup? I want to know what's the taste…"

England protested, but China did spoon feed the little brother (his future little brother-in-law). America looked like he had eaten something really bad. Like oatmeal.

"Bweh! This is not food, Iggy! You need to get better soon! This is even worse than your food!"

England growled in irritation as his food was called bad tasting, but China's free laughs made him smile. America went out to wash his mouth in the toilet, leaving China and England alone in the room.

"… Sorry, aru."

"For what?" England smiled as he gently caressed China's cheek.

"… For everything. Are you sure, aru?"

"For what, Yao? Tell me, I cannot read your mind."

"… Sure you want me? Sure you want to pay my debt for me? Sure you want to… to live with me aru?"

"I like your cooking so much." England smiled. "I like your laugh, I like the way you keep worrying something unimportant like this. I am so happy when you said you love me…"

"I am not pretty anymore, aru. I am not clean and I have caused you and your senior misfortune."

"It is inevitable. What's done is done, don't think about it anymore. You make me happy by staying here, see?" England gently patted China's hand. "Don't think too much, Yao. And no matter what, you are still the prettiest man I've ever seen."

China smiled with glassy eyes. The golden orbs shone like how England remembered the dark alley with golden eyed jaguar. "You know what Arthur? I have already fallen in love with you since you gave me that milk pearl tea. You cheapskate, aru, wooing me with just a milk pearl tea? You should be thankful that you are lucky enough to be remembered by me, aru!"

"Fine. After I finish with my liquid regime, I will bring you to some good family restaurant I know, OK?"

"I want a five stars hotel and five stars food, aru!"

"Hey, don't be ridiculous. We should save for our dream house, Yao."

China laughed, loud and clear, but after a while it felt like dragged. England touched his cheek.

"Stop forcing yourself to laugh. You can cry, Yao."

China stopped laughing and frowned. His eyes were glassy, but the tears haven't fallen as yet.

"I am happy, aru. So I am not crying."

"People can cry because happiness too, you know, Yao?"

China nodded and started sobbing. England patted his head, trying to move, but his stomach was still painful. Despite the pain, however, he managed to get the sobbing Asian into his arms.

"It's OK, Yao. I am sorry too, for doubting your feelings for me all along. I am sorry."

"… then honeymoon to China?" China asked between his sob. England chuckled.

"Yes, fine, all right, my dear. As your wish."

A week passed. Finally England was discharged and they went back home together. They attended the funeral for little Canada, and China apologized sincerely to France. Sadly, France was too devastated till the point he couldn't hear anyone else.

"I am sorry, aru." China kowtowed on the grass, head to the soil. England didn't stop him because he knew how China felt guilty for indirectly killing the little boy. But France didn't even look; eye casted somewhere else. Eventually England helped China to stand, and they went home without a word from France.

It was a week after the funeral that they heard France had successfully committed suicide by jumping from the roof of his apartment.

Other than that, everything went rather smoothly. Russia was well mourned, his sister and parents made a very big funeral for him. Nobody except China and his family knew the truth, and nobody except China knew the state of vulnerability Russia was on before he died. But China refused to go to the funeral, instead praying for the man from home. Their home. England's home.

Hong Kong, on the other hand, came everyday to visit China. Despite the daily visit, he never talked and they usually spent one hour in silence beside each other. China tried to make conversation, but it seemed Hong Kong was better satisfied with the silence beside his long lost old brother. Hong Kong started to share with Korea in Korea's apartment. They became 'friends with benefit' (If you know what I mean) and it didn't took long for Korea to admit officially that they were going out (dating—and he was almost killed by a rubber bullet from Hong's gun). Thus, the bloodline of China's family ended there.

Norway was lost. Apparently Denmark kidnapped him from the police, and they never be heard again. But Hong Kong told China that Denmark sent him a postcard from Europe, saying that they got married in Denmark. China laughed as he saw the photo postcard; Norway looked irritated while Denmark was carrying him like a princess (and making a V sign by his left hand). Behind them was the serene scenery of Copenhagen and beautiful old buildings.

America, meanwhile, gave up his plan to ruin the Braginski group and instead gave the money he won to pay China's debt. He teased China that he was his owner from now on, but China casually dismissed the teasing by shoving his wok on America's face.

Japan gave up his ownership of China and seemed mortified by it. Everybody could see how he was unwilling to let China leave him to live with England. However, three months following that, he sent a wedding invitation for China and England. It seemed like he was marrying a lady named Taiwan. He insisted China to come (and even personally write the invitation) and congratulated him (for being able to graduate from the beautiful Chinese).

England, after almost being fired for taking day off too much without notice, eventually got his job back. And he got promotion, staying in France's position. He was struck by melancholy as he saw how France's table was still unchanged, with many roses and a frame with a woman and little Canada in it.

They haven't got married yet. Their newborn son was mentally unstable, and the wife died. But they did love each other so much—England closed his eyes in honour of his (actually good natured, family loving) senior.

When he came home to see China in apron, England smiled.

"Welcome back, aru! I have cooked some braised chicken today, and do you want to take a bath first? And can you help me, aru? Please talk to Alfred, aru! He kept teasing me about the debt! And I cannot cook hamburger, so I won't comply to his demand, aru!"

"Yao." England hugged his almost-to-be-wife (they haven't married yet—with England having no possible day off left). "I am home."


"I love you. So much. I swear." England kissed China's lips softly, like tasting wine of the best kind. "I swear we will be together forever."

"..Arthur Kirkland, 13 years old." China smiled as he kissed back. "Would you like to grow old with me?"

"Very much so." England smiled and kissed back. (Btw, America was used to their lovey dovey situation and ignored the hot kissing session while walking pass through the corridor to the living room, for his favourite anime show is showing in another 5 minutes).


And China opened his eyes.

It was already morning, from his alarm clock. There was no window in his room, since Japan forbid anyways for him to run away again. Last time he climbed down his window (despite the 10 level storeys) and ran away from his 'master'. He got caught in 3 days, and after that Japan gave him a full 24 hours bodyguard (a.k.a Korea) and a room with no hole except for the exit door.

China sighed and stretched his body. And he just realized that he was, in fact, crying in his sleep. China rubbed his own cheek, stiff from tears streaks, and smiled.

It was, honestly, a good dream.

He didn't remember the detail, but he remembered how England kissed him by the end. England… the man he adored ever since the boy gave him the pearl tea in the park, also the man whom he ridiculed the second time they met. It would be really good if only he could meet England again… just like his dream.

His dream was a really good one, China noted. It was spiralling, one event leading to another, but in the end the good always win and the bad lost. Why Japan and Russia filled up the place of the bad guy was no mystery to China, but why did he dreamt about Hong Kong? The non-existent little brother he lost long time ago…

But the dream was mostly forgotten by now, and only the remnant after-waking up lingering feeling remained. He was happy, he was sad. He was loved, he was treasured. He was saved. He was happy. China smiled to himself. It was really, really amusing. What kind of epic dream he just had?

Korea opened his door.

"Yao, it's time to wake up. Mr. Braginski wants you by 11 sharp. Because he said he had some appointment with his financial planner today."

China stopped smiling.

He didn't hate the Russian that much, but the sessions with him were always rough… and the man was so creepy.

However, something felt really familiar. Like déjà vu. But China didn't know what.

He just need to go another day until there is no tomorrow…

And the author woke up from her rabid yaoi fangirl Uk X China imagination. Seriously, the base of this story was invented in the 30 minutes bus trip from city to my suburb (some of you asked).

Well, this is the END. XD Don't forget to tell me what you think! XD

I am desperate, heck, yes I am. Please at least say something? i dont mind flame, critique (but of course, please be coherent and not just saying 'you suck!'. please explain why you think so) or just the feeling you have when you read this. I think this is one of my longer story with the most complex plot. I think at least I deserve a greeting?

The title is Spiral, so it will continue with no end. and I hope you get the hidden meanings behind the story. XD

Thank you for reading until this part. THANK YOU~! xd See you next time~