Chapter 2: Snap
I must have dozed off or something because I opened my eyes, I was leaning against the shoulder of the beautiful boy. I'm dreaming,right? But before I could pinch myself to check, the angel spoke.
"Hey, you're awake." he said. He musical voice filled my ears, tickling them. "You slept for about an hour, stress I suppose."
"Really?" I yawned, sitting up straight even though I wanted to lean on him forever.
"Yeah." he said, repositioning himself to face me. "Anyway, I was able to contact the reception. They're fixing the elevator."
I let out I sigh of relief. "Good."
And as if it were a magic word, the elevator started to work again. As I stood up, I feelking disgustingly dizzy and toppled over. Luckily, Edward caught me or rather to make it more dramatic, I fell into his outstretched arms.
"I'm sorry." I mumbled as he help me up. The doors opened at the twenty second floor, and people rushed in to help us.
"Oh I was so worried!" said a cute girl with cropped black hair. "I had to postpone your shoot."
Then two other gods walked up to us. One very buff who was wearing just an underwear, and the other tall with beautiful blonde hair.
The buff one noticed me staring. "Calvin Klein shoot." he said grinning and flexing his muscles.
Edward rolled his eyes. "Come it off, Emmett."
The blonde one laughed. "Emmett loves attention." he grinned.
"Come on you, I need you to be dressed in twenty minutes." the cute girl said. "Victoria can't make it today as you know. I'm surprise you got her a replacement Edward. Good job."
I didnt realize she was talking about me until she pulled me by the wrists. "But I'm not a model..." I protested. I looked back at Edward who shrugged.
"Told you so. You look like a model." he smiled.
I scowled back at him though I felt complimented.
The crew fixed my hair into nice curls and put make up on me. Then they gave me an outfit to put on. It was boot-cut jeans, a tartan long sleeve shirt and some cowboy boots.
"What am I, a cowgirl?" I asked.
The black cropped haired girl popped out of nowhere,"Yeah you are." she comfirmed it. "Get dressed already."
I knew something was wrong with the outfit and I had to do something. It was too plain, too normal cowgirl. "Can I fix the outfit, Alice?" I told her. I saw her name from her I.D. What a sweet name she had.
"What? Oh. Do whatever you like, but hurry!"
I grabbed a pair of scissors from the hair dressing side and snipped the pants into a pair of shorts. Then I took the blouse and tied it around my chest area. I put the whole outfit on and headed to Alice. "How's this?"
"Holy shit. Whatever you did, it's amazing..." complimented Alice, in awe.
"Thanks." I smiled, hopping on to the set for the photo shoot. Indeed it looked very Western. There was a pub with the famous doors, a bench and some cactus.
"Sit on the bench and look hot." piped the tiny girl.
"Umm, alright." I said. I had no idea how to model...I slumped slightly and put on a poker face hoping it would be model-ish.
Alice begun taking shots. Snap! Snap! Snap! "Perfect!" she exclaimed. "Now all you need is Edward..."
"Wait, what?"
Edward stepped on to the set looking gorgeuos as ever. He wearing a long sleeved shirt, faded jeans and a cowboy hat. "Hey Bella." he said, taking me out of the trance I was in.
"Alright you two, dazzle me." Alice said.
Edward sat on the bench with me and strecthed his arm behind my back. He looked flawless and modeling seemed like a piece of cake to him. His lovely crooked smile spread across his face and I couldn't help smiling back.
Snap! Snap!"More please." the tiny photographer demanded.
I played along the smiling theme and reached over for his hat.
"Hey!" he laughed as I wore it.
Snap! Snap! Snap!
"I love it." Alice sighed, browsing at the pictures on her camera. "That's the shortest shoot ever did."
"Glad we were a part of it." said Edward to her, then glancing at me.
Well, I for sure am glad.
A/N: Well, I hope you liked it... Please review and review!
.Alessandra Weasley.