WARNING. Implied one sided yaoi between Sam and Bumblebee. you have been Adequately warned.

Bumblebee realized it then, that one, solemn fact that compelled him to try and break free from the cryogenics chamber in pure panic as he becan to be frozen.

He didn't want to die.

He tried to plead, to beg them to stop, but the words didn't come. All that he managed was a moan of pain that echoed in what could be considered his throat. He felt himself becoming tired, so very tire, so weak that even his moans became shaky, forced, and pained. He remembered his life now, his friends on Cybertron, his parents- everything. He didn't want to die now. He wanted to see Cybertron flourish again, he wanted to see it without people like Megatron. He wanted to see the peaceful planet he was born on again, before Megatron had been corrupt and began his rein of terror.

He wanted it, with every fiber of his being. He wanted to see Sam again, even Mikaela. He wanted to tell Sam how he felt, how much he longed to love him, to know that Sam was his and no-one else's. He wanted to live with Sam for as long as he could. His moans fainted to sobs, shaky and prolonged. He found it hard to breath. He faded in and out, his processing unit becoming too cold to function properly.

No, he thought. No! He didn't want to die! He began to cry, tears lazily finding there way down his face and freezing there on the stiff metal. He felt terrible. He wanted to get out of there and sleep forever, in a tight, pathetic ball.

he felt death approaching at rapid paces. He cried harder. He would die here, he realized, with not a friendly face to be had, the only familiar sight that of the metal rafters above. He knew them only from the building he had attempted to rescue Sam from while he was being chased by the watch dogs in the junkyard.

More memories came now, ones of battles; more specifically the one he lost his vocals in. And then, ones of Cybertron, when he had returned to the place of his former home in search of his friend,s his family amongst the burning piles of rubble, on the day the war had begun. Memories of the pure jealousy he felt when Sam wanted a Porsche, and of the pure anger, the pure disdain he felt when he was too much for Sam to afford, the sting when the Grapples hit him, when the nitrogen touched him for the first time, the strain when they had brought him here by helicopter by his wrists and ankles, and finally, the realization he would die without a single familiar face around him.

His optics blurred, his line of sight becoming more slender every second. His chest was tight. he longed to see Sam one final time. He closed his eyes. His sound receptors dulled. Noises became nothing more then gurgled distortions in the silence of an empty room. He longed to hear him one last time.

When at last death fell upon him, his final thought was of Sam. He seemed to hallucinate. The internet said that could happen. He heard his beloved's voice over the gurgled sounds in the room. Again he heard them.

"Stop, stop, stop!" He opened his eyes. it was too sharp, too clear to be a hallucination. He turned his stiff neck. He felt his hope rushing back to him. He saw Sam, beating down one of the nitrogen blasters for one of the guards hands. "Bee!" He smiled as Sam Crawled up to the table and Pu his warm hand on the side of his face as he began to tell him the situation clearly.

"Have you been crying?" Sam whispered. bumblebee changed the subject as he pointed his blaster at the many Government officials scattering the room.

We went to FYE a couple days ago and go and got Avatar, GI Joe, and Transformers 2007. I watched transformers 2007 with our new surround sound? Fucking amazing.