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Codename: Kids Next Door

Operation F.I.N.I.S.H.







DISCLAIMER: I do not, nor have I ever, owned the Kids Next Door or its franchise. If I did, this fic would have become an episode.

Chapter 12

"If we're traveling all over the world," Numbuh 5 told the others, "we're gonna need a lot more supplies than what Numbuh 539 gave us."

Numbuh 2 nodded, but asked, "How long you think we're gonna be gone?"

They were all gathered in the kitchen, their supplies spread across the table. It wasn't much, only the essentials for about 3 days of searching.

4 Birthday Suits

4 bags of M.A.R.B.L.E.s, 15 count each

4 communicators/flare guns

2 flashlights

8 F.I.Z.Z.B.O.M.-X.'s

2 of the B.A.J.O.O.K.A.-type weapons (according to a slip of paper, they were apparently called S.H.U.F.F.U.L.L.s)

***Teens Next Door: S.H.U.F.F.U.L.L.

Song Hauling Universal Firearm Fully Utilizes Losers' Losability***

Enough rations for 4 people

6 boxes of Gummy Worms

1 12-pack of soda

2 standard world maps

Numbuh 5 thought for a moment, then said, "Figure at least a day or two per city, and no matter what a day worth of traveling from the last place to the mansion."

"This definitely won't hold us over that long then."

Numbuh 3 opened up a few cabinets, and immediately started coughing from the dust. "Eww, looks like I missed a spot!" When the dust cloud subsided, she reached in and pulled out a few boxes and containers and placed them on the counter. "We've got some extra food at least."

They all eyed the food warily. Picking up a box and reading, Numbuh 4 exclaimed, "These Rainbow Munchies are over 2 years old! They're probably all rotted by now!"

She turned her head to the side. "Cereal rots?"

"Umm…I donno…"

"I thought only fruit can rot," Numbuh 2 pondered.

"No vait, I zink spinech rots!" Henie added.

Numbuh 5 shook her head in frustration. "Alright can we forget about the aging process of food and focus? Numbuh 3, dump some cereal on a plate and see if it's alright to eat."

Grabbing a plate, Numbuh 3 did as she said. After close inspection of some flakes, she announced, "No rot!"

"Well that's good, we've got some extra food. I guess we can scrap together some cash and just eat out if we run outta stuff."

"But is that it? I mean, there's nothing more we can actually get to help us out," Numbuh 2 pointed out. "We've got maps and plenty of fuel, we're good on weapons; is there anything we're missing?"

Numbuh 5 thought long and hard about this. Were they missing something? Or did they have everything they'd need? What if they packed too much and the S.C.A.M.P.E.R. couldn't support them? What if they packed too little and ran out of supplies? What if…

No. 'What if…'s just caused problems. You had to trust your gut, go by instincts; they'd all been taught this many times in the Academy.

"No," she said finally. "I think that's it."

"Well, then I guess we're leaving," Numbuh 2 said.

"I zink…" Henrietta said, "zat you four should go on vithout me."

Everyone just blinked.

"W-why?" Numbuh 3 asked blankly.

"Vell…I feel zis is your business, not ein own. Nigel is your friend, end ein zink you're all closer to 'im than I ever vas."

"But Henie-" Numbuh 5 started to protest. Henrietta held up a hand.

"No Abigail. We've 'ad our fun, end ein loved seeing you again after so long. But fun time is ova, end you all must find Nigel."

They all stood in silence for a moment, not really sure how to respond.

"Well…if you really feel that way…"

"Ein zink it's for ze best," Henie said firmly.

Not long after, the five were crowded around the S.C.A.M.P.E.R., most of the supplies already loaded inside.

"Is there any specific place you want us to drop you off, Henrietta?" Numbuh 2 asked, loading in one of the last few boxes.

She thought for a moment. "…ein zink you said you vere going to France, ja?"

"Yeah, it says 'Paris' on the note thing," Numbuh 4 replied, checking the page.

"You can just drop me off zere, ein got a few 'ints from ozer 'unters zat zere's some 'idden candy in zat area."

Numbuh 4 scratched his head. "Umm…I'm not sure I completely understand…"

"Ugh…she said she got hints from other candy hunters that there's hidden candy in France," Numbuh 5 translated. "I thought by now you could get around her accent."

"Hey, I ain't good with accents!"

"But you've got one yourself," Numbuh 3 pointed out.

"Not the point…"

"The POINT is," Numbuh 5 interrupted, "we've gotta get a move-on if we're gonna get to all these places before Father gets the upperhand."

The others nodded. Numbuh 2 loaded in the last box and announced, "Alright then, we're all set."

They all piled into the S.C.A.M.P.E.R., Numbuhs 2-5 taking their respective positions at the controls, Henrietta somewhat roaming about the ship. Numbuh 2 roared up the engines, and within moments they were high up in the skies set for France.

Numbuh 2 grabbed the speaker on the dashboard and announced, "Okay passengers, you are free to roam the cabin, and thank you for choosing to fly Air Hoagie," laughing at his own corny joke. The others just groaned.

Henrietta wandered over to Numbuh 2's chair in the front of the ship and tapped him on the shoulder.

"Don't forget vat ein said, 'oagie," she whispered to him.


"…you forgot, ja?"


Henie rolled her eyes. "Fine zen, forget ein ever said anyzing. Live your life vondering vat could 'ave been," she said, walking away with a smile on her face.


Oh, ze power of reverse psychology Henie thought to herself, turning back to Numbuh 2, who looked like a lost little puppy.

"…help me?"

Henie smirked. "And just 'ow am ein supposed to do zat?"

Shrugging, he muttered, "I donno…"

"Is very simple, 'oagie. You tell ze frauline yourself. No one else should."

"B-but I CAN'T say it…common, you tell her FOR me! She finds out, I'm spared the embarrassing moment, we're all happy!"

She shook her head. "Zink about it, vich vould mean more to 'er, finding out from ze person who actually likes 'er, or finding out in one of zose 'e said she said moments, hmm?"

As Hoagie opened his mouth to answer, she added, "'e said she said moments don't alvays vork, you do know zat, ja?"

He just stared at his hands. "…b-but…"

"Nein buts! You are going to tell Abigail vether you like it or not, ein vill make sure of it!" she threatened, her voice full of confidence.

There was obviously no way out of this. It was impossible to escape Henrietta Von Marzipan's plans once she got her head around them, she was too stubborn to let it go, and would never let it go until she got the results she was looking for.


Henie raised an eyebrow. "…but…?"

"Not now…later. It's…it's too crowded for that kinda thing…"

She nodded understandingly. "No, of course not 'ere. It needs to be…eh, somevere more…romantic. Memorable. A dinky old ship isn't going to cut it."

"Hey, respect the ship girl!" he teased. "It's not THAT old!" To try and prove his point, he banged his fist against the dashboard. They heard some clanging, and a loose bolt flew out of the control panel hitting Numbuh 4 in the head.

"Watch it over there!" he growled, grabbing the bolt and hurling it back at Numbuh 2. Henrietta reached over and grabbed in midair.

"So," she said, smirking once again, "It's not ZAT old?"