A loner was who I was in this organization. The first one really. To travel off by myself and explore. The job I have is simple. Have my own missions, make my own enemies, travel to learn useful things for the KND and observe different sectors and write about it in my notebook. Yep, I'm a loner. Numbuh 362 approved of my idea after explaining. I never really wanted to be in a sector to protect others, just myself. And I couldn't think of what I wanted to be.

A leaduh.

A 2x4 technology specialists.

A medical specialists.

A hand to hand combat specialists.

A spy for my sector.

Nope. Just a loner. It's great. I only worry about myself and I get to visit any KND sector in the world I want, anytime.

The wind moved my brown, wavy, curly, frizzy hair. Yes, I kinda hate my hair. It's just always sticking out and is way too wavy. But it's mine. I hate for people to talk about it and pour gallons of hair particles to try and "calm" it down.

To let you know I look just like a regular, brown eyed, brown (horrid) haired, freckled face white girl.

Yep, that's me. You'll learn more as my adventure unfolds. I've got a lot to tell and learn. Now on to my next target of my observations.

Sector V.

I gripped my book bag over my shoulder as I stood in front of Sector V's tree house. I took out my climbing plungers. They squeaked as I heaved up the ridiculously huge tree. A balcony came into view. I climbed up onto it and put my gear away. The door next to the balcony was unlocked.


My hand grabbed the knob and turned it slowly.

I shut it quietly. No one was here in the room. Apparently a living room. There were a few chairs and couches and a television with ordinary relaxing décor in it. Books, games, movies, video games, magazines, toys, regular stuff.

A white thin boy walked in. He had yellow tented goggles and a brown cap on. His auburn hair was hidden partly under it. He was examining a blue print of some sort. He didn't notice me at first. Then I grunted. He look startled to see me. I remembered the files from the moon base I studied about this sector before I came. I always study files then come to learn more.

This was Numbuh 2, the 2x4 technology specialists. His name: Hoagie P. Gilligan Jr.

I walked up to him. For the first time in awhile I was relieved to finally see a new sector. Especially at the same age of twelve.

To let you know. I didn't start training at age seven like most operatives, I started at ten. But I'm a fast learner and graduated quickly. Numbuh 60, Patton Drilovsky, was impressed at my skills. He did get annoyed with me sometimes because of my habit to make fun of people. But I don't mean it literally. But my real friends aren't even in the Kids Next Door. They live back in Georgia, where I'm from.

Hoagie stared and grabbed an alarm.

Great. Just my luck.

Everyone ran in.

Numbuh 1, Nigel Uno, the leaduh.

Numbuh 3, Kuki Sanban, the medical specialists.

Numbuh 4, Wallabee "Wally" Beatles, the hand to hand combat specialists.

Numbuh 5, Abigail "Abby" Lincoln, the spy for her sector.

They all had a weapon. A spankler, a mustard gun, a gun that shot out gumballs and a teddy bear shooting gun. I just stood there calmly. Not like I wasn't use to it. Nobody really knew me in the KND. I was a loner. And yes, I'll keep repeating it. I am a loner.

"Who are you?" Nigel asked.

I sat on a nearby chair. I laid my bag under it. Hoagie shifted nervously. He was unprotected. He had no weapon.

"Numbuh three ten. No sector. I'm a loner. Very first."

Everyone stared and seem to loosen there grips on their weapons. I smirked. I've done this so many times I get better each time. I focused on Numbuh 1. He looked at his teammates. Each one looked at him for instructions.

"Um, you have no sector?" He asked dumbly. I rolled my eyes. What a moron. I just said that. Did I not? "And you're Numbuh three ten? Am I correct?" He asked.

I nodded.

All of them placed their weapons down.

"So, uh, what is it that you want Numbuh three ten?"

"I want a lot of things but I never get them." I smiled at my little joke. I love to have a good laugh. People at home think I'm the best jokester. Except my sister, Jade. She hates my jokes. (Most of the time anyway.)

Hoagie smiled.

I read he loves jokes. Great! This kid could be fun to hang out with. I usually hung around more boys anyway.

"Um…" Is all Nigel spoke.

I rolled my eyes. "I'm staying here. My job is to observe the sector I visit." Everyone waited for his reply. So did I. This might be interesting. He seemed to be thinking. Wally was whispering to Hoagie, Abby tapped her foot and Kuki played with her black hair.

"I'm sorry Numbuh three ten but we have no room for you here." He gave a firm face.

I got up, grabbed the collar of his shirt and growled into his face which was full of fear. Just the way I liked it. All the rest of the kids looked at the little scene. Wally gave a shocked face. I got closer to Nigel. We were nose to nose.

I don't like to hear the wrong answer from anyone, unless it's my parents... I just yell and say it's not fair.

"Then. Make. Room." I growled into his fearful face. His cheeks flushed.

He stuttered. "Y-yes. Y-you can sleep anywhere you'd l-like. Eh heh heh." He nervously laughed. I smiled wickedly and let him drop. He went with an oomph to the floor.

I grabbed my bag.

This is gonna be fun.