Love Like This

Disclaimer: See my profile.

Summary: She intrigued him in all her innocence and naivety. He wanted her. And once he had her, he would never let her go. Grantedshipping. Slightly OOC/AU.


She ran.

"Come on Pika, run faster!" She shouted, one hand gripping the brim of her straw hat and the other frantically waving at the horde of Beedrill chasing them. Pika was at her heels, jus as panicked as she was.

They were in the middle of the forest, training. Yellow had run to the side in order to avoid getting fried by one of Pika's thunderbolts and accidentally ran into the beehive.

…which explained the predicament they were in now. Both were exhausted from the training, and really were in no condition to be running. But desperate times called for desperate measures.

"Pika Pikachu!" Pika chittered frantically, warning her that the Beedrill were close at their tails (so to speak).

Yellow glanced behind her, seeing the swarm of bees only a few feet behind, drills extended and ready to do some damage.

"Move, Pika!" She shouted, grabbing the mouse and shielding it with her body, crouching into a semi-dome shape and mentally preparing herself for the inevitable pain to come.

"Dragonair, thunder wave." A cool, familiar voice spoke from above.

There was a flash of bright light and all the Beedrill retreated.

Yellow looked up to see—

"…Lance?" The small girl questioned, surprised at the sudden appearance of the Dragon Master.

Said Dragon Master, who was currently standing atop his Pokemon, ordered the Dragonair to descend gracefully (as always) to the ground before recalling the dragon back into its Pokeball. He glanced at their current surroundings before finally speaking.

"I was passing by when I noticed your… dilemma. It won't happen again." He informed her coolly.

"Pikaaa…" Pika growled, electricity sparking from his cheeks as he glared at Lance, ready to jump and attack at any moment.

"Do you really think you can stop me?" The Dagon Master challenged coldly. "Look at you, all battered up. I can easily flatten you in one blow." He stated calmly, before turning to the healer and questioning her. "Where are you heading?"

Said healer looked at him, surprised, before uttering, "…Blackthorn."

Lance hid his surprise. "Hm. It looks like we're heading the same way. Let us be off then."

There was a flash of light as Dragonair reappeared at his feet. Lance gracefully pulled himself atop the dragon's head and looked at Yellow expectantly.

"Er…" The girl looked at him in confusion, and that confusion turned to panic as she felt herself being pulled upwards. Pika shouted in surprise as his current mistress was lifted away from him, and he jumped and climbed up to her shoulder. Yellow looked down and saw that Dragonair had lifted her up with its tail and put her dangling face-to-face with its master.

"Well, do you want to walk and risk being attacked like that again?" The Dragon Master asked pleasantly. The young healer shook her head. "Well then, ware you coming or not?" She nodded frantically, and Dragonair put her down next to its owner.

The dragon then proceeded to gracefully float through the sky.

The sudden lack of support sent Yellow stumbling, and the young girl fell backwards, closing her eyes tightly and bracing herself for the impact.

She fell into a strong hold as Lance snapped one arm out to catch her.

"Clumsy, are we?"

She blushed in embarrassment while Pika turned to fiercely glare at the Dragon Master.

"Umm… you can let me go now…" Yellow informed him nervously.

"And will you lose your balance again?" He asked.

She shook her head fiercely.

He let her go and gave a signal to Dragonair.

Without warning, the dragon took off at an extremely fast pace, causing her to give a shout as she fell backwards again.

This time, Lance caught her and sat them both down. "Try not to fall off again."

He smirked as she blushed so hard she thought her face would explode. He looked at her for a moment before turning his attention back to the road and remarking, "We should be there in a couple hours before night falls."

She looked at Pika before lifting him off her shoulder and placing him on her lap, scratching him behind his ears. Pika purred in contentment as he got comfortable and settled down. Before she knew it, she was asleep, dozing off while leaning against the Dragon Master.


Lance hid his surprise at the sudden weight he found himself supporting. He looked to the side and found Yellow leaning against him, asleep. Red's Pikachu was sleeping on the young boy's lap.

After an hour had passed and the younger boy didn't look like he would be waking up any time soon, Lance resigned himself to being the boy's makeshift pillow. Not that he had any choice in the first place.

A particularly strong gust of wind knocked Yellow's hat into Lance's face. Startled, the Dragon Master snatched the offending article away. When his vision cleared, he found himself in the biggest shock of his life.

He… was a she.

Lance quickly recovered from his shock, turning his attention to the young healer.

Her light blonde hair was tied up in a ponytail, framing her heart-shaped face. She was petite, her baggy clothes serving to disguise her gender. However, he noticed, it wouldn't be long before the most baggy of clothing would be ineffective to hide her gender. She was 14 years old the last time they met, he recalled, which would make her 16 now. She had developed more curves since then, and he wondered what she would look like with more feminine, form fitting clothing.

He smirked to himself. He would remedy that last part as soon as he could.

"Nair?" Dragonair's soft question interrupted his thinking. The dragon was wondering why he wasn't going to the other members of the Elite Four as planned and why the sudden detour to Blackthorn.

"I'm intrigued." The Dragon Master answered briefly and honestly as he observed the young girl.

It had been quite some time since he was last interested in a member of the opposite gender. But looking at her innocent and trusting face, and remembering her naivety, he decided he was intrigued.

He wanted her.

End Chapter 1.