So I've been wanting to do this for a while and with my new laptop, I am now able to get stories to you quicker! This is something that i thought of while bored in class... Tell me what you think about it!

Prelude- The Uchiha Ball

A silver and blue beautifully decorated music box played gently, the figures in it dancing around happily, as its owner prepared himself for the night's events. The music faded out slowly as the music box was closed picked up by a pale hand and place in his jacket's pocket. He walked from his rooms to the awaiting carriage nodding to the calls of 'your highness and your majesty' and the sweeping bows that greeted him.

Soon the carriage was off. It was the 300th rule of the Uchiha family over Japan and there was a grant ball in celebration of this momentous occasion. The carriage pulled up to a set of grand stairs that led up to a stunning and magnificent building that was the main palace. The man walked up the stairs and nodded to the bows of the servants there. Handing his cloak off to them, he walked into the ballroom where hundreds of people were dancing and to his rightful spot at the throne on the raised platform.

The sight before him made the usual stoic man smile. His younger brother of about 8 danced happily in the middle of everything and everyone. The little brother's smile seemed to make the already bright room grow even brighter. The young man must have sensed someone looking at him for her turned his bright smile to his older brother and came running over to him.

"Itachi!" the young boy shouted throwing his arms around his neck in a hug.

"Hello Sasuke." Itachi said hugging Sasuke back. Itachi had to unfortunately go on a business trip to America where he will be gone for a long time. This made Sasuke incredibly sad, for he didn't like being away from his older brother.

Unknowing to the two Uchiha brothers, a small boy who looked to be about the same age as Sasuke popped from out of the kitchens to see the ball, his bright blue eyes lighting up at seeing all the people, music and dancing. At least they were until another servant had caught him.

"Naruto! You are suppose to me in the kitchen!" the servant said dragging the blonde headed boy back to where he was supposed to be. The ravens heard none of this. Itachi pulled the small music box out from his coat box. He then pulled the neck place that was around his neck and placed both of them in his little brother's hand.

Sasuke gasped, "What's this??" he asked excitedly.

"Here." The older raven said taking both items from him. He used the charm on the necklace to wind the silver machine up. Withdrawing the key, the top popped open and music began to play along with a soft melody.

"It's my lullaby!" Sasuke exclaimed staring at the music box in happy amazement.

"That's right. I figured since I'm going to New York soon, you would need something to get to sleep."

The young raven's happy face fell slightly at remembering that his brother was leaving him, "But I don't want you to go 'Tachi." He stated sadly, his head down.

"Hey," Itachi called softly raising his head, he handed Sasuke back the necklace, "Look at the charm."

Tilting his head to the side to see the curved writing, Sasuke read the necklace, "Together in… N.Y.C." his face brightened instantly, "Really?? Do you mean it??"

"Of course little brother." Itachi said told him chuckling as he was attacked by a hug from Sasuke.

Unfortunately, this happiness didn't last long.

A dark aura fell upon the room and everything went dark. The crowd parted as a tall, sickly pale man made his way up to Fugaku, Sasuke and Itachi's father and also the emperor. The tall man was once thought of as Japan's utmost wisest priest, but that was only a front. The man, Orochimaru, grew power hungry and exceedingly dangerous.

"How dare you show your face here?" Fugaku said disgusted at the sight of the man in front of him, "I banished you!"

"You cannot banish me." Orochimaru hissed, "By my powers, I banish you with a curse!" he shouted holding up a glowing blue vial.

The room gasped in horror. Sasuke sank closer to Itachi and Naruto, wondering what all the commotion was, peeked from behind the throne the two brothers were sitting at.

"With this. I will bring an end to the Uchiha family! You will all die within a fortnight."

Consumed by his hatred for Fugaku and his family, he sold his soul to gain the power to take them all down. Little did he know that as he was doing this, his young apprentice, Kabuto, was caught in the cross fire of the soul exchange and was thus turned into a small silver bat. Sending him and the snake spirits out, he commanded them to create chaos throughout the country.

All of Japan sought to over throw the monarchy.

"Come on everyone!" Fugaku urged his family as the evacuated the palace as quickly as possible.

The two brothers were at the end running side by side until Sasuke stopped, "My music box!" he shouted before running back towards his room.

"Sasuke! No!" Itachi shouted running after him.

Sasuke burst through his doors and to the opposite side of the bed where his music box sat. Picking it up, he smiled accomplishedly just as Itachi came in closing the doors behind him, "Sasuke!" the older raven breathed.

A loud crash was heard followed by stomping feet and shouting.

"Hurry up Sasuke!" Itachi shouted ushering Sasuke towards the door.

Naruto poked from the secret door that was hidden in the wall and saw them; "No!" he called. They both turned to face them, "Go this way!"

Itachi hurriedly pulled Sasuke towards the door. With one yank, Sasuke lost his balance and stumbled forward losing his grip on the music box. Before Naruto closed the door, he tried to go back for it shouting, "My music box!" The two locked eyes for only a brief moment, but it felt like an eternity.

"Go!" Naruto shouted pushing Sasuke through the door and slamming it close just as the bedroom doors busted open filling with soldiers. Naruto watched as they made their way towards him and looked around for a weapon of some sort. He spotted a vase of flowers not far away. Picking them up, he threw him towards the nearest guard.

"Where are they?!" one solider half yelled half growled.

But as Naruto refused to give them an answer, he grew fed up with him and hit him on the head with the butt of his gun. Not hard enough to kill him, but enough to where he would be knocked out for a while. As Naruto's unconscious body fell to the ground, his hand landed beside the silver music box.

Itachi and Sasuke ran across the snowy field of what they thought was grass in an attempt to escape.

"Itachi!" Sasuke shouted trying his best to keep up with the older man.

"Sasuke, try to keep up!" Itachi urged his little brother.

Orochimaru saw them from his spot over the bridge they had just went under. He jumped down grabbing Sasuke as he went, but in the process broke through the froze ice to the icy waters below.

"Orochimaru!" Itachi growled.

"Let me go!!" Sasuke shouted attempting to kick the man off, but failing miserably, "Please??"

"You'll never escape me child." He hissed pulling Sasuke closer towards him.

Itachi went to grab for his little brother. The extra weight caused the ice to break more. In his shock, Orochimaru loosened his grip on Sasuke's foot. With Itachi's help, Sasuke pulled free from Orochimau's grasp and they continued to run.

When they got to the train station, it was too late. The train was already beginning to pull away. Pushing their way through the crowd, Itachi urged his little brother on, "Hurry Sasuke!" as he jumped onto the platform of the train that was pulling away.

"Itachi!" Sasuke cried reaching for him.

"Sasuke!" Itachi cried reaching back for him.

They locked hands.

But they were slowly slipping as the train begun to gain speed.

"Hold on to my hand!" Itachi called.

"Don't let go!" Sasuke said his onyx eyes wide with fear.

The brother's hands begun to slip.

Sasuke cried out as he begun to fall backwards, his hand losing its grip on Itachi's. He fell backwards the back of his head hitting the ground below, hard.

"Sasuke… Sasuke..! SASUKE!!!!" Itachi shouted franticly trying to get to his little brother, but to no anvil. They were too far apart and there were too many people.

That night families and lives were torn apart. Everything that had been built up now lay in ruins. The last remaining Uchiha was never seen again…

There's the untro to Anastasia [Naruto Version]. What did you all think?