Discalmer: The Harry Potter world belongs to JKR, only the plot is mine

Dedicated to Katie, who has a soft spot for Oliver x Katie

Pure fluff

The music in the common room was loud, and the millions of Gryffindor's packed together and cheering made all the noise even louder.

I knew I should have been just as ecstatic, drinking butter beer, eating sweets, and giving a play-by-play of the game along with everyone else. However just forcing the smile on my face as I shrugged off classmates was exhausting.

Because even though we just won the Quidditch match against Slytherin, and I played fantastically, scoring all but two of the goals. Oliver Wood still doesn't know I exist.

I mean sure he stops to talk to me in the hall, or he'll walk with me back to the common room after practice; but only because he wants to give me more advice about how I played.

"I notice you tend to lean left on your broom Katie, you know you can fix that by…"
"Bell we have practise tomorrow, don't be late again, or I'll give you extra laps."

Tonight I had played the best I ever had, my efforts played a big part in our crushing victory against Slytherin. Yet even that wasn't enough to pull Olivier's attention away from hugging every girl that threw themselves at him. And even though every member on the team was getting just as much attention as our Captain- my eyes were only on one person. The one person that they, along with my heart have been glued to since my second year. The same person who will never see me as more than his chaser.

Of course I had only ever told Angelina and Alicia about how much I fancied Oliver. And after about a year of what they called "wasting my time," they started trying to setting me up with their friends. There had been times when I was out in Hogsmeade hand in hand with a boy when I thought I felt Oliver's eyes on me. Then I'd turn around and he would be admiring a new pair of keepers gloves on display in the window of one of the shops.

It seemed even all of the good looking boys who were able to give me their attention, couldn't keep my mind off Oliver. And what good is dating a girl if she'll never fully be interested in you?

When I expressed this concern with Angelina and Alicia, letting them know I couldn't simply 'get over him' they opted for setting me up with Quidditch players from Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff in the hopes that Oliver would take notice of me. But even that didn't work, Oliver went on dating other girls, and being obsessed with Quiddtich. And I went on being hopelessly in love with him.

Just then Fred and George hopped up onto a table commanding the full attention of the room, and I took the opportunity to quietly slip out of the common room and out the portrait hole. The hall was chilly compared to the common room which was packed with warm bodies. I tucked my hands into my sweater pockets and looked down the corridor to make sure it was deserted.

"You of all people should be in there celebrating, from what I heard." The fat Lady's voice rang through the quiet hall.

"Yeah, well I don't really feel like celebrating." I mumbled back.

The fat lady raised an eyebrow but said nothing as I walked down the hall. I had no idea where I was going, just that I wasn't staying to celebrate.

I was lost in my thoughts and hadn't really registered where my feet were taking me until I suddenly found myself on the Quidditch pitch. I sighed; the Quidditch pitch reminded me of Oliver, it seemed even my unconscious mind was leading me to him. I took a seat on one of the bleachers and relived the game in my mind, drawing my knees up close to my chest to protect my small body from the wind.

"You should be happy. You're the reason we won the game."

I froze and my heart started to beat widely. Was I still day-dreaming? Could I really have heard Oliver's voice?

"Want some company?" Oliver asked as he strode over and sat down beside me on the bleachers, not waiting for my response.

I shivered as the cold air shifted to accommodate his body.

"Are you cold?" He asked as he moved closer.

I didn't say anything, I couldn't say anything, I was tongue tied and nervous.

"You played really well tonight Katie, you're flying was..." Oliver began

And then suddenly my perfect image of Oliver wrapping his arms around me and confessing his love for me popped. He came down here to compliment my flying! Was that all he would ever see me as? Just his chaser? Well I had enough of it!

"Shut up" I said

Oliver stopped talking suddenly and turned to look at me with a surprised look on his face.

"Gosh, I'm so sick of you Oliver Wood! All you ever talk to me about is Quidditch! I don't know why I've been wasting my time chasing someone who doesn't eve-"

"Because you're a chaser." Oliver said calmly.

I groaned "Are you that blind? I've been in love with you since my second year, and you don't even know I exist!" I said looking at him, daring him to say something.

He looked at me bewildered, his eyes searching my face for a fraction of a second, and then he leaned close and his lips were on mine.

It wasn't the first time I had kissed a boy, but it was the most incredible. Maybe the other boys didn't know how to kiss or maybe it was just the one doing the kissing, all I knew was that I had never been kissed like this before.

When Oliver pulled away I wanted to yank him back down, but I resisted. He cupped my face in his hands and looked me in the eyes before he spoke

"Since second year?" He said smirking.

I tilted my head to the side and bit my lip, looking down at the ground.

Oliver started laughing, a deep chested, booming laugh that filled the stadium. I said nothing but watched him as my face slowly turned red with embarrassment.

"Well if it's so funny than why did you kiss me?" I asked, turning away from him and fighting back tears.

"Because Katie, I've been in love with you since my third year." Oliver whispered quietly.

My heart was beating so loud I was sure Oliver could hear it, after all this time I hadn't imagied any of it happening like this.

"Really?" I managed to choke out, still in complete disbelief.

Oliver nodded slowly, not taking his gaze off mine.

"You have no idea how long I've pictured telling you that." Oliver said with a shy smile.

It was my turn to laugh, as I thought of how ironic it seemed that we both felt the same for so many years, and were both to afraid to say it. We sat there for a few moments in a comfortable silence and Oliver wrapped his arms around me to protect me from the wind, and I rested my head on his chest. It all felt so naturally, like we had been doing it for years.

When we broke apart and walked back up to the castle hand in hand, and returned to the party, nobody gave us surprised looks, instead they all gave us the look that seemed to say 'it's about time.' It turns out our feelings towards each other were obvious to everyone but the one that mattered most.

So I joined the party, happy, talking, eating sweets and drinking butter beer. But it wasn't our victory that left me feeling ecstatic, it was my small hand slipped into Oliver's large calloused one.

For the first time in a while I wasn't chasing anything.