Dislaimer: I Do Not Own Deathnote nor do i own a deathnote , this is for entertainment purpose's only. Enjoy

L finally had some alone time for once , and he had some personal problems to deal with namely repressed feelings he has for a certain tall japanese brunette.

So In Order to over this he sulked and sulked until he found the most logical way to deal with his issues , a list he thought to himself that would work , so he compiled a list of all the things he liked and disliked about a certain yagami-chan.

He Wrote:

My Name is L and this is what i feel about you Light Yagami.

I Love The way you dress it flatters your rather femenine body , yet the subtle walk you have radiate's power it screams iam an uke mascarading as the dominatant male.

I hate Your Little God Complex because , in my opinion you nothing but a self abbsorbed brat.

I Love your hair always so neet and clean whenever your fingers through it , it makes me inwardly smile with lust.

I hate Your OCD , Ya know for a guy you should expect to get dirty and just deal with it , but everytime you get even a smudge of my chocolate cake on your shirt you have a panic attack and start going ape shit.

I Love How Smart You Are , you are my equal in intellect but i will always have fun being 2 steps ahead of you.

I Hate how that bitch misa hangs on to your every word , your sliver tongue needs cut off because it drives me wild evrytime you talk.

I Love Your Games , your so fun to compete with even the the lives of many are at stake whenver you one up me and feel so happy.

So far satisfied with his progress he set the list in an envelope on his desk with an apple he was to eat for breakfast tomorrow as a paper weight , he turned off his lamp and went to sleep.

10 minutes later

Ryuk went about the investgation buildings skyscraper looking for a snack , floating from room to room and then he saw an apple on L's light stand , reached over and snatched it swiftly sending the envelope flying though a vent into light yagami's room downstairs.

Da Da Da Dum , I Hope You All Enjoyed This Chapter iam sorry for the cliff hanger , the next chapter will contain lights reaction.