A/N1: Here you go guys, it was going to be longer but I felt the need to cut it off here so that I could split what was going to happen into two chapters. I hope you guys enjoy. I will have a minor spoiler at the end of the chapter as to what will happen in the next one. Also, there will be a breakdown of the Tarisian Military and Governments at the end too.


Disclaimer: Do we even still need to do these? Anyone who writes these stories on these websites obviously doesn't own any of it.


Chapter 24

5 months ago…

"Are you sure of this Master Yoda?"

"Certain, I am of what is to come." Emperor Revan and Jedi Master Yoda walked along the corridor of the Hoth Station. What had originally been a routine checkup, ended up with Master Yoda dropping something he had seen in a force vision onto Revan.

It irked Revan to the bone as they walked in silence, knowing that there was a plan in motion to capture your wife and impregnate her with someone else's child was not something he could just let happen. He was Emperor Revan the Second. The first Emperor of the Tarisian Empire, he was all-powerful.

"Understand, you must; seen, I have the era of peace the children would bring with their birth." Yoda stopped walking and stood, staring expectantly at Emperor Revan, over the last couple of years the two had a somewhat working relationship that bordered along the lines of father-son. What Revan didn't know what that Dustin Onasi knew about said relationship and figured it too be because of Revan's lack of a father, and Yoda's age, wisdom, and experiences.

Padme believed it was because Revan was the student that Yoda always wanted, willing to do whatever it took to achieve their goals, and never losing their morals along the way.

"Master, do you understand what you're asking of me?" Revan pleaded with the age old Jedi, "You are asking me to allow my Wife, my love to be captured and impregnated on a vision that says these children might bring a new era of peace. I will not allow it."

Yoda shook his head, "Your decision, it is not." A blast door off to the side opened, and Padme stepped into the corridor to join the discussion. She looked directly at the masked figure that was her husband, staring not at the mask he wore, but the person behind it.

"You brought her in on this crackpot vision of yours? How dare you assume-" Revan began, only to be cut off by Padme.

"No Harrison, it is you who assumes too much. Master Yoda is merely concerned with Greater good of the whole Galaxy, he wants to save the Galaxy from good just as much as you do." As she spoke, she stepped forward until she was just before him, where she took both of his hands into hers and stared deeply at where his eyes should be.

"I love you Revan, and I trust Master Yoda. If from what he says is true, these children could help us save the Galaxy." She pulled him into her arms. "Would you really want to lose this chance to gain the upper hand against Palpatine?"

Revan stared down hard at his wife; it killed him inside to do this.

"No, I suppose not."

Padme smiled, and then turned to Master Yoda, "Thank you for bringing this to our attention, now we can set a trap."

Revan stepped forward, "I plan to do more than just set a trap my love. We will be monitoring your every movement for the next while and plant multiple tracers on you." Padme could almost see the smile form on his face as he planned out this operation.

"And then we can have four full squads ready so that when you are taken we will have them on route. We will also program the tracers so that they will alert us as to when the actual… pregnancy happens. That way, we can ensure that it happens and you are rescued soon after."

Revan brought his hand to caress Padme's face, "But do not think for one moment my love, that as soon as you're out of their reach that I wont annihilate them."

Present Time

Commandant Mykal Fel stood aboard the bridge of the Stardestroyer Amidala's Reign, the first of its kind, twice the size of the largest Cruisers currently being produced. The best part was that it was solely being designed and built by the Tarisian Empire's shipyards.

Which made it exclusive to the Tarisian Empire.

It had over 200 different types of guns and battlements scattered across it, and if that wasn't enough, it held well over 200 squads of fighters ready to go at any time.

It was an intimidating sight to say the least.

An officer at a console to his left spoke up, "Sir, the moon Endor will be in range in twelve parsecs. Your orders?"

"Wait for the signal, once we have received the signal send all of the Alpha squads to retrieve the Queen. All other squads will wait for the extraction, once we have the queen lay waste to this pitiful excuse of a moon."

The officer turned and looked at where his Commandant stood, he couldn't believe that the Commandant would order death to a planet that carried intelligent life upon its surface.


Commandant Fel turned and looked darkly at the officer, "These orders come straight from Emperor Revan. We know what we need to do Officer, so get to it." Mykal turned from the Officer and spoke to the rest of the bridge, "I will have no disobedience on my ship, any and all who question my orders will be sent to the brig and tried for treason."

And with that, the whole bridge proceeded to do what they were required to do to save the Queen.

"Commandant Fel and the Stardestroyer Amidala's Reign are already in position Milord."

Revan pressed autopilot as he turned to the viewscreen where General Ordo was waiting to speak to him. "Good, soon my beloved Padme will be by my side once more."

General Ordo seemed distracted before speaking, "Yes, we have Commander Kyn Kenobi leading the squads of Starfighter's, while Commanders First and Draco Malfoy will be leading the Armed and Knight Ground forces."

"Good, I'm glad that such decorated Commanders will be leading such crucial roles, ensure that they know the price of failure." Revan stared hard at General Ordo, something came into his mind as he asked, "And what of you Ordo? What part will you play in all this?"

"Milord, General Kenobi and myself felt that it would be prudent to have one of us accompany the ground forces to extract the Queen," Revan watched as Ordo became uncomfortable, "And well I volunteered Milord."

"Ordo, my friend, you didn't have to do that. I had the upmost faith that our Commanders could handle themselves."

General Ordo could feel the concern that Revan had for him; after all it had been a couple of years since he had been in a real combat zone. Although, Ordo was confident that he could keep up with the younger Clones that would be in the squads.

"Milord," another thought crossed his mind, of the dark premonition that Obi Wan had just the night before of the mission; although he would never tell Emperor Revan that. "Nothing else would give me greater pleasure than to present you with your Queen once this is all over."

Revan could feel the loyalty that General Ordo had for him through the force, he was a true friend, someone who had been there for Revan all these years.

"Thank you my friend."

Nothing else needed to be said. They both knew what they had to do.

Lady Lily Onasi sat upon the balcony of her Apartment within the Royal Palace; her small son Abraxes was playing on the floor in front of her as she enjoyed the morning light. Her granddaughter was out in the gardens below the balcony playing with Soontir and Todr Fel.

Ever since Harrison had brought her here to his home life had become much more enjoyable then it had been on Earth - although due to her condition she did not remember much of her time on Earth – aside from an overwhelming feeling of grief.

She could hear a small cry of "Your it ahaa!" From the gardens below as Alana tagged Soontir with a kiss to the cheek that made him blush a very distinguished red before running off.

She might have missed her chance to be a mother for Harrison, but she wouldn't miss her chance to be a grandmother to Alana.

Not for anything in the world.

"Draco, once we touch down you must take the Knights and retrieve the Queen – I will hold back with the rest of the Armed forces and hold the hall and hangar that we will be landing in." Commander Draco Malfoy nodded his head in acceptance to what Commander First had said this mission was crucial and if Padme were harmed in any way Emperor Revan would tear the Galaxy down.

"Perfect, General Ordo said he would be joining the Knights and myself to retrieve the Queen so we will have some back up in the form of a sharpshooter."

First nodded and stared hard at Draco, "Good, were all set to go then. Remember Commandant Fel is up there in position to take the whole Planet out – so we have a short frame of time before we have to get off this rock." First stuck out his hand and Draco shook it enthusiastically. "Good luck Commander."

"You too First."

"Commandant Fel, the Starfighter's have made contact with the Enemy. We out number them 2-1" the same Officer from before spoke quickly, trying to avoid eye contact with the Commandant.

"Good, hopefully we won't need to join the fight." He turned to survey the map, "If any form of resistance shows ensure that they are taken down swiftly, I will not stand for any wasted life."

"Understood Sir."

"Commandant, General Ordo is on the comlink requesting to speak to you."

Mykal Fel nodded his head, "Put the line through."


"Yes General?"

"I will be joining Knight Commander Malfoy on his mission to retrieve the Queen, therefore, since you are the Highest Ranking Officer, my absence puts you in charge of the Fleets."

General Ordo paused to allow this information to sink in to his subordinate, "Sir, your doing me a great Honor."

"You deserve it my friend."

Commandant Mykal Fel squished down any nervous thoughts and stood a little straighter, "I will do my upmost best to enforce the Emperor's will."

"I know you will, good luck Mykal. General Ordo out."

Commandant Mykal Fel turned to face the Officers on the bridge, "Well? What are you waiting for? Have all guns and battery's facing the planet, we will make sure nothing will ever live on this planet again."

"Soontir," the angry and annoyed voice of Alana complained, "If we're to be married then you have to learn to do what I say, I am after all in charge."

The dark haired Soontir raised one eyebrow towards his intended and spoke with a hint of sarcasm in his voice, "Fat chance! We're partners in this 'Ana, you're father made sure of that when he signed the contract for our House's to combine into one."

Alana rolled her eyes, "You're so dramatic 'Tiry, everyone knows that the girls are the bosses because we're girls, accept it 'Tiry, even your father knows it! Look at how he does everything Queen Padme says! Its because She's the boss!"

Soontir stared at her hard before jumping forward and tickling his young friend's stomach. Alana squealed in laughter as her best friend used her one weakness against her.

"Soontir! Stop it this instance!"

"Never! Not until you say that I'm the best in the whole wide Galaxy!"

"As if I would ever even whisper such a far fetched lie you sith-spawn!"

Soontir's face widened in surprise, "I'm telling Grandma Lily you cursed!"

All color drained from Alana's face, "You wouldn't!"

"Would too!"

"Not if I get there first!"

"Race you!"

"This is Commander Kyn Kenobi, all Primary wings report!" She pressed a few buttons on the console of her fighter to enable battle capabilities.

"Gold-Leader, Gold-Squad is standing by." A dark gruff voice spoke.

"Blue-Leader, Blue-Squad is standing by." A soft female voice spoke.

"Red-Leader, Red-Squad is ready with the heavy weapons."

"Green-Leader, Green-Squad is standing by."

"Roger, prepare to engage the enemy at my command. All Secondary wings report!" twenty-four more wings reported, each with twenty fighters belonging to said wings. That was well over 560 starfighter's; it put the Separatists at a disadvantage since they outnumbered them.

Out of her cockpit window Kyn saw the forth-coming enemy fighters, she knew that this could turn out anyway; they didn't know what kind of back up the Separatists would have coming, which made her a little uneasy.

She felt her starfighter's shields take a light blast and quickly turned her comlink on.

"All fighters engage!"

A/N2: I hope you enjoyed all of that, be prepared for the next chapter, because its going to be so exciting that some may not make it out alive.

A/N3: Here is a break down of the Military and Government Hierarchy. Note: I'm only going to list the characters that are of importance that hold those ranks.


Emperor/Queen: Revan & Padme

Admiral: no one

General/Knight General: Ordo and Obi Wan Kenobi

Commandant: Mykal Fel

Commander: First, Kyn Kenobi, Draco Malfoy



Ordinary Rank and file


Emperor/Queen: Revan & Padme

Imperial Minister: Dustin Onasi

Noble Families: Fel & Onasi (note: noble families are the families raised to noble status for doing something of great importance for the Empire, by the Emperor. These titles and seats upon the Imperial Council are hereditary.)

Governor's: none yet, (note: there is one governor per planet/moon/station that belongs to the Tarisian Empire. They sit upon the Imperial Council. They are also elected to their position and post on the council.)

Senators: none yet, (note: Senators sit upon the planetary councils and only hold office upon that planet. They are elected to office and answer to the governor of that planet.)