Disclaimer: I wish I owned Dragonball Z, but know, I'm poor.

A/N : This fic is wild! I tell ya. If you read the summary, and you know my B/V nature, you know who's gonna hook up with Bulma in the end. To sum it up, the 6 saiya-jins land on earth in search for Bulma, their computers show that she has what it takes to bear saiya-jin children, and a strong child, even if it would be a demi-saiya-jin. watch the Bumbling saiya-jins try to win Bulma's love!

Chapter 1 :
Six Saiya-jin's and a mission!

Vegeta gripped the sides of his chair. Gritting his teeth, not only in anger, but the fact of knowing that this day would come.

* A weak human female? Stupid Computers! So she may be the next closest thing to a saiya-jin female, someone has to mate to her to continue the saiya-jin race. The question is who* Vegeta thought tiredly.

Yes, Vegeta, Really Vegeta no Ouji, wasn't alone. Five other saiya-jins were with him. Two elites, Brolli and Nappa. One Second Class, Turles. And Two Third Class, Kakarott and Radditz. They're planet had been destroyed years ago by the tyrant known as Freeza. Vegeta had reached the legendary along with one of his elites, and a friend so to say, Brolli. They had defeated Freeza, aswell as the Cold Empire, bringing revenge and peace to the universe. (A/N : Corny line I know! O.o) The six remaining saiya-jins have been travling from planet to planet, in search of women to breed with.

No more female saiya-jins existed to mate with so, other species were the answer. Some species were weak but beautiful. Some species were ugly but had the power. The perfect female would have to be a combination of beauty, intellegnce, inner and outer strength. The saiya-jins were being picky for a reason. They needed a female that could handle the child birth. They used a computer on a remote planet in the east quadrant of space and it led them here. To earth. A planet inhabited by weaklings with ki levels the amount of a defected 3rd class saiya-jin newborn. The ship the saiya-jins were in was coming into the atmosphere. The landing would certainly be intresting.

~ Capsule Corp ~

Dr. Briefs looked up and noticed that the transmitter was picking up something. Bulma noticed to.

"Hey dad, you think that's a asteroid or something?" (A/N : I don't know much about space debris ) Bulma asked.

"I really don't know, but I think it's a ship of some sort"

"Let's check it out, where is it landing?"

Dr. Briefs checked the monitor aswell as the results. He glanced at both repeaedly.


"I...It's coming...here"

"What!?" Bulma screamed.

Bulma and Dr. Briefs jumped out of there seats and were headed outside. Mrs. Briefs was just coming by with a tray of lemonade for the two.

"You two look like a space ship is heading for us!" Mrs. Briefs giggled.

"We're not sure yet" Bulma replied as she and her father ran for the outside. Mrs. Briefs could only blink as the ground shook wildly.

~ Outside ~

Dr. Briefs and Bulma hld each other as the braced the impact of the foreign ship colided with the spare land of Capsule Corp.

"Oh.My.God!" Bulma stuttered.

The ship hissed and steame rose from it erily. Bulma stepped up to the ship timidly and was about to touch the outside of the ship when she was stopped by two things.

"Bulma don't touch it! It's VERY extremely hot!" Dr. Briefs yelled.

Bulma stopped but then the wall of the ship was being punched out from the inside. Bulma eeped in surprise. She stepped back and a hand shot out. Bulma eeped again. the hand draged down through the searing hot metal of the ship as if it were a knife to cheese. The posessor of the hand brought both of his hands in between the slit and seperated the sides of the ship in half. he stepped down onto the grass and looked up.

*Woah, what a hunk, for a alien* Bulma thought.

The possesor of the hand, and that power, was Vegeta himself. He was in super saiya-jin mode. The landing was more than he expected. Another saiya-jin, looking simular to Vegeta stepped out and looked around.

*What's up with these hot guys? This is a gir's fantasy come true. This is to good to be true. There must be something wrong here then.* Bulma thought.

Vegeta and his companion Brolli switched out of super saiya-jin mode. There gold hair turning to black and there teal eyes turning to black. Bulma's eyes were as wide as saucers. Dr. Briefs being the person he was, stepped a little closer to the men and looked them over.

"What are you looking at old man?" Vegeta sneered.

"I believe I deserve a explination for you crash landing on our property" Dr. Briefs replied.

"You're correct. You do deserve a explination" Brolli replied.

Dr. Briefs hmphed happily.

"I am Prince Vegeta. Prince of all Saiya-jins. Beside me stands an Elite, Brolli. We have others in the ship. We have a purpose for being here"

"Never heard of your race, but what is your reason?" Dr. Briefs spoke.

"Her" Vegeta directed to Bulma.

"Huh?" Both Bulma and Dr. Briefs thought in unison. Dr. Briefs's pipe fell out of his mouth.

"Anyone want lemonade?" Mrs. Briefs offered.

Bulma smacked her forehead and stepped up to vegeta and began poking into his chest.

"What the hell do you mean me? I don't even know you guys! I" Bulma couldn't finish her questioning.

Vegeta slowly snuck his hand around the back of Bulma's hand and hadn pressed a pressure point in her neck, making her become uncouncious, temporarily.

"Why did you do that?" Dr Briefs yelled with fear in his voice.

"The woman is fine. Her excesive bitching was hurting my hearing" Vegeta said flatly.

"We desire to talk to you at the moment Dr. Briefs." Brolli made aware.

Vegeta let Bulma's body slump against him. He held her close to him and looked in the Dr's eyes. He hefted Bulma's body into his arms and directed that Brolli and Dr. Briefs follow him into the house.

Not much of a chapter but you get the idea. Can't wait to see the other saiya-jins can't you? Imagine the fueding in future episodes between everyone? And who will get Bulma? *Obvious O.o* Please review.