HEY~! It's Uo here! and i'm presenting my first...MY FIRST CHAPTER STORY! =D I hope everyone enjoys and will pleeeease Review. I got to know if you want me to continue this story. .; this my first one so info is needed.

Also! Sorry that Jynx and I haven't posted anything. We've been Busy...and we mean busy... X.x

His teeth chattered a million miles an hour as he sat on the bleachers in the freezing cold weather.

"H-how can t-these players play in t-this weather?" Roxas stuttered while watching the team warm up for there game.

"They're used to playing in different kinds of conditions," Hayner answered as he nudged Roxas playfully before looking back to the field.

"Well, I told you to dress warmly because it was going to be cold. But someone doesn't listen," came Sora's voice who had appeared carrying 3 cups in his hands. By the smell after he was given a cup was hot chocolate. Anxiously taking a sip, Roxas let the chocolatey goodness spread throughout his body. He held the cup with both hands, keeping the cup close to his lips, as he peered onto the field as his home team took there positions on the field. It had been Sora's idea to come watch the school's baseball team...in the cold weather of course. Another factor would be that Sora's boyfriend, Riku was on the varsity baseball team. With a sigh, Roxas zipped up his jacket then went back to watching the game.

"GO RIKU! HIT US A HOMER!" Sora cheered as he watched a silver haired teen walk up to the plate. He gave Sora a wink before he took up his stance at home plate. The pitcher from the other team stood there, glancing from the first base where the opposing team was leading off from the base then back to the batter. He wound his arm before pitching the ball straight down the plate.

"STRIKE ONE!" The Umpire called out causing the fans in the stands to call out.

Roxas stared in boredom as he watched the pitcher wind up for another throw or whatever you call it. A pitch? Eh...who cares? The stands erupted in cheers after watching Riku hit a long drive down center field. The opposing team scrambled to get the ball, which by the time of the players had the ball in there hand, Riku was standing proudly on third base.

Roxas watched with a bored expression as one of their own players strike out, causing the teams to switch up. As the players took the field, one player in particular stood out as he made his way to the pitchers mound.

"Who's that?" Roxas asked, while pointing to the new pitcher. The spiky red hair standing out among all others on the field.

"That's Axel. The coach must've been desperate to have pulled out the big guns," Sora answered not even glancing away from the field. Of course he kept his attention on a certain silver haired boy who was standing at first base.

"Is he new?" Hayner asked having obviously never seen the boy before.

"Kinda. He came to our school at the beginning of the season. The coach uses him for when we're down on runs," Sora stated. How did he know this? He's been to every game since the season started. Then hearing about being 'down on runs', Roxas looked to the score board to see the score 5-2. And it was only the second inning.

"So he's a secret weapon?" Roxas pointed out lazily.


"STRIKE THREE! YOU'RE OUT!" Roxas stared in amazement after watching this Axel guy strike all three batters out. Sora cheered, along with everyone else in the crowd, as they watched the opposing team walk out onto the field.

"Secret weapon…I can see why," Roxas muttered as he took the last sip of his hot chocolate.

Sora nudged his brother, who turned questioning to him, smiled and pointed that he was going over to the dug out. Shrugging, Roxas watched his younger brother jump up and walk quickly over to the team.

"You know, baseball can be brutal when it wants to be," Hayner stated, remembering the close call earlier. The coaches had gotten into a huge argument over something which Roxas diddn't understand. Also the dispute between the 2nd base man on their team and the runner from the opposing team.

"Yea, I guess," Roxas said, his eyes wandering to the field until they landed on the familiar red head. Who at that moment turned his gaze to lock eyes with Roxas. A feint blush appeared on his face after the red head had winked at him.

"I saw that." Roxas shook his head and looked over to his brother who had returned from the dug out and had smirk on his face. He turned his head to Hayner who was also smirking.

"What do you mean?" Roxas asked obviously confused.

"Axel winked at you. Definite sign that he thinks you're cute," Sora put as he nudged his brother.

"Well...I'm not into boys. I have a girlfriend!" Roxas protested while crossing his arms as if to prove a point.

"Yet, she didn't come with us today-" Hayner started.

"Because it's freezing-"

"-where as you two could cuddle for warmth," Roxas shut his mouth, not being able to come up with a snappy come back.

"She hasn't been hanging out with you for a while. An OBVIOUS sign that she's getting frisky with someone else,"

"Namine is too nice-"

"Which has always deceived men through-out the ages-"

"Will you stop interrupting me!" Roxas stated as he looked back to the game. Sora and Hayner gave knowing smiles to each other before looking back to the game.

"15-5! Traverse High wins!" The umpire called out after the last out. The stands erupted in shouts of excitement as they watched the teams tap forearms with each other. As soon as the game ended, Roxas had gotten up from the stands, past the cheering people, to stand on the concrete by the dug out. However long it was, he was joined by Hayner and Roxas after the crowd had subsided. The players had all left the dug out except for three who were chatting as they left the field to join them.

"Congrats!" Sora shouted as he jumped into Riku's arms, who had dropped his bag in surprise. He smiled down at Sora before giving him a kiss on the cheek.

Roxas rolled his eyes, a smile on his lips at seeing how happy his brother was.

"I say we should go out to celebrate," Axel suggested, who turned to give Roxas a smile. Trying to hide his blush, Roxas looked to Hayner who was standing next to a blonde haired teen. He wore the same uniform as the other two and was wearing a beanie instead of a ball cap. His name was Seifer, he thought that was the name Hayner introduced him as; he hadn't been paying attention.

"Pizza?" Riku offered as he picked up his bag, an arm slung around Sora's shoulders.

"Sure," everyone answered in unison.

"So Axel, this is my twin, Roxas. Roxas, Axel," Sora introduced after everyone had taken a seat at the pizzeria. Roxas glanced up at the red-head, giving him a small nod.

"Roxas? That's a strange name. Must be unique. You must be unique person to have that name," Sora giggled at the look Roxas had on his face after the statement. His face was beat red. His eye was twitching while he looked away from the smirking red-head.

"Quit embarrassing him, Axel," Riku murmured, a hint of humor in his voice from looking to the blonde.

"How am I embarrassing him? I'm complimenting him on such a beautiful name," At that point, Roxas got up from his seat and speed walked to the bathroom. Once he was in a somewhat secured place, he stood in front of the mirror above the sink and stared at his blushing face. He turned the faucet on to spalsh his face, hoping to the cool his face down, which helped slightly. A couple moments later, the bathroom door opened. Roxas couldn't see at first for he had a paper towel to his face.

"Sorry about the way I acted," Roxas froze in his actions, recognizing the voice.

"Really?" Roxas asked sarcastically.


Roxas brought the paper towel down to look at Axel, who was leaning against the counter. Realizing it now, Roxas noticed that under Axel's incredibly green eyes were green triangle tattoos that seem to complete his look. The red-head raised a brow questioningly at the blonde.

"I'm straight."

"And?" Axel leaned closer, smiling.

"And what?"

"Do I care?" By this time Axel had stood up, a hand on the counter to lean even closer.

"You should. So stop trying to flirt with me."

"Flirting, I'm just being nice."

"Stop it!"

"Stop what?"

"Go away!" Roxas shouted as he rushed out of the bathroom, leaving a laughing Axel in the bathroom.

"I'll meet you at home!" Roxas told Sora as he grabbed his jacket and house keys. His brother was about to ask why but wasn't able to for Roxas was already out the door.

"And what did you do this time?" Seifer asked once Axel sat down.

"All I did was apologized for the way I acted," Axel pouted.

"And yet?"

"He doesn't seem to like me," The group smiled just as the cheesy pizza arrived at there table.

"Maybe because you came on too strong?"

"Nah, but this kids got something that intrigues me."