Disclaimer: Don't own Ouran, and this is the website I got the flower meanings from. .. And also more meanings from .com/content/aboutflowers/flower-meanings.

I know Haruhi's debt has gone bye byes, but let's just say she has a debt again…

"Haruhi, come to daddy, I need you for a moment," Tamaki said, motioning to Haruhi to come to him as he sat on a couch in the 3rd music room.

Haruhi reluctantly came over, what could he possibly want? The hosts had just finished hosting, and the ladies had left. Hikaru and Kaoru were talking and standing by Haruhi's backpack, Kyoya was writing in his Death Note (Just joking), Hani was still eating cake, and Mori was telling him to stop eating so fast.

"Yes, Senpai?" Haruhi asked as she stood in front of Tamaki.

"I need your help with my school work. My father told me to get a tutor. My English grade is slipping gradually, and I want you to be my tutor!" Tamaki cheered, smiling at Haruhi who kept a straight face. All except for the blush that appeared on her face whenever she was near Tamaki.

"No way," she replied quickly.

Tamaki seemed to have teleported into his depression state in a corner and began to grow mushrooms. Kyoya saw what Tamaki was doing, and came over to Haruhi.

"Can't you just be his tutor for a while so we don't have to deal with this? I'll decrease your debt if you become his tutor for a week," Kyoya said, still writing in his book.

"He's in a higher year than me, how would I be able to help?" Haruhi asked Kyoya.

"Because you're smart, and I always see you reading. Also, if you don't do this, I will increase your debt," he replied, smirking.

"How much of the debt will you decrease…?" Haruhi sighed, knowing she had lost this battle.

"For everyday you tutor him, which will be a week, I'll decrease your debt by fifty thousand yen," Kyoya explained as he wrote down something in his book. Probably the amount of money that would be decreased over all.

"I guess that's fair…," Haruhi sighed, looking over to Tamaki who had heard the conversation and jumped to his feet. He was smiling a huge, satisfactory smile and walked over to Haruhi and Kyoya.

"Yay! I'm so happy!" Tamaki crushed Haruhi into a hug.

"Ack! Senpai…," Haruhi squirmed until Tamaki let go of her.

Once Tamaki released Haruhi and she regained her feet, she turned to Tamaki.

"When and what time do I have to be at your house…?" She said unenthusiastically.

"Come every day for a week after school until nine at night," Tamaki recited, leaning down to Haruhi's eye level and giving her a smile.

"Eh, whatever," she retorted as she walked over to her bag to go home. Haruhi picked up her bag and sighed. Tamaki's house for a week, every day. This will be interesting. She thought as she walked out of the double doors of the 3rd music room.

Haruhi walked down the hallway and down the stairs. As she reached the door to go inside, she heard a pair of footsteps behind her. She turned around and saw Hikaru and Kaoru following her.

They ran up to Haruhi, and rested their arms on her shoulders. This extra weight made Haruhi sag as she walked outside into the 80° heat.

"So, Haruhi," Kaoru began.

"We heard you're going to be tutoring the boss for a week, try not to let anything happen. We wouldn't want to lose our toy!" Hikaru finished.

"Like I would do anything with Senpai…," Haruhi commented, blushing at the fact of a growing relationship while she was tutoring the handsome prince.

"Oh, Haruhi," Kaoru began, "you're way too obvious. You just blushed at our little question, and you always blush when you're around the boss."

"Plus," Hikaru said, "You rely on him more than the rest of us. During thunderstorms you ran to the boss, but when we were on our little date, I had to come and find you. I bet if that was Tono you were on a date with, you would have run through the rain until you found him."

Haruhi blushed at sudden realization. Would she have run to Tamaki during the storm? Hikaru helped her and all, but would Tamaki have ditched her over jealousy? Haruhi threw the questions out of her mind, and focused on walking home.

Hikaru and Kaoru walked Haruhi home, trying to torment her with questions and observations about Tamaki and her feelings towards him. Do I have feelings towards Senpai? How could I, he is so…obnoxious and flamboyant!

Once Haruhi made it home, which was hard after the twin's tormenting, she found her dad was out working. I thought he didn't have work today…hmm… Oh, that's right; he needed to talk to the chairman or something about my scholarship.

Haruhi placed her bag on the kitchen counter and began to make dinner. Haruhi was preparing itamemono for herself and her father, making enough to have leftovers. As the itamemono was cooking, Haruhi began her homework. As she opened her bag, a picture floated out and softly hit the floor facedown. Haruhi picked up the picture and looked at the back of the photo, where somebody wrote 'Dear Haruhi, from Hikaru and Kaoru! Hope you love it, know you will ;)'. It was a picture of Tamaki hugging Haruhi, and Haruhi looking away with a small smile on her face. There was a heart around the two in red, and the words 'Love Birds!' written above their heads. Haruhi ripped up the picture and sighed. She knew it was a joke, and the twins had a tendency to play jokes on people, but these constant jokes were getting a bit annoying. After finishing her homework and eating her dinner alone, Haruhi heard her father come inside.

"Sorry I'm late, the chairman is very entertaining!" Ryoji boasted as he came through the door.

"I made dinner and left it in the fridge to heat up, if you want it, that is," Haruhi directed as she stood up to lay out her futon. After the futon was ready, Haruhi walked back out to her dad, who was eating. She sat down across from him and brought up conversation.

"So," she began, "what did the chairman say?"

Ryoji finished the mouth full of food he had, and answered Haruhi's question.

"He told when you would be at the mansion, and what time you'd be home. He also said he'll make sure that you and Tamaki do nothing but study," Ryoji replied.

A vein popped from Haruhi's head.

"I'm going to go to bed now," she said as she stood up and walked into the room containing her and her father's futon. She laid down on the futon and went to sleep a bit agitated.

Haruhi awoke the next morning and went to school. Today was the start of her torture of being Tamaki's tutor. Also, most likely some torture from the twins about being Tamaki's tutor. Haruhi knows they are just joking around, but it got annoying after a while.

During classes, Haruhi kept getting teasing glances from Hikaru and Kaoru. She tried to just pay attention to what her sensei was instructing.

After her classes, Haruhi made her way to the 3rd music room to host.

"Is it true you're tutoring Tamaki-Kun?" One girl asked.

"Yes, it's true," Haruhi smiled (fake).

"Kyah! That's so cute!" Three girls squealed at once.

I don't get what's so cute about it… Haruhi thought.

"Haruhi, ladies," Tamaki charmed, wrapping his arms around Haruhi's chest as she sat on the couch. He was leaning over the couch.

"Senpai…," Haruhi played along to please the ladies. She saw Kyoya smile and write something down in his notebook. Hey, if I play along I guess Kyoya-Senpai reduces my debt…

Haruhi knew she was blushing, and that was contributing factor to this little "yaoi" game. (AN: Put yaoi in quotes because Haruhi's a girl, but they think she's a guy…so that's why).

Tamaki stroked hair out of Haruhi's face and rested his head on hers. Haruhi looked innocently up at Tamaki, making the girls squeal. Tamaki broke away from Haruhi and said, "Well, it looks like hosting time is over. Goodbye, my princesses!"

"Bye, Tamaki-Kun!" The girls said as they left, leaving the 7 hosts alone.

"Well, Haruhi, do you want to leave? I have a limo in the front waiting for us," Tamaki said unusually normally.

"Uh—sure," Haruhi replied.

Tamaki and Haruhi walked out of the building together and got into the limo. Tamaki sat next to Haruhi, and as the limo began to move, Haruhi looked out of the window. She watched the trees speed past as they drove to the Suoh 2nd mansion. Once they arrived, Tamaki and Haruhi got out of the limo and walked inside the extravagant building. Haruhi gasped, even though she had been here before, at the design and size of the mansion.

Damn these rich people, stunning me with their looks and their houses… Haruhi thought as she entered the mansion, door held open by Tamaki. They were greeted by a butler and then walked into a library. Tamaki and Haruhi sat down at a table and Haruhi started helping Tamaki with whatever he needed help with, or whatever he brought up.

"Is that all of the English homework you have?" Haruhi asked, leaning over the table to flip through the papers Tamaki had laid out.

"I think so. Thanks, Haruhi!" Tamaki concluded. He reached for a stray paper, and so did Haruhi. As their hands touched softly, they both began to blush and automatically pulled away from the paper, making it fall slowly to the ground.

"I'm sorry! I'll get that!" Tamaki apologized, reaching for the paper.

Haruhi said, "Eh—sorry! Uh, thanks for getting the paper."

As Tamaki grabbed the paper and sat back up, he said, "That's alright. What's the time?"

Haruhi pulled out her cell phone to check the time.

"It's 7:30. That means I still have about an hour and a half here. What do you want to do? Do you have any other homework? I'm finished with mine," Haruhi replied.

"No, I'm all done!" Tamaki cheered; glad he finished all of his work.

"Well, uh, what do you want to do?" Haruhi asked awkwardly.

"Dinner will be a while…Do you want to check out the gardens outside? There are many exotic flowers to look at, and I can teach you about some of them," Tamaki suggested.

Haruhi was enlightened by Tamaki's sudden change of maturity.

"Sure," She replied with a smile.

In the dim light of the summer evening, Tamaki was showing Haruhi a lot of flowers and their meanings.

"This is an Amaryllis," Tamaki explained, carefully touching the red flower. "Legend has it that the amaryllis – the stunning red flower we've come to associate with the holidays – began as a shy, timid nymph. Amaryllis fell deeply in love with Alteo, a shepherd with Hercules' strength. Hey, I think that you are Amaryllis and I am the stunning Alteo! Don't you agree?" Tamaki boasted, palms facing the sky.

"No," Haruhi replied sarcastically, sweat-dropping.

"So mean…," Tamaki mumbled under his breath in a frown.

They continued to walk through the gardens, until Tamaki stopped at one flower sprouting uniquely among others that looked the same, while the one flower looked as if it didn't belong in the group.

"What's this?" Haruhi asked, slightly intrigued at the flower.

"This is an Orchid. It's pretty common, but the meaning suits you, Haruhi!" Tamaki cheered.

"What's the meaning?" Haruhi asked. Probably going to be something that is supposed to sweep me off of my feet and into Tamaki's arms…

"This is the meaning; the most highly coveted of ornamental plants, the delicate, exotic and graceful orchid represents love, luxury, beauty and strength. In ancient Greece, orchids were associated with virility. In fact, Greek women believed that if the father of their unborn child ate large, new orchid tubers, the baby would be a boy. If the mother ate small orchid tubers, she would give birth to a girl. During the Victorian era, orchid symbolism shifted to luxury, and today this sense of magnificence and artful splendor continues, with orchids representing rare and delicate beauty. The 14th wedding anniversary flower, pink orchids convey pure affection, and the popular cattelya orchid represents mature charm."

Haruhi's heart rate increased, she was actually about to run to Tamaki, until she came back into reality.

"Why are you saying I have virility? Senpai, do you even know what virility is?" Haruhi commented slyly.

"Wha—Uh…no…," Tamaki stuttered uncomfortably.

"Virility refers to any of a wide range of masculine characteristics viewed positively. It is not applicable to women or to negative characteristics… What are you trying to say, Senpai?"

"Ack! Well, I only meant the first sentence reminded me of you! Shit, I didn't mean the whole thing! Oh no! I'm sorry, Haruhi!" Tamaki fretted.

"Yeah, uh, let's just not bring that up again. I think I know a flower that reminds me of you, I see it over there, come on," Haruhi took Tamaki's hand, making him blush, and stalked over to a Hyacinth. "Hyacinth symbolizes playfulness and a sporty attitude and in its extreme rashness."

"I guess I'm glad you didn't give me a flower to symbolize idiotism or obnoxiousness," Tamaki played. "I suppose I owe you a meaningful one then, huh?"

"Yeah," Haruhi replied, beginning to enjoy the time at the Suoh 2nd mansion, which she never would have expected.

Tamaki walked over to a patch of flowers Haruhi didn't recognize.

"These are called Callas. They stand for magnificent beauty, so this is your flower! Does it suit you better? I think it suits you perfectly," Tamaki said, looking into Haruhi's eyes.

"T—Thanks…," Haruhi stuttered.

Tamaki handed Haruhi the pink and white flower, and she took it with a blush.

"Hehe," Tamaki began, "have you fallen for me?"

Haruhi snapped back into reality, "Hell no!" she retorted.

Tamaki frowned, a small glint of playfulness sparkling in his eyes. "It's almost nine; I will have somebody drive you home!"

"Will you be coming, or will I ride alone?" Haruhi asked, not wanting to ride alone with some random limo driver.

"Of course I'll be coming," Tamaki said as he walked away towards the mansion, Haruhi following closely behind.

Once they got into the Suoh 2nd mansion and Haruhi grabbed her backpack, they got into the limo and began to drive back to Haruhi's apartment. Haruhi was still holding onto the Calla. They arrived at the apartment and Tamaki said goodbye as Haruhi climbed the steps to her door.

Once inside, she said hello to her dad and put the flower in a vase. She filled it with rocks and sand, and poured in a little bit of water to keep the Calla healthy. After preparing breakfast for the morning, she hopped into her futon and went to sleep satisfactory. She thought this tutoring thing would be boring, especially with Tamaki, but it had turned out quite well. She was looking forward to tomorrow, surprising even herself at the desire.

First chapter DONE. Please review :D I would appreciate it.
