NO POV(Later on there will be POV's!)

(PS, The girls partner Pokémon are beside them, walking too! Some characters are very OOC! ;p)

The bell rang and a teacher came in to the

girls' class. "Good morning students! Today,

we have four new students that will join our

class!" the teacher exclaimed. "They look

hot!" a random boy yelled. "How did those

little girlies get into 'High Talents' class?" a

random girl said, disgusted. "They better be

a good challenge!" another random boy yelled.

"Okay, class, settle down. Girls, introduce

yourselves. Oh, by the way, I'm ."

said. The girls smiled at him and

turned towards the class. "Hi! I'm Alice from

Sinnoh! My talents are the 'psychic' and

'mesmerizing' talent!" Alice said loudly. "Hey!

I'm Dawn from Sinnoh too! My talents are

the 'ice shard' and 'ice cloak' talents!" Dawn

said. "Hello. I'm May from Hoenn! My talents

are the 'flames' and 'float' talents!" May

exclaimed happily. "Hello! I'm Leaf from

Hoenn too. My talents are the 'invisibility'

and 'leaf storm' talents." Leaf said and

smiled. The class started to chatter

immediately after they finished their

introduction. Some were saying, "No way can

they beat me!" and some of the others said,

"Wow, that's such a rare talent!".

suddenly clapped his hands and the class fell

dead silent. "The 'silence' talent." Alice, May,

Dawn and May whispered in unision. "Good.

Thank you girls! Now, let's see… aha! May, sit

next to Ash," said and Ash waved

at May to signal where he sat, "Dawn sit next

to Paul," Dawn groaned at that, "Leaf, sit

next to Gary," Gary waved to Leaf, "and

Alice, sit next to Ace," now it was Alice's

turn to groan, "Okay, now that that is

settled, there is another student coming any

minute now…" said and the door

slammed open. A boy with dark brown hair

and hazel eyes appeared at the door, panting

very hard. smiled. "And here he is!

Come here and introduce yourself!"

said and the boy slowly and tiredly walked

over. The boy regained his posture and said

"Hi. I'm Corey from Snowpoint, Sinnoh. My

talents are the 'close combat' and 'super

combat'. My partner is right beside me. Say hi to everyone Aqua!" Corey said. Apparently,

Aqua was his Prinplup. "Prinplup!" Prinplup

greeted and waved a fin. "Good job Corey.

Now, you can sit beside Samantha. Samantha

raised a hand and Corey plus the girls went

to where they were supposed to sit. (The

girls already knew the boys so they didn't

have anything to talk about so…lets go to



Corey sat down next to Samantha. "Hi! I'm

Corey! Are you Samantha?" Corey asked.

Samantha looked at him and said, "I already

know you are Corey and I prefer for you to

call me Sam, OK?". Corey casually nodded and

said, "OK. Want to be friends?". "Of course!"

Sam said happily. "So, who is your partner

Pokémon?" Corey asked Sam. Sam smirked.

"Beauty is on your head." Was all she said.

Corey gave her a questioning look before

looking on his head. There lay a cute

Beautifly! "Cool." Was all Corey said and

Beauty flew off his head and onto Sam's

head. Sam had black wavy hair tied in a

ponytail held by a yellow silk ribbon. She had

light brown eyes and was wearing a white

knee length skirt, red low neck blouse and

red boots. As you can see, Sam is very

outgoing and friendly. Corey wore a black

shirt with a blue zip up jacket, sandy brown

jeans and white shoes. He was kind of a cool

guy, but friendly. "Hey, can I see your

Prinplup?" Sam suddenly asked. "You mean

Aqua. Sure and you can pamper her. Yes, it is

a she." Corey sarcastically pointed out. Sam

nodded and Aqua came onto Sam's lap.

Back into class!

"Okay, class is starting now!" said

and then the chatters-mostly coming from

Alice, Dawn, May, Leaf, Sam, Corey, Ash,

Paul, Ace and Gary-died down SLOWLY.

"Today, we will be battling in pairs! Choose

your partners and we will start! Oh, and we

will use our talents ONLY! The winners are up

to five pairs, though!" said. Alice

and Dawn practically hugged each other-they

were very good friends. May and Leaf looked

at each other and held hands. Ash had to

choose Gary because Paul and Ace teamed up

WAY earlier. Since Sam had no one else to

choose, Sam reluctantly went along with

Corey. looked around before

saying, "Alright! I see everyone has got a

partner so let us get busy!". The class

cheered because they loved battling.

smiled at their enthusiasm. "Okay,

the first battle is between Leaf and May vs.

Bianca and Lily!" he said. As the said students started to stand, stopped them.

"Wait! We will absolutely NOT fight in class!

Lets go to the battle field outside!" he said.

The students complied and were led outside

by . Leaf and May, Bianca and Lily

stood opposite of each other and waited for

their teachers instructions to start.

"START!" yelled. Suddenly, Bianca

and Lily were knocked out by a flamed,

strong gust of leaves. The class -except

Dawn, Alice, May and Leaf- were stunned.

"Wow…umm…oh! The winner is Leaf and May!"

exclaimed as Bianca and Lily were

helped up by Leaf and May. The class

applauded for them. "Now, Alice and Dawn vs.

Beverly and Jade!" said. Dawn,

Alice, Beverly and Jade got ready. "START!"

yelled. Alice and Dawn decided to

give Beverly and Jade a chance to attack.

Beverly threw a waterball at Alice and Dawn

while Jade expanded it ten times its original

size. Alice quickly used her 'psychic' talent to

stop it and Dawn used her 'ice shard' talent

and hit Beverly and Jade. HARD. Beverly and

Jade almost fell but Alice stopped them with

her 'psychic' talent and set them on the

ground carefully. "Wonderful, like Leaf and

May! Take a good rest!" said. Alice

and Dawn nodded at sat down on the ground

and started to hyperly chat about shopping,

appeals, contest and fashion. "Next,

Samantha and Corey vs. Brendan and Barry!"

(Yes, this is the Pokémon Brendan and

Barry. But this time, the girls don't know

them!) said. Corey grabbed Sam's

hand and dragged her there. Sam blushed a

very light shade of pink while Corey didn't

think a thing. When Corey was battling a

Pokémon or human-of course, a human with a

talent- he was very good. He always focuses

on it and ignores distractions. Sam of course,

was totally the opposite. Sam HATED

fighting Pokémon and people! She does,

though, concentrate during her battles. She

is a coordinator, too! BUT, do not

underestimate her. She can be very tough!

They stood opposite of Brendan and Barry.

"START!" screamed (- I mean-)

yelled. Corey quickly shot forward and used

'close combat' on Barry. Sam shot a string of

web on Brendan that got him stuck on the

ground then send him whirling around with a

tornado. After Corey finished his 'close

combat' on a very, very bruised Brendan, he

used his 'super combat' on the very, very

bruised Brendan. Halfway in 'super combat',

Brendan raised his white handkerchief in

defeat (Ha! I did a little comedy!

FINALLY! I suck at comedy!). Corey saw

that and reluctantly stopped. RELUCTANTLY

because he positively LOVED battling! "Okay!

The winners are Corey and Samantha!"

said. Sam quickly went towards

Dawn and Alice who were still chatting. "Hi!

I'm Sam! Can I join in your conversation?"

Sam asked them. Alice and Dawn smiled and

said, "Sure! The more the merrier!". Sam

gratefully sat down and they chatted about

the same things. Corey, meanwhile, was deep

in thought about new strategies on how to

defeat his opponents. "Corey!" a voice

shouted that snapped him out from his

thoughts. "Y-Yes? 'Sup?" Corey somewhat

stammered. It seemed that Ash was calling

him. "I was wondering…could you please help

me with something?" Ash replied and smiled.

Corey nodded and walked over to him. Ash

laid a hand on his shoulder and said, "Could

you please help me steal twelve chocolate

bars from someone?". Corey looked at him as

though he was crazy. "Okay, I can help you

steal them but, TWELVE?! SERIOUSLY?!

TWELVE?!" Corey yelled loud enough for only

Ash to hear. Ash nodded. Corey sighed and

motioned for Brendan to come to him.

Brendan pointed to himself and mouthed 'You

mean me?' to Corey. Corey rolled his eyes and

nodded. Brendan slowly and shakily walked to

Corey. Corey casually said, "Give me all your

chocolate bars or else…". Brendan gulped and

gave him about ten chocolate bars. Corey

whispered a 'thank you' and walked towards

Ash. "Here; chocolate bars!" Corey said

sarcastically and handed Ash the chocolate

bars. Ash counted them and wailed. "Why~?!

There is only TEN! I'm telling you; TEN!" Ash

whined. "Okay, enough fooling around! Next

round, Paul and Ace vs. Ryan and Jared!"

said. Paul and Ace put their hands

in their pockets and walked stiffly to the

opposite of Ryan and Jared. "START!"

yelled. Paul hands came out from

his pocket to reveal his fists with razor

claws and suddenly, Ace's body was on fire.

Ryan immediately summoned a gigantic

waterfall at Ace while Jared fired piles of

mud towards Paul. Ace barely dodged the

waterfall and Paul managed to cut the mud

with his claws. "Now; try this!" Ace said and

charged at Ryan with his body burning with

rage. Ace hit Ryan head-on and Ryan fell to

the ground that made the hit a KO move.

Paul, meanwhile, had used his 'element' talent

on Jared and it turned out to be an electric

shock. Jared fell down too and became KO'd.

"OK…the winners are Paul and Ace!"

said. Paul and Ace boringly walked

to a nearby tree and sat down there. "Next

battle is between Ash and Gary vs. Serenity

and Judy!" yelled and almost lost

his voice. "Okay! Come on Gary!" Ash said and

started walking there when a tree root

tripped him. He fell onto the ground but not

on his butt, but his face. Gary snickered and

randomly pulled out a random camera. He

then snapped a dozen pictures of Ash on the

ground. "This will be in my 'Ashy Boy's

Humiliation' book!" Gary said and went to the

battlefield. Ash childishly grumbled and

walked to the battlefield too. Serenity and

Judy ran to the battlefield and got into a

fighting position. "START!" yelled

and the match started. In the end, Ash and

Gary won (Sorry. I'm too lazy to type it

out. I just finished my taekwondo test to

become Poom 2. Sorry again!). KRINGGGGG!

The school bell rang and it signaled all the

classes it was time for break. Everyone

lightly cheered and said, "Alright,

class, lets' not get all rowdy! Anyway, you may

go for break!". May and Ash dashed off to

the canteen right after. Leaf, Alice, Dawn,

Sam, Corey, Paul, Gary and Ace sweatdropped

lightly. "Is your friend always like that?"

they said in unision and everyone nodded.

They sighed and followed their hungry


Finally DONE!!!!!!!!!! ^o^ - ^-^

So, please review and send in some more OC's through PM or whatnot! ;D

PS, my computer has something wrong so don't blame me if there is something wrong in the lengh!

Also, the blank space in everything; example: "by the way, I'm." said. : is Mr. Justin. I told

you somethings wrong! ;P