Title: Of adoration and abhorrence

Summary: It all begins with a traditional Egyptian wedding. All would be great if the bride didn't hate the groom so much. Atem/Seth for now. Mpreg, Yaoi, One-sided love.

Genre: Romance/Angst

Rating and Warning: M Prideshipping, Yaoi (Boy/Boy love) One of those men getting pregnant. (The fuck?) Swearing, violence, people dying. More if I can think of it.

Disclaimer: How do I keep forgetting these things! I do not own anything Yu-Gi-Oh related.

Reviews: This was pretty fast wasn't it?

A/N: Still stuck with Beneath the remains, but this one is flowing like water, hence another swift update. After this chapter things will start to go downhill, just so you can have something to look forward too.

…- Chapter six -…

"So…" The magician claps his hands, obviously very eager to have a meaningful conversation with his favourite victim. Seth can only fidget on his spot on the other side of the room. Right now he's pretty far away, but not so far that the magician can't cover that with a few long strides.

"Care to start from the beginning?" They have encountered quite a few times in the past now, but Seth is positive he has never been as intimidated as he is now. He feels like a child caught with his hand in the cookie jar. Or maybe more like an assassin with a blade against the Pharaoh's throat, but the concept is the same. The black haired man shakes his head again, something that is becoming a habit of his. In his mind, the priest goes over the possibilities. What would be the best course of action now?

Run for help? Scream for help? Run for help screaming?

While he plans his escape route the older man sniffs the air, catching a remarkably sweet scent. He disregards it, for now, looking back at the teen who has, at this moment, given up on life. Shame, there were so much things he still wanted to do…

"From your silence I can tell it is very bad." The magician coughs. It is a strain for him to speak. He sounds even hoarser then usual and he lacks emotion when he talks.

"Speak!" He hisses through clenched jaws, since his voice can't reach a very high volume. It means he is already at the end of his patience, and it won't be long for his fists and Seth's organs begin to fly.

That bastard and his damn loyalty to this court. The magician is really angered, the prospect of a real threat sharing the same bed as the Pharaoh seems to have shaken him. It had been the man's own fault for leaving the priest as unguarded as he had, though he seems wanting to change his ways. "I doubt there is anything you missed."

"Try me." A joint in the neck of the mage cracks when he twists his head too far to the side, but he doesn't seem to notice it. Seth fidgets again, one would with the annoyed magician towering over you, ready to smack an answer from your lips.

What does he have to lose, save for his head?

"My father gave me away as a peace offering, trying to get away with pretending I acted on my own. It turns out they are going for a backup plan. "

"I suppose I do know everything then. I had hoped it had ended on your wedding night…" The tall man looks thoughtful for a moment before adding something that mildly surprises the teen. "…but there is more."

"Maybe… probably. I don't care."

"Obviously." The black haired man stares at the teen who creates a little space between them by stepping away. The mage's aura is suffocating and there is only so much stress the youngster can handle on a daily basis. He is so nervous he is feeling nauseous.

"I will deal with this." Being two heads higher then the teen, the mage has to tilt his head downwards to look the brunet in the eyes. Standing this close however, and having to look down on anyone throughout the day strains his neck. He angles his head back up, rolling his eyes across the desk behind the brunet when he picks up that sweet scent again, the current dilemma momentarily forgotten. Nothing there seems out of the ordinary. Looking up at the shelves above the desk however, he spots the covered bowl.

Seth, yet to answer, is cut short when the black haired man reaches out with a long arm and hastily grabs the bowl, removing the top in the process. The sweet smell hits him and he twists his face. And he doesn't like how it looks either. The priest loses the remainder of his appetite when he places the clay bowl against his lips and tastes.

"These… are flax seeds…" His face scrunches up at the bitter taste. Not even sugar can beat up against this foul taste. Seth bites his lower lip, knowing where this is going. The magician is a bit of an alchemist, and he should know a thing or two about ingredients in general.

"Is that a problem?" It has passed his lips before Seth even finished the though. The tall man turns his head to the side and stares down at the priest. He knows something, something bad. If only the brunet could read minds now. "You shouldn't be eating these, they will be bad for you if you are pregnant."

"You're just saying that because I enjoy eating it." Yes! Thank you sharp tongue and quick mind. The leather clad man however, doesn't seem very happy about something.

"Not this time." And he means it.

"No more flax seeds…" He looks into the bowl again. "And no rhubarb either." He eyes the bowl one more time, then the big bowl on the desk containing the cherries. "Though I suppose you could stuff yourself with the cherries." He knows alchemy, but not enough to figure out what Seth is really up to.

He seems utterly pleased when Seth nods slowly. "Oh… one more thing before I leave…" Again that creepy smile. That smile that says 'I am going to do something bad to you'. Great…

"Seth?" In the past, the priest has never, never given the young man any credit. But now, when the priest sees him enter the room he could kiss him. That's right, he is that happy to hear his voice.

"I was wondering if you would like to join me for a stroll?" His husband seems a little surprised at the magician's presence, but again the mage is so damn honourable his intensions aren't questioned. "Or were you in the middle of something?"

"We have just finished our conversation." The magician answers truthfully. "Some fresh air will do your bride good."

"I…" Before the priest can protest the tall man begins pushing him towards his husband. Seth wanted to kiss the young king, that moment is gone though and he doesn't want to spend time with him now.

"Have fun, and don't worry. I will have a talk with you father." He grins and waves his hand goodbye, a little too giddy and eager for Aknadin's health. At least, when pushed into the right direction, the magician will disembowel his father. That would be something to look forward to.

…- Final note -…

Atem isn't getting the attention he deserves (Ha!) But he will be getting more air time in upcoming chapters too. Whooo! Who can guess what that means?

I have been reading Yu-Gi-Oh R and… lol at the Beast King Barbaros! I just randomly picked a card from the internet for during Seth's little attempt at an outbreak. Where I live, it takes a long time for the manga to get here. (If I'm correct, from Japan to America and from there it gets to Europe.) So I was surprised to see him in the manga. That was pretty cool… I think it was cool… and if you want another update you will agree with me…