Max's Love

Chapter 1-


We, the flock that is, were sadly still with the Anne. Right now we were at school. I had just left the library, trying to find Fang.

I saw him in a classroom, so I hurried forward. I was standing there completely shocked at what I saw. HE WAS KISSING SOME GIRL!

I spun off to get away. I was disgusting. I knew that girl! Her toughing my best friend made me sick. No, I didn't like Fang just cared that that slut was fooling him.

I was in the hall when out of nowhere there was searing pain in my leg. I looking down to see I'd been shot. WTF?! How did that happen?

I went to the bathroom to sponge off the blood. Then, I limped to Fang's classroom so we can get the heck outta here.

"Fang!" I whispered. He saw me and slipped out of the chair and walked over to me.

"What?" He whispered back.

"I was shot in the leg, we gotta get outta here!"



"You would fake a gunshot just 'cause you're jealous of me and Lissa!"

Was he really that full of himself? "I'm not jealous you jerk!" I screamed. "I'm serious!"

"Yeah right. Later!" And he just walked away

Ugh! He's so annoying! So I limped over to Iggy's classroom, when I ran right into an

Eraser coming in the other direction.

"Going somewhere!?" He said hands wrapping around my arms.

"FLOCK! Help!" And soon the entire flock came out, Fang looked so angry.

I'll spare you the details, but let's just say that Eraser won't- oh never mind.

The flock ran off and took to the sky, except me. I had to be carried by Iggy because I was all loopy from lose of blood. Then, all I remember was passing out.


We had to get Max to the hospital, she had soaked her pants with blood.

"Here Iggy, let me take her." Fang said reaching out for Max.

"No! If you believed her she wouldn't be in this mess!" I yelled.

"I- I" Fang stammered.

"Whatever." I said.

"Yo, Nudge where's the hospital?" I called.

"I guide you, follow me." That was one of the shortest things she has said.

Chapter 2-


Gosh, I hope Max is okay. I felt like such a jerk. I sat there tense in the waiting room, when the doctor came in and Iggy stood. I have no idea how a doctor came in.

"She'll be fine you can go see her now." The doctor announced.

Thank god! I would have felt terrible if she was badly hurt.


I followed the flock into Max's room. I felt around for her bed and Nudge helped me out. She brought me over to Max.

"Hey guys." Max said weakly.

"Hey." That was all I could manage.

"Can I talk to Iggy alone you guys?" Max asked.

Sures and uh huhs were spread through the flock. I stood by Max's bed tense.

"Thanks for today." Max almost whispered. I couldn't respond.

"Well, there's no easy way to say this, but… I love you."

WHAT! "Wha-"Iggy stammered.


Oh my gosh! Did I just say that out loud?! I think Iggy is totally weirded out. OH NO!

"I- um- love you too." Iggy stuttered.

Huh? "Really"

"Yeah, always have and more than a sister."

"So this means-"

"Um- well I could do this." Iggy whispered. Then he leaned down toward me.

His lips touched me and I felt so alive.

"Wow." We both said as we pulled away.

"So are we boyfriend and girlfriend or-" I asked.

"Boyfriend and girlfriend! If you're ok with that." Iggy answered

"Yeah I'm definitely okay with that." I replied. Iggy smiled.

We kissed again except it was more special this time. Iggy pulled back looking confused. I so didn't like that.

"What's wrong?" I asked tensely.

"I- I can see again. Like I can see everything again."


Chapter 3-


What did he just say? "You say what now?"

"I said I can se-"