A/N: Okay so this is the somewhat sequel to Never Left Behind! I don't have the whole story written out yet so updates might be a little less frequent, but I will try my hardest. This is also the last week of school before finals so I should be studying and paying attention...but this is more fun!

Thanks to everyone who reviewed and added the stories to their favorites! When I read the reviews it gets me thinking of what I can do to improve and how I can look at something from a different angle. So thanks for the help and support!

Oh yeah! It seems that I kept changing the name of Estel's friend from Rilian to Rilien in NLB, so he will now be called Rilian for the rest of the story and any future stories I write. Sorry if that confused anyone.

All mistakes are mine, though I did try to proofread.

Disclaimer: Middle Earth and everyone and everything in it belongs to J.R.R. Tolkien.

"Put me down Dan!" A child squealed, the sound ringing through the Last Homely House. It had been two weeks since the twins' return and things had, for the most part, gone back to they way they were before their departure. Estel laughed and smiled more often, which in turn brought smiles to those who had seen the boy in despair. This morning had been different though, seeing as the twins had woken up before their little brother and decided on waking him up.

Creeping into his room, Elrohir had grabbed the boy up into his arms and tossed him to Elladan, who took hold of his ankles as he dangled him off the bed. Estel had awoken immediately after being grabbed by Elrohir and was now squealing in delight.

"You seem to be in no position to give me orders, tithen gwador." Elladan teased, his grip on the boy never wavering.

Estel laughed, reaching towards the bed only to be held further away from it.

"Save me, Ro!" He shouted, turning pleading eyes to his other brother.

Elrohir was glad to see the smile not only return to the boy's face, but in his eyes as well. He had seen doubt flash through Estel's eyes too often in the past two weeks. As he returned his focus to the boy, he couldn't help but chuckle.

Walking over to where the boy was held, Elrohir grabbed him under the arms, hefting him up and into his own strong arms and settling him onto his hip.

Estel's arms automatically wound around his neck as he sighed in relief.

"There now Estel, I have saved you from this vile warg!" Elrohir exclaimed, walking backwards towards the door as his twin caught on to what he was doing and lowered himself into a crouch.

"Warg?" Elladan growled, eyes sparkling as he directed them towards Estel.

Estel's head shot up and his eyes widened as Elrohir spun on his heel and fled the room, closing the door swiftly behind him. Estel let out an excited squeal as he clung tightly to Elrohir as he ran down the corridor.

"Where will we go, Ro?" He questioned around his giggles. Elrohir smiled, heading towards the dining hall.

"We shall head for Ada, for he will surely be able to slay the warg." Elrohir told his brother. As he slowed his pace, they heard a growl behind them and Elrohir started running again.

Bursting into the dining hall, Elrohir placed Estel onto the floor. Without a minute to lose, the boy took off running, headed straight for his ada, who was seated at the end of the long table with Glorfindel. Elrond raised his eyebrow at Elrohir, who just shook his head and laughed.

As soon as Estel made it to his ada's arms, the door burst open, revealing Elladan. Estel laughed, climbing onto Elrond's lap.

"Save me, Ada! There is a warg after me!" He pleaded, looking up at Elrond as Elladan stalked towards them. Elrohir watched from the side, sharing a look with Glorfindel as they watched to see how this would play out.

"Halt, warg!" Elrond commanded his eldest son. Elladan stopped right next to his chair, eyes sparkling with delight as he looked at the boy.

"Estel, surely this warg will turn back into your brother if you feed him some toast and honey." Elrond explained, maneuvering the boy towards his brother and handing him a piece of toast.

Estel nodded, reaching towards his brother with the toast in hand as Elladan opened his mouth. Placing the toast in his brother's mouth carefully, Estel quickly withdrew his hand, not wanting the 'warg' to bite it off.

Elladan closed his eyes as he swallowed, opening them to look at the boy. "Oh Estel, you have saved me!" He exclaimed loudly as he picked the boy up and out of Elrond's arms.

"Dan!" Estel shouted, hugging him around the neck and burying his face in the twin's shoulder. "Thank goodness you've returned to normal!" He smiled, lifting his head to look at him.

Elladan smiled, kissing the boy's head as he placed him in his seat between the twins.

"It is good to be back, tithen pen." Elladan stated as he and Elrohir took a seat on either side of the boy and scooped food onto his plate.

Elrond smiled as he watched his sons eat, glad that Estel was opening up and laughing again.

"Aearion wishes to play with you today, Estel. It seems that Rilian has returned last night." Elrond told his youngest softly. Estel's face lit up at the news. Rilian had been away visiting Lothlórien for a whole month!

"May I go meet him, Ada?" Estel questioned, putting on his most innocent face.

Elrond chuckled. "After you eat and change clothes, ion nin." He answered, causing the boy to start shoveling his food into his mouth.

"Slow down, Estel!" Elrohir cautioned the boy. "You surely will choke and then not be able to play if you eat that quickly." Estel nodded, finishing his meal at a quicker pace than normal.

Once he was finished, the twins took him back up to his room and helped him change. Once outfitted in play clothes, the twins accompanied him to the inner gardens where they could see Rilian waiting, along with Aearion.

"Rilian! You're back!" Estel exclaimed, letting go of his brother's hands and running towards his friends.

Rilian smiled as Estel hugged him, glad to be able to play with him and Aearion again. As Estel finished hugging Aearion, they all began chattering about Rilian's trip.

When a lull in the conversation came, Elladan approached the boys. "We will be back for you at mid-day meal, Estel." He told his brother, rustling his hair. Estel nodded at the twins and watched them walk back through the gardens.

"Lets go towards the fountain." Aearion suggested, leading the other two further into the garden as they thought about what they would do before the twins came back.