Cupid Inlove

Love Candies

Author's note: This one took the longest to finish and it end up being the longest one cause I couldn't stop typing!

"You got to help me Minako!" Usagi cried.
"What is it?" Minako asked.
"Look!" Usagi hissed and shoved a pretty rose with a heart shaped card at Minako's face. It said: "Your lovely face dazzled me. Your golden hair filled me rich. Your blue eyes drowns my sorrow. Be mine"
"Awww! It doesn't really make sense but still! How sweet! Who gave you that?" Minako asked.
Usagi looked away with disgust. "Trunks"
Minako pretend to have an heart attack. "What's wrong with Trunks!" she cried.
"Well..." Usagi had this dreamy look on her face. "I was hoping Gohan would ask me to the Valentine's Dance"
"Gohan!" Minako screamed. "Isn't he a senior! That means he's three years older than we young sophomores?"
Usagi smiled like Minako doesn't know anything. "Oh Minako!" she cried. "You've got to help me"
"What?" Minako cried confused.
"I want to go with Gohan but what if he says no? Then I'll go with Trunks"
Minako looked confused. "So... You are going to tell Trunks he's second choice"
"No! Just... Could you tell Trunks I said yes? But I don't want to talk to him yet! Just- Just make up excuses for me"

"Trunks!" Minako cried and waved to the purple haired guy. Trunks turned around and gave Minako one of his dazzling smile. Minako caught up with him and looked into his dreamy blue eyes.
'How can I lie to someone like him? He does deserve to be played...' Minako thought unhappily.
"Don't you have something to tell me"
"Oh sorry! Usagi said she'll go out with you to the Valentine's Day dance. But she'll be busy all week! Don't call her, she'll call you"
Trunks looked away, he looked hurt by the fact that Usagi was busy.
"Wow" said Minako to herself. He must really like Usagi. She glanced at him and at the same time he looked at her, both looked away quickly. Minako noticed how cute Trunks looked when he blush.
'How come I never noticed how nice he looks till now?' Minako asked herself silently as the two walked home together. Well we did grew up together and he was always a chubby little short guy and I was one head taller than him. Until we got to high school.
When they reached freshmen year, Trunks suddenly because seven inches taller than Minako and had the muscular body like his father Vegeta. Both have grew up together and had sisterly and brotherly love for each other. "So what kind of flowers do you want to get Usagi for the dance?" Minako asked trying to break the silence.
"I don't know. I don't even really know her" he said unhappily.
'Wow,' Minako thought. 'He must be really shy. Because I'm his friend and hers, I'll help him by getting him and Usagi closer together'
"So Minako? Who are you going to the dance with?" Trunks asked. Minako felt embarrassed that she didn't have a date.
"Oohh... This guy" she simply said. They walked the rest of the way home in silence.

"Minako! You've got to help me! I really want a date for the dance but I don't know how to get anyone to ask me! I'm really new to this and all..." Ami said and quickly blushed.
"Do not worry Ami!" Minako cried and points a finger in the air. "The goddess of love is here! Ha! I'll fix you two up"
"Don't do anything too much! Please! And give me advice" Ami said and quickly got out a pen.
"Well..." Minako said slowly. "First of all you must be yourself" she said sternly. "And found out what you both are interest in"
"What kind of guy do you think is right for me Minako?" Ami asked in a whisper and sounded so depress.
"There's lots of different guys and you'll have to choose yourself. I think a perfect guy is someone who will listen, knows how to have fun..." Minako's mind drifted to Trunks. "And he should have lots of muscles with purple hair..." Minako remembers all the things they did when they were little. "He'll give you his ice cream cone when you dropped yours . He's your best guy friend in the whole world and he promised to always be there for you and"
Minako stopped talking and looked at the wide eye Ami.
"Oops sorry!" Minako said feeling embarrassed. "I got kinda carried away there"
"Oh Minako!" Ami cried. "Is there such a wonderful guy alive"
Minako nodded slowly feeling ever so depress.


Usagi grabbed Minako by her shirt. "Oh Minako! I don't think Gohan is going to ask me out to the dance anymore! He haven't winked at me in a week"
Minako tried her best to look sorry. "Soo... Does this mean you will be going with Trunks"
Usagi looks away unhappily. "I guess so... Hey...". Usagi's eyes slowly became happy again. "Since Trunks and Gohan are both popular and all... I could use Trunks and make Gohan jealous! Minako! You are going to help me"
Minako felt sick to her stomach. "B- But... Well... Why don't you ah... Give Trunks a chance? I mean, you never know. Maybe you'll like him more than you like Gohan. he is a really nice guy"
"I don't go for the Mr. Nice guy type Minako! If I did than I would have gone out with someone like... Mamoru!" Usagi said and laughed.


Minako sat on her bed chewing on her pencil. She wrote on her pad: Lovers on Valentines Day After that, she wrote: Ami+... KRILLIN! Must get them to meet in the... Library!
Next she wrote: Usagi+Gohan... Meet at... ? Trunks+Minako-
Minako screamed and quickly crossed out her own name. She replaced it with Usagi's.
Remember, Minako reminded herself, He wants Usagi, not you.
She sadly wrote: Minako?


"MINAKO!" Usagi screamed in her ear. "I think Gohan likes me! He told some of his buddies that he is going to ask the pretty golden hair girl to the dance"
"That's nice Usagi but what about Trun"
Usagi waved her hands as to dismiss Minako's words. "But just in case Gohan gets sick or something. Trunks is still my back up. Help me Minako! Tell him some good things about me!"


"Hey Minako" Trunks said and smiled warmly at Minako making her feel tinkling all over. "Ready to go home"
Minako nodded. "Soo... Trunks. Usagi is really good at... Eating- I mean! Dancing"
Trunks nodded but doesn't seem to care.
"I think..." Minako began looking at Trunks and studying his handsome profile. "You should get her roses. Every girl loves roses"
"Yeah but you don't" Trunks said softly. "You hate the thorns on them even if it's thornless. You always love daisies which are always harmless and happy"
Minako felt her face go all red. 'No one but Trunks knows how much I love daisies... Oh Trunks...'


"Ok Ami" Minako handed Ami another book. "You should also read this and this and this and this"
Ami tried her best to balance the thirty books Minako thrust in her arms. 'Damn it! Where is that Krillin...' Minako thought and just randomly keep on piling Ami with books.
Ami was sweating all over and it was getting harder to breath with all these books. "Minako, I think this is enough"
"KRILLIN! Over here!" Minako cried and waved her arms around.
"Shhh..." The librarian hissed.
"Krillin I would like you to meet Ami" Minako said proudly.
"Hey Ami" Krillin tried to see what Ami looks like but she is blocked with piles on books. "Let me help you with that"
Krillin easily balanced the all the books on just one hand. "Thanks" Ami said blushing.
"I'll leave you two alone..." Minako said walking away slowly.


"MINAKO!" Usagi cried. She caught up with Minako and sobbed.
"What's wrong Usagi?" Minako ask with worry.
Usagi blew her nose. "Oh Minako! I've never been so embarrassed in my whole life!". Usagi calmed down a bit and told her story. "So I was sitting near Gohan and I over heard him say he is going to ask the prettiest blonde in the school to the dance right now! So I walked up to him and flirted a little and said that I would be more than happy to go with him. And guess what the guy does"
Minako opened her mouth.
"HE LAUGHED AT ME!" Usagi shouted. "He said he wasn't even thinking of asking me! Oh my gosh Minako! Who else could be more prettier than me? A prettier blonde"
"I have no idea" Minako said.
"Where's Trunks!" Usagi suddenly cried out. "I'm so smart to have a back up plan"
Minako felt sick and couldn't believed Usagi is just using Trunks and taking advantage of his kindness and his feelings for her.
When Trunks showed up to walk Minako home, Usagi ran in front of him. "Oh Trunks!" Usagi said with a wink. "I would love to go to the valentine dance tomorrow with you. Pick me up at 7:00"
"Sure..." Trunks looks at Minako but she walked away already.


Minako speed walked home as fast as she could, hot tears spilled and ran down her cheeks. 'I'm stupid. So stupid!' She thought over and over again. 'When did I started liking him? When? Why did I ignore my feelings? But he deserves much prettier and more popular girls... Like Usagi'
Her thoughts were interrupted by a whistle. It belonged to Gohan.
"Hey, Minako is your name right?" he asked and flashed her one of his heart winning grin. But it didn't win Minako's heart.
"If you are here to make fun of Usagi to me than"
"Relax honey. A pretty girl like you should just keep that pretty lips of yours shut for kissing" he said and winked.
Minako glared at him.
"You are crying because you don't have a dance for the dance right? Well your prayers has been answered" he said with a bow. "I will take you to the dance"
Minako stood there in shock. Than... She burst out laughing.


'I've been so busy playing cupid that I've ignored my own feelings...' After Minako laughed, she walked home leaving the stunned Gohan confused and rejected.


The night of the dance

Minako wore a gorgeous yellow dress. Though it's valentines, she didn't just want to wear the usual two colors: Red and Pink. She took a deep breath and went to the dance.

She saw Ami and Krillin slow dancing. Krillin saw Minako and gave her a thanks wink. Ami blushes and Minako gave her a thumbs up. She noticed Gohan is surrounded by many females.
"So where's your date?" ask a deep voice. Minako looked and saw Trunks.
"He's ah... Getting me a drink" Minako said quickly and wouldn't meet his eyes. He held her hand which forced her to look at him confused.
"There you are!" said a high pinched voice. They both turn and saw Usagi.
"Trunks! What the hell is this! Daisies!" Usagi threw the pretty golden flowers at Trunks feet. "What kind of a date are you? Oh my gosh! I can't believe I actually came here with you! What a waste"
"A problem here gorgeous?" said another voice. Gohan wrapped his arms around Usagi.
Usagi laughed and went to the dance floor with him. Gohan grinned back at Minako a very unfriendly grin. Minako and Trunks stood against the wall in silence.
"So why didn't you come with Gohan?" Trunks suddenly asked.
"What!" Minako cried and faced him. "You heard"
"The whole school heard" Trunks said. He picked up the daisies. "These were meant for you"
Minako took them and looked at him confused.
"I understand you want to be just friends and no more-" Trunks said quickly.
"What gave you that idea?" Minako asked.
Trunks looked down feeling sad. "You did reject my letter"
"What letter?" Minako said feeling more confused by the minute.
"Err... The one that ahh..." Trunks looked down still embarrassed.
Minako remembered the letter Usagi found:
Your lovely face dazzled me. Your golden hair filled me rich. Your blue eyes drowns my sorrow. Be mine "You wrote that..." Minako turned pale. "For me"
"Of course. I did put it on your desk"
"Usagi and I changed desk that day! Oh Trunks!" Minako flung her arms around him crushing the flowers between them. "We all thought you gave that to Usagi"
Trunks shook his head and laughed. "No wonder all this time you've been trying to set me up with her"
He suddenly went silent and looked deep in her eyes making her blush. "So my little cupid. Be mine"
Minako pressed her lips against his. And that's how cupid struck herself with her own arrows.

--The End--