Cassie the fox

By Winner/TDWfan

Disclaimer: I do not own Sonic, or the SEGA people (But someday, I will rule the world!). I also partly do not own Cassie, Shadet4ever is letting me use her.

3 years ago, I would not have a care in the world. Now look at me. Thinks a 10-year-old gray fox. She is blindfolded and is riding in a car next to an ox and a rat.

Let's see, recap on what has happened. Says the fox to herself.

(Flashback to 3 years ago)

A seven year-old fox is at her father's job at the chemical factory, along with her little brother and her father.

"Hey, Cassie," says the little brother to his sister. "Lets play tag!" "O.k., bro, sure," says the girl fox. "Be careful!" Says the dad. "Alright, you be "it" first Cassie!" "O.k." she says.

The little brother runs off, while Cassie gives him a five second head start. Then she runs off after him. The two run around corners, up and down stairs, and through some doors. Cassie was not that far behind her brother. Then, when the brother turns the corner, he sees a fork lift coming straight to him. He gets out of the way, but the forklift swerves, crashing into some barrels. The barrels spray a liquid out, missing the brother, but spraying right at Cassie. She covers her face before it hits with her hands, but, along with her hands, it her neck.