The visions hardly lasted for a minute, but it felt like hours ticked through my body. Train was in a large room – the floor marbled and tiled – with large pillars supporting the roof. Looking a lot like the inside of a castle. A grand piano was in the far corner of the room and a uncovered statue of Train stood near the middle. In any way this would have looked normal – except Train was on the floor with a sword stabbed in him. His blood pooling around him.

More flashes trembled through me. This time I could see the outside. It was a castle surrounded by evergreens and ocean. A small town was a little more then 200 miles away from it...

Then I was back in my own head. I gripped Sven's collar pulling him close to me.

"Where is Creed?" I hardly recognized my own voice.

He looked startled at first, but then he calmed down. I knew he went to that sweeper organization and got the information he needed to go after Creed.

"Rinslet what -"

"Trains fighting Creed ! He's going to -" Sven didn't let me finish. He grabbed my wrist and we raced out of the hotel and jumped into his car. The ride to that small port didn't take long. I didn't know we were so close to it.

I sat through the ride in silence. The scene playing over and over again in my head. Train lying on the floor, hurt and determined and Creed stood over him, his eyes shining the same color as Trains blood...

Sven tapped my bare leg with something cold and metallic. It was s small hand gun. The one I usually carried around. I took it from him with a smile across my face. A strange feeling overwhelmed me when I loaded the gun. Something that made me shiver with fear and jump for joy. A feeling that I haven't been able to enjoy for a very long time. After all the times Train saved me. Helped me. After everything it was time for me to pay him back. Ironic really. A thief paying back a dept.

"Where is he?"

"In a castle in the middle of an island," I pointed towards the docks near a small shore and beach with rocks and a cave going into the earth."We can get there from that dock".

The air instantly feel heavy. We didn't need anyone to state the obvious.

Where would we get the boat?

I looked around the town. It wasn't that big. But it wasn't that small either. Walking around and asking to use a boat would take too long and right now time was a matter of life.

Then a second thought hit me. I was the great thief Rinslet Walker. Sure I've been out for a couple months because of injuries, but I was a long way from giving up my special tactics. One of which was hot-wiring auto-mobiles.

We needed a fast, reliable boat. Nothing flashy, but something that had mileage. Sven parked on the beach, behind a few large rocks and we were on the dock checking out our options. The fastest machine there was a bigger, leaner boat that went 250 km/h. Which was good enough for us.

"Sven, Eve this one's good! Get on!" I yelled out the small window and they were in there in seconds.

Being out of business messed with a lot of my skill but after a few minutes that boat roared to life and we headed south. Not that I was sure weather or not to go south. But that seemed like the best option at this point and time.

Two things I liked about that boat was that it had a built in GPS. I guess heading south was in the opposite direction of the island, which wasted a lot of our time. When I was able to log into the device it showed us a route to get there. Within minutes we seen that green forest on the horizon. And that it was insanely fast. We were there in an hour at the most.

Sven parked us on the beach. Shit, I was under the impression this was a small island. This might be harder then I thought...

"Get down!" Sven yelled and I immediately followed his instructions.

Out of no where a net came flying at us. Sven started moving towards the bushes and trees on the edge of the forest.

"We need to get out of the open".

"Damnit this whole place must be rigged with traps," I said out loud standing up and glancing around.

"Eve, can you see how far away the castle is?"

Little Eve nodded and white wings sprouted from her back. With a single flap she was up in the air and above the trees.

"300 meters that way," she pointed straight ahead as she floated back down to the ground.

"Good that's not too far -"


This time Eve screamed. Behind us was a large mutated animal. Nanotechnology mixed with animals. The sickest of the sick. I remember seeing a whole lab with these kind of animals down in Tornaos basement.

The thing moved fast, instantly it was in front of us and swung it's large arm at Sven who just barley dodged. A swift kick under the things feet brought him to the ground and Sven was on top of him. The monster just didn't stay down, it shoved Sven off and swung out again, hitting him and sending him to the ground.

"Sven!" This time it was my voice that screamed. I pointed the gun out towards the animal – aiming for it's chest then I fired. Only the bullet didn't go through. His skin was like armor. I stumbled a step back as it turned around, it's deadly eyes staring straight at me.

"Shit," I cussed and the monster took off, souring in the air heading towards me. I turned around to run but I felt his arm hit my back, and I feel to the ground. My eyes glued themselves shut and I used my arms to protect my head.

Then I heard a gun shot.

The thing toppled over me and I heard another gun shot. The monster lay beside me dead.



Eve said his name first. He must have been with the sweeper alliance. He was a younger looking guy, brown spiky hair and matching deep dark eyes. He was wearing a very wide grin as he reloaded his gun.

"You gotta aim for their knees," he said jumping down from a low tree branch "hey I know you, you were with that chornos number guy. Where is he?"

"In the castle, do you know how to get there?" I said pushing myself up. There was urgency in my voice. Urgency to save Train and bring him back to me. An urgency that would never go away until I did this one final thing.

"Uh yeah I can get your guys there, but -"


"But what?" Sven asked, obviously not as enthusiastic about this mission like I was.

"Well there's those things all along the castle walls and the town, not to mention the Apostle of the Stars".

Just then all eyes were on me. I knew the options that we were weighting here. Either go in blind and fight our way through with the possibility of risking our lives, or leave Train. The second was not an option I was willing to take.

"Train would do it for anyone of us. We have to pay him back. We have to save him!" I wasn't just speaking for me because I loved him. I was speaking for everyone because he was our partner. Our friend.

"That is something we all agree on," Sven smiled and he turned back to Kevin and gave him a nod. Kevin smiled too and then he started running into the woods beckoning for us to follow.

"Alright, castle entrance is this way".

No one said this was going to be easy. And it most defiantly was not. We had run into the occasional monster in the woods, but along the town there were so many! At least a thousand. There was no way in hell we were going to be able to make it through.

"We can't fight all those things," I said in between breaths.

"Rinslet we have too," Kevin said, wiping the sweat from his brow. Then he touched his belt and frowned. Just like me, he was running low on ammo.

"We don't have enough bullets to get us through!" I kept my voice as quite as I could, but they were asking for the impossible.

"We just need a distraction," Kevin smiled. A smile that had mischievous written all over it.

"Yeah? And what's that hot pants?"

"Well if me and Sven can get them out of the way from the entrance, you two can make it out. And if push comes to shove Eve can manifest her wings and fly you two out".

"What about you two?"

"Oh we'll be fine, just run into the bushes and then hide. We'll give them the 'ol slip and then come in right after you girls," Sven answered – he was totally on board with this plan.

I hesitated for a moment and looked at Eve for guidance. She nodded and I sighed.

"Fine, but if you two get stuck we're coming right back out!"

"Oka -"

"No! Rinslet you have to keep going!" Sven was looking at me, his eyes intense.

"The more time we waste, the more likely Train is dead. Don't wait for us. You two get in there and help Train. That's the reason we came here".

"But Sven -"

"No, you do what I tell you to do. Train comes first right now. Idiot or not, he's our friend. He may have gotten himself into this mess and it's up to us to get him out. It's the least we can do for him".

I felt an argument coming on my lips but then Kevin and Sven bolted towards the town.

"Remember the plan!" Kevin yelled back at us.

"Damnit!" I kicked the ground. I hated when he did this. If he thought Train was bad for going in alone, he was the worst.

"Rinslet, it's working," Eve pointed towards the castle entrance, now no longer guarded by the monsters.

"Alright, lets go".

Amazingly enough, the plan worked. We made it in side and that was a lot safer then out there any day. Both of us ran up the stairs and came to a long hallway with many doors. He could be behind any of them !

As we began to run again Eve grunted and then fell to the floor clutching her head.


"Eve!" I dropped down next to her, protectively wrapping my arms around her.

She screamed and her body tensed.

"Eve! Whats wrong?"

"Nan..Nano..Technology," She chocked out.

"Nano tech? What?" How could Nano Tech be doing this to her?

"C-Creed," She pointed towards the hall towards the last room.

I lifted her up and brought her back down stairs. Her screaming and shaking stopped when we were back outside.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah," she said with her head down.

"Eve what happened?"

"It was Creed. He has Nanotechnology radiating off him. It's so strong," she rubbed her temples.

"Are you going to be okay?"

"I can't go up there." Ah, shit.

"Eve, I can't do this on my -"

She touched my arm and looked up into my eyes Those red eyes bore into mine and they were begging.

"You have to save Train!"

"Not by myself!"

It didn't sound all that bad. I mean I wanted to save him, but I thought I would have help from the people I trusted. Not go in alone.

"I can't save him by myself!"

"You have to try," her voice was so strong and had so much faith in me. It almost made me cry. Almost.

I took a deep breath and turned towards the castle.

"The far room on the right?"


"He better not be dead," I took of running back into the castle.

I didn't rush into the room and knock over the door like FBI in movies because they had backup. I was on my own. I cautiously stepped towards it, keeping my foot steps as quit as I could until I reached the door. It was a little ways open and I peeked inside. This was definably the room. I could see the grand piano and the sculptor, only now it was blown to pieces around the room.

I slowly entered and scanned the room. I didn't see him. But I did see Sephiria Arks. She was Chronoes, number 1.

"Wheres Train?"

I would have ran over to help her, but my mind was preoccupied. And she could take care of herself.

She pointed outside and I ran towards the balcony. I scanned around and found Train, beaten up and bloody pressed into the wall. Then I saw Creed, lying on the ground and clutching his side.

"Train!" I ran over to him and fell to his side.


"No, damnit Train! Rinslet! It's me! Rinslet!" He was looking beyond me into the air, his gaze all hazy.

"Saya," he breathed and then smiled.

"No Train! Rinslet! I'm right here!" I grabbed his face and tried to get him to focus on me.

"I'm glad. I got to see you one last time," he closed his eyes.

"Train! Damnit all, Train! It's me! Rinslet! Please Train!" I begged and held him close to me.

"It's no use. He's under that witches spell," I heard Creed from the other side. He was looking at us, his eyes blank and blood oozing out around him.

"Shut the fuck up!" I yelled back at him. I had half a mind to walk over to him and start kicking him to death because of all the trouble he caused.

Then everyone came onto the balcony at once. First it was Echidna Para-whatever. I never really watched any of her movies, but she was a big time star, then Eve came up and she was with Sven. Kevin was no where in sight.

"Rinslet." The voice took me off guard. I looked down and saw Train staring up at me, his eyes soft yet fierce.

"God Train, you stupid moron." I didn't know I was crying, he lifted a hand and wiped the escaping tears from my face.

"I can finally do it," he mused to himself looking away from me.

"Do what?"

He looked back and smiled that warm smile before looking away again, "I can finally forget about Saya."

Everything other then mine and Trains conversation was a blur to me. Weeks passed by and we were staying in another fancy hotel. All I really remember is that Train let Creed go off and be a free man – but the Nano tech was taken from his body with the help of Eve.

"I gotta go buy some more cigarettes," Sven complained standing up and grabbing his hat. We had all been sitting in the living room and eating while watching T.V.

"Can I come! I want to buy a new book!" Eve jumped up after him.

"Yeah, can you grab some more milk too!" Train yelled at them but the door had already been closed shut. He groaned and then went back to his Ramon soup.

To be honest, Train and me never really talked or did anything after that day weeks ago. And I had so much I needed to tell him and so much I wanted him to know. But I couldn't bring myself to say any of it. Instead I slurped my Ramon down.

"I wonder if they'll get me that milk," Train pondered out load.

Then the thermometer broke.

"Is that all you care about?"

"Wha -"

"After everything that's happened that's all you care about! We haven't even gotten a chance to really talk about anything but your here worrying about milk! Fuck Train, why can't you -" in an instant his lips were moving against mine. I responded quickly wrapping myself around him and forgetting about all my anger.

The kiss was deep and passionate. I missed how his lips felt so warm against mine, and how our bodies felt so right pressed next to each other. He pushed me back against the couch and then pinned my arms down. Then he pulled away.

"Now start from the beginning," he said looking down at me with those fierce eyes.

"Don't do that."

"Do what?"

"Act as if you don't know!"

"Rins, I don't know!"

"You know what I want to know," I challenged him. He knew this topic oh so well. Saya.

"Saya was a good friend," he said slowly.

"Was she really? Such a good friend that you leave all of us and risk your life for?"

"I did that for you didn't I? I didn't hear you complaining!" he shot back, using his 'hero' moments as blackmail.

"This is different Train! You loved her didn't you!"

This time he took a long time to answer. He put his head down, the fringes of his long bangs covering his eyes.

"I didn't know what it was. Love. Friendship. But she was special to me. Because of her I'm who I am now. Because of her I can understand what this feeling is."


He didn't answer. He just looked down at me, his eyes so warm and gentle. They said everything he didn't have too.

"I-I'm sorry," I blurted.

"Don't worry about it. I'd get pretty upset if I were you too," he smiled

"I know, but -oh God I feel horrible! I'm so sorry Train." I really did feel horrible. It never occurred to me that because of Saya Train was the man he was today. The man that I loved. Even though he still loved her, she was gone. And now he finally accepted that. Actually – I think he accepted that along time ago. I was just stupid and never saw it.

His only reason to go after Creed was to really put her soul to peace. She had died tragically because of him and he felt horrible for it. So he had to pay her back somehow. And that's how he did it. By keeping Creed alive as a man. Saya would have been proud of him. Somewhere in the back of my mind I could see her smiling – she was proud of him.

He shut me up by pressing his lips back to mine, and I didn't hold back. My whole body ached for Train and I could feel the urgency roll of it. I pulled on his shirt, Train didn't need any another indication of what I wanted. His hands slid up my hips and around my waist, his other hand around my calves and then he hoisted me up without breaking the kiss. He walked me over to the large bedroom and sat me down on the bed.

I took Trains shirt off and then he repaid the favor and took mine off. I pulled us closer together and he cleverly undid my bra with one hand. Then his lips were back on mine. Yeah I knew what we were going to get ourselves into. And honestly I was a little bit scared. Nervous is more the word. It wasn't like I hadn't – and I know Train must have had some practice in this area too – but this was different. I felt the mind boggling power over whelm me. The only one that people must call love.

Train got my pants off faster then I could get his off. I was completely naked pressed up against him, he still had on his boxers. I let my hands explore his body before I finally removed them. That was it. We really were going to do the deed. Not that I wouldn't have wanted it any other way. I loved him so much. I wanted him to be with me. I wanted him to touch every part of me. To have every part of me. And I knew he wanted the same. My blood started to boil and thunder in my ears, Trains lips left mine and kissed along my neck and collar bone. I arched into him, his body hot and folded into mine perfectly. He pressed our bodies closer, and he brought his mouth back up to my lips. Our hips touched and that hot sensation flooded me...

"Oh shit," I said a bit muffled since his mouth was on mine. I wriggled under him and sat up, inching farther away from him.

"What? Not into it?"

"We need protection first," I was feeling responsible today.

Train's face went blank for a second and then he recollected himself, grinning.

"Only you would think about that at a time like this."

Better before then after the deed was done. Then that would cause a lot of problems.

"I'm only trying to be responsible! So do you have any condoms?"

I didn't want to be a mother yet. I was still young and crazy. No way was I about to give up my life to look after a child. Well at least not yet.

Train ran a hand through his hair, "yeah in Sven's car."

I tried to muffle a groan. But I couldn't. I really really wanted this. And I knew he did too. But I also didn't want to have a child in my life just yet. I knew a lot of teenage moms. They had to give up everything to be a good mother. That's not the life I wanted just yet.

"You can't say you don't want this," he leaned back down into me and nibbled on a soft spot behind my ear. I let out a yelp and then a moan. At first when his teeth touched my skin it came as a shock, then it began to feel very, very good. It felt like my whole body had gone numb...

"What are the possibilities that anything bad will happen huh?" Since when did he become a doctor? Trains lips didn't leave my skin.

"Train -" he bite down harder and I yelped again. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and pulled him closer to me, digging my nails into his skin. My eyes began to shut and just before they did I saw Sven's form in the doorway...

"Sven!" I yelled and I felt train flinch. He looked over his shoulder.

Sven was standing there in his suit very business like, his face was bright red. It wasn't like he hadn't seen me naked before. He walked in on me once and then 'surprised me' at my hotel when I was getting out of the shower. But I'm pretty sure he was in shock. He was just standing there like an idiot.

"Sven?" Trains husky voice lingered in the room. Sven responded by blinking – better then nothing.

"Do you think you can get my condoms under the seat in your car?" I blushed and hid myself with Trains shoulder. He was totally serious! Oh God I just wanted to kill myself right then and there. But then I saw his smirk and a thought passed through me. He was having as much fun as he could with this moment – even if it meant embarrassing me and Sven to death.

Sven turned about ten shades redder and his brows pulled together. Then he went off.

"Ah! Don't ask me something like that Train. It's sick and wrong. I shouldn't have to be your errand boy in this kind of situation!"

"It's your car. I didn't want to be rude!" Train's grin was wider and his eyes were lit up. Sven looked away and covered his eyes.

"You know what Train, if you have to be rude when it comes to this, then go ahead."

Then I seen Eve's blonde head pop into the room.

"What -"

"No!" Sven pulled her back and slammed the door shut.

Even Train chuckled at that. Then he turned back to me. He played with my hands and then he lightly traced a finger over my body, then the lines on my face.

"I love you Rinslet," he smiled and cupped my face.

My body responded and I pulled his lips back to mine. It was a hot, steamy kiss that little kids shouldn't watch – hell no one should have to be able to see. I pulled away and rested my forehead on his.

"I love you too, Train Heartnet, my Black Cat."

Authors Statement:

Well thats it! yeah I know totally crappy ending. But I just had to do it!

I hope you enjoyed reading this series ! And don't forget to look forward to my big project with Train and Rinslet!

When I mean big project I mean BIG! I'm actually hand writting chapters and editing them on paper, then I put them on the computer and edit them by computer. All in all the time line for my first chapter was one month...

But the first chapter is done and complete, only it's on my other computer. So it will be out next week! Please, please read !

Reveiws for this story are nice too!
