TITLE: Messing with Love. (1/?)

AUTHOR: Too_beauty.

PAIRING: Alexander and Hephaestion.


CATEGORY: Historical Alternative Universe.

DISCLAMER: I don't know the people involved; they belong to History and to themselves.

WARNING: Mentions of m/m relationship, physical and mental torture, male rape, angst.

NO BETA so all mistakes are mine.


This is the prequel to my drabble "Crack", it is found here and will be added to the story when the time comes.

Twenty days ago …

"Are you ready?" asked Hephaestion to his King who was still looking at the map.

"Ready for what, Hephaestion?" asked Alexander non chattily and with his eyes still fixed on the colourful parchment.

"To go to swim to the waterfall?" asked the General with his voice a little tinged with anger.

"Swim? Now? Did I agree to that today?" enquired the king and lifted his head, looking at Hephaestion for the first time since the conversation began.

"I shouldn't have looked at him; he is a vision, a solace, an oasis for my tired eyes" thought Alexander.

"Yes, this morning when we woke up; in fact it was your suggestion. You said and I quote: "Let's go to the waterfall this afternoon, Phai, and we'll make love till the stars appear in the sky " said thebrunette with a mischievous smile in his face.

-"By Zeus, I was really talkative this morning" said Alexander grinning.

- " You are always like that after sex" replied Hephaestion.

- "We don't have sex, Phai, we make love and there's a big difference" said Alexander smiling lovingly to his soul mate.

- "Well, don't get sidetracked, are you coming or not?" asked Phai, whose eyes were showing an inner fire.

- "Give me some time to finish this and I'll catch you there. Take some guards with you."

- "I am not taking guards, Alexander. This is our "time alone" replied Hephaestion.

- "You are right, I am coming in a bit. Kiss me goodbye?" asked Alexander, pouting.

- "No, come quickly and I'll kiss you there. See you, my King" answered Hephaestion over his shoulder, with a tiny smile on his lips.

Alexander laughed at his lover's tricky answer and went back to his map. Hephaestion's light footsteps and unique scent were no longer present.

**** Some hours later ****

"By Zeus's balls, I completely forgot about Phai and the waterfall. Phai will kill me tonight" whispered Alexander when he realized that the sun had set and some stars were appearing. "Well, he will understand; he knows well how I can become so engrossed in maps and tactics designs. I will take him for a walk in the moonlight" thought Alexander while walking towards the dinning room where his companions were gathered.

The handsome brunette was nowhere to be seen. Alexander took his usual spot on the double couch and let his eyes wander around the room.

"Where is pretty boy?" asked Cleitus while handing his king a goblet with red wine.

"I hoped he would be there. We were supposed to meet at the waterfall this afternoon but time flew and I didn't meet him" said Alexander sighing.

"Maybe he is mad at you, my King" laughed the Black General while patting him between his shoulder blades. "Go and fetch him before the food gets cold."

Alexander walked to their chamber but Hephaestion was not there; in fact, there was no evidence he had been there since that morning.

The young king got worried and went to look for Stephanos and Theo, their loyal pages. Both of them were eating their dinner, their heads, one blonde and one black haired, together, murmuring how their day had been.

Seeing the king enter the kitchen, they stood up in alert but Alexander waved them to sit down again and went on eating.

"Have you seen Hephaestion?" Alexander asked them, showing a little hope in his two-coloured eyes.

"No, Sire, we prepared your things for your swimming this afternoon but we haven't seen him since then."

"I cannot find him, I've looked everywhere" whispered Alexander with a defeated voice.

"We'll help you Sire" said Theo standing up again.

"Finish your meal and meet me at the palace entrance with the horses" said Alexander, who was feeling his heart beating too fast.


The three of them arrived at the waterfall and started to look for him. The full moon sent her rays to help the lover and pages in their search, even the small night animals went away from their path so they didn't slow down the search. In a moment, Alexander's eyes went wide and gasped in fear.

"No, No, No" repeated the distressed lover like a mantra "it cannot be, it cannot be"

There, lying on the lake bank, there was Hephaestion's cloak, covered in blood.