(A/N) I'm sorry! I really am. Things have just been a bit mixed up lately and I needed time to think. Thanks for reading and supporting me though! This might not be what you want to happen in the story, but I'm just trying to stay true to the characters.

Katniss gets out of the armchair in the corner of the carriage, where she has been sitting, and picks up a gold, circular object from the chest of drawers. She hands it to me. It's a golden broach, that looks almost familiar, an object seen but not noticed.
"Madge gave it to me." She says quietly, turning and sitting on her bed, her back to me.
It glints in the red, evening sunshinethat lengthens the shadows across the room. Within the outer circle of the broach, is a bird, it's glittering wings only just attached to the outer circle that is it's cage. "A Mockingjay?" I ask.
"From what I know."
A lump forms in my thoat when I remember that day… Katniss probably can't even remember, yet I can still hear the soft melody she sang to the mockingjay in the woods. The first day I ever heard her sing.
I make my way across to where she's standing and pin it over her chest. Her heart. She tenses.
Katniss looks down, I kiss her on the forehead and head out of the room.
"Where are you going?" She calls, not moving or looking up.
I turn to her.
"Shower." I say, and smile. Not a real smile though, not happy. A smile that doesn't quite reach my eyes, that secretly says "Help." But that I can't say that. I have to be strong. We have to be strong.

I take off my shoes, not allowing myself to get angry. Angry with what? With the fact that I'm going to die? The fact that Katniss is going to die? That I love her?
I undress in the bathroom after 10 minutes of messing around the shower. I decide on a bath instead. As I lower myself in, I find it funny, that at home, we hadn't used so much as a tap, but here I am… on a train with hot, running water.
I sit, uncomfortable for a while, not even in the arena but already having the unnevering feeling of being watched. After a while I sink into the bath and think about what just happened.

I didn't mean to. It's the sort of thing that you do when you're not thinking, just reacting. But she didn't kiss back. My Catnip doesn't feel that way, and the heartbreaking thing was I knew it.
She pushed me away, a shocked expression dominating her face. "What-?"
"I'm sorry… I…"
But she just sits in the armchair and drums her fingers on her knees. She was thinking. I knew I should have left but I didn't, I just stood near the wardrobe, staring at the carpet.
"I don't love you." This didn't take me off guard.
"I know."