Chapter Eleven

Shinichi glared up at the entrance to the attic, he could just feel the dirt already layering onto his skin, without even being in there yet. Kaito behind him, trying to talk him out of going up there. "There could be a giant dust bunny monster up there, breeding little dust bunnies." He whispered into Shinichi's ear as he glanced 'fearfully' towards the attic. Shinichi grabbed onto the string that opened the dreaded Attic and was covered in a thin layer of dirt that had fallen as he opened up the latter.

"This is the only place in this house that we haven't checked yet." Shinichi frowned at Kaito's obvious dislike of the attic. "It's not like the dirt going to eat you. You're almost Seventeen years old, act like it!" Shinichi then went up the stairs leaving Kaito at the bottom looking up.

"Your not really nice!" Kaito complained loudly before following the detective up. Kaito blinked at the massive amount of random things that littered the attic. "Shin-chan, I think your parents were secretly pack rats." Kaito wiped clean a portion of a mirror with his sleeve and grinned at his refection, making Shinichi glare at him again.

"And here I thought you were scared of the dust bunnies." Shinichi said while opening a chest that he found in the back of the attic.

"Blah Blah Shin-chan, your no fun." Kaito moved looking through more of the other boxes that littered the attic. "Seriously, this is like finding a needle in a haystack."

"I think they did this on purpose. They were always like that." Shinichi answered. "At least that's the way I remember them. Then again, I also remember them being really annoying."

"You would remember your parents as "annoying"; You mom has way to many dresses, Shin-chan." Kaito said as he picked up one of them and brought it against him; checking himself out in the mirror. "Do you think it's my color?" He asked about the violet velvet dress that he was holding.

Shinichi glanced over at him as he picked up at file and glared. "Are you serious?" He shook his head and looked though the folder that he was holding. "Hey, this is information on KID."

Kaito made his way over to Shinichi, who reached in and took out another file. "This one too," Shinichi handed Kaito one of the files and looked though the other he found. In each file was an heist article, dating back almost ten years ago, and several shots of Kid flying away on his glider. As they looked though the chest, they found profiles of each member of the Kuroba household, possible KID assistants, and coded messages. Shinichi felt another headache coming on as he looked at the ten different pages of coded messages. Kaito stuck his tongue out as he lifted several different kinds of black clothing. "Ugh, no taste at all. What were your parents? International spies?"

Shinichi chuckled at the thought, "Who knows? Maybe they were in so secret organization that's secretly planning to take over the world."

If they only knew…

After further digging the two teenagers failed to find anything with a decent amount of clues. They still had no clue as to where Kaito's parents could be, let alone Shinichi's. Shinichi felt frustrated as he now sat at the kitchen table trying to decode one of the many coded letters. From what he could gather from the codes, they were from Kaitou Kid, a.k.a Oji-san. After scratching and messing up his hair, he looked up and looked around; noticing that Kaito was missing from the group of letters that he was apposed to be decoded. Shinichi felt his eye twitch as he looked around the kitchen for his missing friend. He sighed, it wasn't like he expected Kaito to be able to sit still for hours on end. He knew that Kaito was a go doer then a sit downer, and was probably pacing somewhere in the mansion, or rigging traps for him later.

Then again, it made him feel slightly relieved that the other boy was back to his same tricks, even if it was only a part of his 'poker face'. It was almost relaxing to think of ways to avoid Kaito's complicated traps of mischief and mayhem. He smiled to himself as he went back to decoding. He'd get Kaito later, right now he'd just enjoy that his friend was being somewhat normal though everything.

Kaito sighed as he leaned in the lazy chair in the library, he was trying hard to act normal for Shinichi, so he wouldn't worry to much about him. He knew his parents could take care of themselves, he just wished that they left some sort of message for them. Anything besides that whole "I am KID" message, but maybe that was a big enough message as it is. He cracked a small grin, his father was always his idol, even unknowingly. He pulled out the card gun that he heisted from the KID room, and examined it. It was amazing, just what to expect from his father. Hmm, Maybe he could tamper with the cards lightly, like making them explode smoke or something... the ideas.

His small grin cracked into a full "KID" grin, he just knew that he'd find them, after all between him and Shinichi nothing was going to get through them!

-End Eleven-

Sorry about the long wait, I'll try to update more regularly for now on.

I hope everyone enjoyed the chapter! It was really hard to write after not writing for so long...I had to really reread it. Then I was kind of surprised I was the one writing this...Does that sound weird?