Chapter 1: A Stalker???

Authors Notes:

I do not own Pokémon or anything else except Rose of course. Also I = Rose. Ok? Ok.

I quickly get done with work. It was 9:00 at night when I got done. As I was closing up the store I looked out the main window and saw a man with a large hat and a cloak meet eyes and I quickly look away. I could swear that his eyes were purple. I move my brown hair so there is a barrier of some sort. I feel at least a little safe when I don't see the person who is stalking me.

When I was done I looked to see if the man was there in the window. He wasn't so I took a step outside. Nothing there so I continued to walk home. My house was only 3 blocks away so I didn't think that I would have a problem with walking home. I looked down to see a family of Ratatas. The poor things were skin a bone so I took out my lunch, which I didn't eat, and gently set it down in front of them. They looked at me and then slowly started to eat it. The babies charged out to get some too and I felt one of those rare happy moments that I get. I was so happy for them I forgot where I was going and ran into someone who was in front of me.

"Oh sorry! Didn't see you there."

"It's alright." A voice said in my head.

I looked up to see that the man was wearing the same hat and cloak that I saw earlier. I froze and couldn't move. I never met his eyes.

"A-are y-you stalking me?" I stammered.

"No just observing." He sounded very cute. I couldn't help but think that.

I gulped, "Am I a science project or something?"

"No." He looked down to see my face.

I started to feel fear sneak into me. The guy was so large that I had to look almost straight up to see his hat. The rest of his face was covered in darkness. I felt myself tremble and shake. This guy could do anything to me and I couldn't do anything about it.

"Are you cold?" I wondered how he could speak into my mind like that.

I hugged myself, trying to hold myself together. I looked down."No. I be-better be going. Goodbye."

I quickly walked past the man and went to my place. I went straight to my bed and cried as hard as I could. I kept on sobbing until I fell asleep.

Chapter 2 will be coming right after this one.