"Love comforeth like sunshine after rain."


He looked at her, thoroughly confused, as she ran from the Great Hall. He had not even said anything to offend her -he was just walking over to say his usual 'good morning.' James glanced down at the piece of parchment that had dropped from her hands as she exited and he picked it up.

His jaw dropped as his eyes scanned over the words. Mr. and Mrs. Evans? Dead? James felt his heart break for her -loosing both parents at the same time? It was hard for him to even start to comprehend the pain that she must be feeling.

James suddenly felt the urge to go and comfort her even though he knew that he was probably the last person in the world that she'd want to talk to at the moment. He guessed that she had more than likely fled up to the Head Boy and Head Girl's dormitory, which they shared. James made his way up to the room that he had just left less than ten minutes previous. He pulled open the heavy wooden door and slid quietly inside. He went through their 'living room' area and up to the spiral staircases -instead of taking his usual path up to his room, he took the opposite set. James climbed the marble stairs and paused at Lily's closed door. Her faint sobs reached his ears and he frowned to himself. After debating whether or not he should knock, he decided against it and carefully pulled the door open. "Lily?" he called out tentatively.

James' eyes settled on a figure whose back was turned to him. He watched as her body trembled as she let her tears flow. Hesitantly, he approached her and placed a gentle hand on her shaking shoulder. "Lily, would you care to talk about it?"

Lily shook her head slightly and mumbled, "Just go away, Potter."

He ignored her request and took a seat beside her on the king-sized bed. Wrapping an arm around her waist, he pulled her close to him. "I can't just leave you. You can talk to me when you're ready."

Lily sobbed into his tee-shirt -not even bothering to put up a protest against him holding her.

James moved his hand to her back and rubbed it affectionately, trying to calm her. "You'll be alright; it might take a while, Lils, but everything will be okay."

"How do you figure that?" she questioned, her voice thick.

" 'Cause you are strong," he replied, moving her brilliant red hair from her face.

Lily leaned her head up against his toned chest and said softly, "If I am so strong, then why do I feel so vulnerable?"

He patted the back of her head comfortingly and replied, "It is called a broken heart."

She gazed up at him, her usually glowing green eyes bloodshot and tearstained, and asked, "How do you know what a heart break feels like? Aren't you 'James the Lion' ?"

He shook his head and told her, "I know how it feels because I go through it again and again, everyday."

Lily rested her head back onto him and whispered, "This is how you feel every time I turn you down?"

"Yeah," he answered simply.

"I'm sorry," she murmured into his shirt.

"Don't be," James told her, forcing a half-hearted smile. "I deserve it for being such a prat over the years."

"James?" she asked, cuddling closer to him.

"Yes, Lilyflower?"

"Thank you," she said, kissing him lightly on the cheek.

Awwww, I siriusly love James/Lily. Leave a review, please.


Mew, you are siriusly an awesome beta, too! This was siriusly done for Mew's quote challenge(HPFC forum, everyone siriusly check it out. New quotes were just added to the list)!