A/N: I want to apologize to my readers that I have not been updating my stories as I had hoped. I have become distracted by the Southern Vampire Mysteries (Sookie Stackhouse/True Blood series) by Charlaine Harris, and have sort of lost interest in Twilight for the moment. As such, I am stuck when it comes to continuing my stories.

Knowing how my 'distractions' tend to work, I will likely return to Twilight soon after Eclipse has hit the theaters. Hopefully, I will be able to continue the stories then. I assure you all, I have not abandoned them, they are just on hiatus. In the mean time, I may end up writing some one-shots for SVM/True Blood, but there are no guarantess. I hope that you all will be patient with me until my Twilight muse restarts itself.

Hope to have something for you all soon,
