Disclaimer: I don't own Silent Hill 1, 2 or 3. I don't own Rain of Brass Petals, Akira Yamaoka and Konami do.

AN: My God. I've been working on this for like two weeks now. Um. Yeah. A songfic to rain of brass petals by Akira yamaoka from the silent hill 3 soundtrack.

Also, this song just struck me as like the anthem for the first three games.

I especially like James' verse. I like how it came out. XD But I like Heather's verse best, cause I can really connect with her as a person. XD

i am the first…

Harry Mason..

A man who lost his daughter to the cult…

a shadow at the end of the hallway…

That hospital..

It just seemed to be so..



Those nurses..

And all of those shadows.

i spin the carousel…

The carousel..



She attacked him..

At the carousel..

And he..

He shot her..

the laughter recedes away…

"Silent Hill: a place of peace and tranquility. Your happy memories of this place will last a lifetime"..

Yet it was so empty..

Wasn't this once a resort town?

my finger on your lips…

No wonder they called this town Silent Hill…

The silence was deafening, eerie.

Like a hush fell over the town in the form of fog..

i stole something precious…

He had to find her..


Cheryl, where are you?


…I will find you..

i am the second…

James Sunderland. Widower. Age 29.

alone in a faceless crowd

He was alone here, right?

No, he couldn't have been.

He had Maria..

And Mary..


They were the same..

Weren't they?

a human caught in monochrome dreams

The town..

It was..

It was all..


Tinged with blood..


No, that wasn't blood..

It was the setting sun..

Or his mind playing tricks on him..

But he couldn't see the sun..

The fog blanketed everything..

So was it the sun after all?

i scream to wake up

It all seems like a dream..

But it isn't..

The pain seems.. Too real..

Everything seems too real..

This couldn't be a dream..

I try and try to wake up but..

I just can't…

Will this nightmare never end?

my voice drowns deep underground

It isn't like anyone could hear him anyway if he screamed.

The sound of his own heartbeat haunts him..

Pounds in his ears..

And when he speaks..

It's as if his voice belongs to someone else..

only the dead can hear me, see me

Everyone in this town ended up dead sooner or later…







…Am I even still living?


Could you really be in this town?

i am the third




a master, a sentinel of awakeness

She hadn't slept in days.

How could she?

Those images..

Haunting her every moment..



i hold truth like a torch

The truth?

I was Cheryl..

I never really knew..


This mess has shown me..


That I'm Cheryl.

Not Heather.


shadows flicker before me

This place..

It's not right.

Something is horribly, horribly wrong here..

It's dark..

Too dark..

rapid eye follow the

She was seeing things..

In the corners of her vision..

Like shadows..

..Shadows don't move though..

chain of thought

Except they weren't..

And when she thought she saw them..

Her mind got to thinking and she found herself near panicking..

Was it just a trick of her imagination?

until the silence ends

It was over..

It was all over..

She was weary..

Tired, had to get home..

But home..

Home was where Dad was..



AN: well, um. Blame my sudden fangirlishness of Repo! The Genetic Opera. And my sudden fanfirlish fondness for Nathan Wallace. XD

I was listening to Night Surgeon when this idea came to me. I wasn't even listening to Rain of Brass petals at the time.. which is weird. XD

Review and you get a date with your fave SH protagonist.. Or antagonist if that is what you prefer.. XD
