

Well, in my defence, this little bugger has been living in my head for a while now. It's based off of something I heard on TV that a real couple did. I heard this when I was maybe eight. To think I've remembered this tidbit of information for over ten years…

Disclaimer: When will school end?


When they had started going out together, one of their first outings had been to the movies. After a while, it had become a little tradition of their own to go to the movies at least once every two weeks on Wednesday evenings. They would alternate between who would get to pick the movie. One week it would be Matthew and the following time it would be Gilbert.

No matter what movie they would go see, Canada would always do one thing that he had done since the very beginning. Ever since that first outing, the Canadian man would grasp the other's hand in his own and then he would slip a ring he wore on the Prussian's finger. He would put it and then remove it and put it back on and then start over.

Gilbert had never questioned it and they never spoke of it. Matthew would do that all throughout the movie and when the credits would roll in; he would put the ring back on his own finger. Canada never did this on any other occasion. It was only when they went out for their movie night.

It was now a few years since this little tradition had been going on and it was another Wednesday night. Gilbert picked the movie and they were sitting where they usually sat. Five minutes into the movie, the Canadian man took his lover's hand and slipped the ring like he always did.

They both enjoyed the movie and Canada continued to put and remove the ring. A moment or so before the credits rolled in, there was a pause with the movement and then Prussia felt a cool metal band being slipped on to his finger. It felt slightly larger than the one he was used to. It also felt heavier than the usual ring that Matthew put on his finger. Instead of removing it, Canada left it there.

Gilbert wasn't too sure what he was supposed to do so he counted to ten before he turned around to stare at the younger man sitting next to him.

"Gilbert Beilschmidt, will you marry me?" Matthew whispered shyly. Prussia's eyes widened with surprise. He looked into Canada's face and then at the ring on his left hand and then back at Matthew. He had no idea what to say and hadn't been expecting anything like this to happen.

"Of, of course." He finally managed to say. The younger man's face broke into a brilliant smile before he wrapped his arms around his new fiancé's neck and kissed him senseless as the credits continued to roll on the screen.


Well that was incredibly sappy.

Reviews, no matter how short, even if they are anonymous, mean a lot to me and let me know that my writing brings emotions to you readers out there. I see you, the ones who only favourite, the ones who add me to alert, don't think I don't. Even if it's just an exclamation point, it warms my heart.

Started writing: April 22nd 2010, 6:19pm

Finished writing: April 22nd 2010, 8:03pm

Started typing: April 24th 2010, 9:10pm

Finished typing: April 24th 2010, 9:26pm