Tick, tock, tick, tock, the sounds of the clock I'd been watching for the past hour. It was now half past six.

Today it has been five years, seven months, two weeks, fifteen hours, 24 min- yeah you get the point. Anyway it had been all that and more time since we left, left our sister.

Nothing had been the same since.

Carliisle spent more time at the hospital where he was currently working. Emse spends most her time in her office deisghning houses or whatever pop's in her head, she's still our mother sending a kind smile our way once in a while, but it never truely reaches her eyes. Alice is less up beat, less enthusiastic about things like shopping, she will still go just not spending more time there and not spending like she used too. Jasper is wrapped up in his guilt and his self control, which he promised himsefl that he would get perfect, I'm so proud of him. Edward, ohh Edward.

He sits there in his self pirty and hatred. He stares off into space with his thoughts. His eyes are pitch black from not hunting in god know's when and he's quiet, ever so quiet, never speaking just thinking. He's a shell of the man he used to be. He needs to do better, at least try.

Finally Emmett, my Emmett. He used to be the joker of the family always pranking people and making fun of things. He hardly does that anymore, I mean he does, not anywhere like it was before we left. I want my husband back, the one I fell in love with, don't get me wrong I still love him nothing will ever change that, all I want is for him to smile again and have it care free, not forced. He misses his sister, so do I. Carlisle and Esme miss their daughter and we miss our sister, the one who completed our family, made us whole.

"Rose, please?" Edward whispered from somewhere upstairs, most likely the attic again.

"I'm sorry Edward, I can't help it." I apologized. I never got any reply, though I should be greatfull to get at least two words from him. I stood up from the couch making my way to the door, Emmett came around the corner with furrowed eyebrows.

"Rosie where are you going?" he asked.

"Somewhere alone to think, I'll be back in few hours." I pecked hm quickly on lips walking out the front door.

"I love you!" Emmett called.

I smiled a rare smile at the three words. "I love you too!" I called back even though I didn't need to shout.

I sat on the filthy log, hesitating before sitting down, it's not like I'll keep these clothes after today and at least my hair won't get dirty or wet.

Bella had been a touchy subject for all of us, especially Edward the last two years. We had finaly had enough of staying away, the whole family traveled back to Forks hoping Bella was still there and that she'd forgive us. When we arrived to chief Swans we were surprised to see two little children out there playing. The girl and boy had dark russet skin and big gorgous brown eyes like Bella. I think at one time all of us thought they were Bella's kids, I would have been so proud if it was, that my sister got to have that part of humanity I didn't even if a bit of me was slightly envious. The two children came up to us.

"Hey!" the little boy said chipperly, while the young girl hung further back shyly, just like Bella I'd thought.

"Hello." Carlisle replied politley.

"I'm Ben,this is my sis sammy, we're twins!" He exclaimed excited.

"It's lovely to meet you children." Esme smiled down at them.

"We were wondering if we could speak to Charlie?" Carlisle asked.

"What do ya want with daddy?" Sammy spoke for the first time. Daddy? They were both Charlie's?

"We wanted to speak with him, catch with him." Carlisle replied.

"OK! I'll got get em'." Ben ran into the house with sammy followering silently behind.

"I wouldn't of though Charlie would have more kids." Alice said.

"No me either." I mumbled.

"I thought they were Bella's for a moment, they look so much like her." Jasper spoke.

Someone came out the door and it was Charlie, he looked livid. he walked, no rather stomped toward us.

"What the hell are you lot doing here?" he practacly shouted.

"We were just passing through and decided we want to check on Bella." Carlisle spoke calmly. Charlie flinched and Edward's shoulder's sank with his head bowled. he looked as if he could callaspse if it were possible for a vampire.

"Bella's gone." he whispered.

"What do you mean she's gone?" Esme asked Charlie.

"She's dead. Four years ago she commited suicide, me and Renee were trying to help her, you can't help those who don't wished to be helped. Bella couldn't handle things so she took the easy way out." No! it can't be! She can't be dead!

"Daddy who's Bwella?" Sammy tugged on Charlie's leg.

"No one important baby girl, go back inside with you're brother daddy's sorting things out quickly." Not important? How can your daughter not be important?

"Now you know get off my property, you're not welcome here!" Charlie stomped his way back to the house.

How could he be like that? And to speak that way to my parents, my family. I took a step forwards but Emmet put his hand around my waist retraining me and led me back to the car. Esme was dry sobbing on Carlisle's shoulder as was Alice on Jasper's, Emmett looked deverstated, I made my way to hug but stopped. Edward had no one. I went to him and wrapped my arms around him. He didn't return my hug but I didn't care, he deserved a hug.

"Love you, brother." I whispered into his chest before moving back to Emmett.

Edward was a nightmare for months after that. He tried going to Italy to be killed, if it wasn't for Alice he would be dead. The only reason he's still here now is most likely because of Esme. Now he's starving himself or trying to, he knows it won't work from Carlisle, but he uses it as a punishment I guess.

Then there's me. I know I was never there for Bella, I was a horrible bitch to her worse than that really. I never hated her. She was giving everything up for Edward, he humanity, love, ageing, children, she was willing to give up all that in a flash. If I had the chance to become human again I so would, Emmett as well. I would of loved tiny little Emmett's around, a little girl with golden blond hair blue eyes like mine and perfect little dimples like her father's. A dream that will sadly never come true.

Yes I was a bitch to Bella but I loved her like a sister, I was only protecting my family and keeping my distance from her so she could let go of us and move on with her life happy. Now she's dead she'll never know how much I care for her and miss her, I'll never get a chance to apologize.

It was getting dark so I decided to get off home. It was silent when I got there, nobody was talking just watching T.V, I plopped myself down next to Emmett laying my head down on his shoulder and he put his arm around me in return.

"Did you have a nice time thinking?" he asked breaking the silecne.

"Yeah it was nice but I missed you too much." he smiled and leaned down pressing a soft kiss on my forehead.

Suddenly Alice gasped, we all turned to look at her, Jasper moving his arm around her to keep her up. Her eyes glazed over. I wanted to know what the vision was about the only one's she's had lately was what the weather would be like and shopping sales. Carlisle always said that vampire's gift's never deteriate but get's stronger, that's what happened to Alice's gift. She is now able to show all of us the vision if she chooses too. It's like dreaming and sleeping apart from we're vampire's and it's impossible to sleep. I wondered what it would be this time.

There was a dark room with a small lamp in the corner. I also saw a desk. There was a man there, standing in front of someone in chair. He moved back and it gave me clear veiw of the person, it was a girl she had long wavy hair that just reached her waist. Her head was bowled down but she was still watching the man in the corner of her eye. She could tell he was looking at her and smiling.

"Do you like the veiw?" She barked. it was muffled out you could barely understand it, there was something familiar though I couldn't figure it out. I liked this girl she was feisty and gave him a run

"Yes, I deffinitley like the veiw." He looked angry that she spoke though he hid his anger quickly.

It looked like a few minutes before he spoke again.

"Now, I am very very disappointed in you, going out in your way just to annoy you're care givers" he spoke calmly. "The kind people are here to help you ad make you feel better, to help you recover. Hmm, but really if you just wanted to spend time with me you could have just asked instead of getting yourself into trouble, I wouldn't mind." he smirked. His voice sent shivers down my spine which was hard to do to me.

"Who would even want to spend time with you? Actually don't even bother answering that it was a rhetorical question. You're a foul, evil, ugly and the most disgusting fucking creature that ever walked the planet!" She hissed. Her voice was southern but there was a twist in there aswell like two accents mixed together.

He slaped her across the face, the sound echoing through the room. Her eyes watered a little but she held the tears in, there was an obvious bruise forming.

"Now, now, how many times must we go through this? Hmmm? When is it going to get across that I am in charge of you, you are mine?" he sighed, scratching his temple.

"It's never going to sink in. The question is when are you going to realise that you're not winning? You can't break me and you are so annoyed with that. I stay strong and my spirit is still high." She chuckled lowly.

He slapped her again. Harder.

"You can hurt me physically and emotionally but in the end. I'm. Not. Breaking. Not now, not ever." She spoke with confidence.

He moved a few inches away from her face, his eyes blazing with anger. He was breathing hard like he just ran a marathen.

"Ahh, I see I hit a little nerve there, didn't I?" his face got closer to her now.

"SHUT UP! NOW! YOU STUPID BITCH! SHUT UP!" he screamed in her face. He leached backwards knocking everything off the table, he kicked the metal leg leaving a dent in the middle, and he picked up his leather chair throwing it across the room just missing her head by a few inches. He carried on with his 'hissy fit' while the young girl tried to control her breathing.

When he finished he stood the other side of the room banging his head on the wall.

"You always have to make me lose my temper my temper, don't you?" He whispered out of breath and huskily.

She shrugged her shoulders.

"I know you like it Isabella." He voice was louder with a deeper string to it. She cringed at it as did I.

He moved, turning around coming closer to her. He turned the chair around facing him, he kneeled down in front of her putting his hand on her knees roughly. She shivered away from him and he took it as a good thing.

"Yes I know you like it. But, as you said it's never going to sink in that you're mine, well I guess I'm going to have to make it sink in."

I didn't like how he said that.

"Wh- what do you mean?" She spoke in a shaky voice.

"It means exactly what I said, I'm going to make sure it sinks in." What?

He moved away from her and only then did I notice she was tied to the wheelchair. He was at his messy desk searching for something. He walked back over carrying an object, a knife. He was going to make it sink in.

"What are you doing? What are you going to do to m-" She didn't finish her sentense now seeing the object in his hands.

"Ahh didn't take long for you to figure it out, did it?" he chuckled darkly.

He leaned towards her towering over her small frame.

"Are you excited honey?" he said sweetly, too sweetly, sickly sweet. She cringed again as he smiled larger.

"Yes you are very excited for me baby aren't you?" he smirked.

She spat in his face showing him how wrong he was. He wiped it off of his face leaving a scowl behind.

"You know you shouldn't frown so much, it will give you more wrinkles than you already have." She teased. He stabbed the knife in her arm, she screamed out in pain clearly not expecting it.

"AH! SHIT! JESUS CHRIST!" She sreamed. Tears were falling down her face as she willed to stop them.

"Ha-ha! Jesus isn't going to help you know sweetheart." He said slowly dragging the knife down her arm to her wrist.

She stopped the tears now, you could see the determination in her eyes.

"I could do this, I can get through this, I'm strong enough, it's not the worst thing I've faced, I can fucking do this." She whispered to herself

"Stop fucking talking!" he shouted.

He stopped the knife at the middle of her hand, finally taking it off.

Then he swapped it to the other arm. She bit her lip keeping the scream in her throat it seemed, I could see the blood oozing down her chin from biting her lip so much, even through the blood out of her lip she didn't take her teeth off.

"You like it baby?" he asked, and then laughed freely. I could see his fingers reaching up her gown followed by the knife. He continued scraping it across the skin of her thigh, moving slowly down stopping at her calf. She let out a gust of air she's most likely been holding been holding.

"Just stop, please just stop now get it finished, please." She begged.

"why would I finish now? The fun's only now beginning."

"Then start it! Just stop with all this!"

"But we were having fun baby, hmmm, well, if that's what you want." He murmured. He seemed pleased of the fact that she's begged.

He did put the knife down, and then he moved back to his desk taking something else out, it looked like a pen?

Not quite a pen though. It was a small pen knife, they used it in to carve tiny details.

"What are you going to do now?" She asked not really wanting to know.

"Like I said before I'm making sure it sinks in." He whispered.

He moved over to her again, grabbing hold of her hand to make it stay still. What was he doing? He leaned over her arm, his eyes examining it like a blank canvas soon to be a piece of art. Then he smiled, not a normal smile it was like death walked over, all good memories gone, and I was suddenly very cold. He held the knife in his right hand, and then he looked like he was writing on her hand? He was really writing on her hand! I saw the blood dripping over the sides of her wrist on to the arm rest.

He finished his message and leaned back up with a huge smile on his face. She wouldn't be able to see what he had written but I could.

'You are mine'

"Now you'll never forget, this message is here to stay, it will stay put in your mind forever and you will always know who you belong to."

His face was inches away from hers. He leaned his forehead against hers while his hands were gripping her shoulders tightly. He rubbed his cheek along her own up and down. He was untying the bond on her wrists.

"You're not going to run away from me, are you baby?" he asked

She shook my head.

"That's right sugar you're not, you'll never get away from me, you all could run away one day but I'd catch you all, and I'd be there to catch you." He whispered in my ear.

I couldn't help but notice how he emphasised the word 'you' to her. He reached his hands down un-zipping his jeans, I could see he was hard. How could someone find it a turn on watching someone in pain? It was sick. He slipped in stroking himself. He groaned.

No! No! No! Please no, not her, she doesn't deserve it!

"You see what you do to me baby?" he grunted. "You know what turns me on more? Huh? I know you want it I know you want me inside of you."

He shredded his jeans down to his ankles then doing the same with his boxers. I couldn't look at it, I didn't want to, but I couldn't look away. His hands skimmed up her legs again taking her gown up with it, he pulled her panties down and he stared at her.

She closed er eyes tightly holding back tears as he pounded into her.

It was horrible! No one should go through that! he was sick!

I dry sobbed in Emmett's chest with his arms around me. Esme was shaking her repeatedly, Carlsile tried to calm her. Alice was staring off into space most likely thinking about the vision, Jasper had his head in his hands rubbing his forehead, struggling with all the emotions in here. Edward was currently glaring at Esme's vase which hadn't done anything to him.

Hang on, Edward?

"That foul creature deserves to die for what he fucking did!" Edward snarled eerily.

"Edward laguage!" Esme snifed. She was glad he was down here and obviousally upset with the vision hersefl, she wasn't going to let Edward get away with bad manners though.

"How could any human be that sick?" Alice whispered.

"I don't know." Carlisle told her.

"I do." I mumbled into Emmett who tightened his hold on me.

"She was strong though," Jasper lifted his head. "For all the things she's gone through, she's very strong. The restraint she held with knife is just..." he trailed off.

"She was so young, where was her family? he parents? Or was he her family? If he was that's just horendose." Of course Esme would think of the girl's family going all maternal, but she was right. Where was the young girl's family?

Carlisle sighed and squeezed Eme's hand. "I too wonder that, the can't be more that seventeen, eighteen at the most. If cut's were not be seen to they will than likely get infected."

"That's horrible."

"I think we should track that fucker down and rip him to shreds!" Emmett growled.

"I will happily agree to that, I'll rip the wannker's head off myself" Edward nodded.

"Me too! That little shits got it comming!" Jasper joined.

"Boy! Language please, none of that in my house." Esme chidded.

"Sorry mom." They mumbled simutanisley, which braught a smile to her face, she loved it when we all called her that.

"We do need to help, we can't just leave her." Alice pleaded.

"No we can't, we will all help find her Alice, no matter how long it takes." Carlisle agreed with her. Alice squeeled in response mumbling something about having to go shopping.

"Well I'm going hunting." Edward announced. We all turned and stared at him.

"What?" he asked.

"What made you decide?" Jasper asked.



"Yes, you, you made me realise that I have to try and I haven't tried yet, so I'm getting together, moving on." He smiled a rare smile and it finally reached his eyes. Esme leaped up and hugged him, this time he actually hugged her back.

"I'm so proud of you son." She kissed his cheek.

"Me too." Carlisle patted his shoulder.

"Well done Eddie boy" Emmett boomed. Edward frowned but didn't drop his small smile.

"Stop calling me that."

"Never." he vowed

"Okay." Edward said simply.

"What did you say?" Emmett asked confused.

"I said 'okay' brother." Edwards shrugged his shoulders and walked out the door.

"What does that mean?" Emmett shouted after him into the wood dissapearing into the tree's with him.

"I'm so glad he's getting back to normal." Esme smiled.

"So am I. We all are." Jasper nodded.

"Alice are you sure about all of this? It won't cause us harm at all?" Carlisle asked.

"No I don't think so, I can't see anything else on the girl now, it's like a wall's been put up and I can't climb over or something. I know she is very important to us or going to be though. Trust me on this, don't bet agaisnt me." She smiled before running of upstairs so she could do some online shopping.

Yes never bet against Alice