The backup's eyes glowed red in the dark room. He looked at the TV screen.

I'll find you, L… before Kira can hurt you…

Meanwhile, in Japan

"Soichiro, could you hand me the sugar, please? Thank you" The black-haired detective began putting sugar cubes in his cup.

"By the way, do you know where your enchanting son is? He shouldn't go out" "I think he went to a café with Misa" L frowned. "He really shouldn't-"

At this moment, his cell phone rang. "Uhm, yes, Watari?" His eyes widened. "Oh… It's you… I see. So you escaped?... Oh, no… Really. I can't live together with two hyper intelligent psycho killers… I know you are… yeah, I suspect him to be Kira… Where?... Okay… yeah, I'll be there" L listened to whatever the other one said, then he froze. "Wait, how did you just call me?... How did you find out…? Promise you won't tell anyone… No, I don't think you're evil… Okay, see you"

He put the phone away. "Who was that?", Aizawa asked. "Is he a murderer?", Matsuda added. "He's a… friend. Sort of. And, well, you could call him a murderer" "How can you be so cool if you just talked to a killer?", Soichiro asked. L simply shrugged and got up.

30 minutes later, L arrived at a hotel. He went to room 201, as B had told him. He entered without knocking and looked around. Beyond Birthday stared at something above his head and gasped in shock.

"You're late, Lawliet-san", he finally said. "Sit down". L sat down on the bed. "Do you know who Kira is?", Beyond Birthday asked, still staring at something only he could see. "I told you before, I suspect someone to be Kira, but I have no evidence", L replied.

Finally, B looked in his eyes. "You're running out of time, L. If you don't stop him soon, you will die" "How do you know?", L asked anxiously. "I see it. You've got less than a month left. You will die in 26 days, 3 hours, 57 minutes, and 21 seconds" "And why do you tell me that?" "Because I don't want to see you dead. I admire you. I love you. And I don't want anyone to surpass you. Anyone but me, that is"

The copy stood up, and L got up, too. "I'll call you", BB said. "Now go".

L went to the door and looked at the younger one. "Goodbye, Beyond" "Goodbye".

B kissed him on the forehead. "Don't die, L-chan", he whispered, then he closed the door.

End Chapter One

Time left: 26 Days, 3 hours, 55 minutes, 37 seconds