"Patience" Chapter 26
Rating: Mature
Pairing: Bonnie/Damon
Playlist: Disclaimer: I don't own these characters. They belong to L.J. Smith/The CW-_- All mistakes are mine!
A/N: Sorry for the wait guys. Exams are over, thank god. As for the show, I was legit laughing through the last billion episodes. It's getting to the point where its actually a joke. Julie needs to take some notes from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. God damn, the show is getting so bad and pointless. But I only watch for Bonnie. No duh! lol.
This was kinda exciting to write. A little action here and there...enjoy!
"Get them out of here now! Damon screamed, not believing his eyes.
Elijah had stuck a dagger in to his brothers heart the moment Klaus bit in to Gretta's neck causing both Gretta and Bonnie's spell to alter. It wasn't yet finished, now that Gretta was unconscious in Elijah's arms. Bonnie would have to complete the spell to condemn Silas in the tomb for eternity, all on her own and Damon was not having it. Gretta could die, but he when it came to Bonnie it wasn't an option. She fell to her knees, blood trickling down her temples, her eyes slightly rolling to the back of her head. She managed to get up with the help of Rose, and began chanting the spell again, ignoring Damon's orders to get her out.
"She has to finish this!" Rose screamed at her only true friend.
"She doesn't have to finish shit! She isn't going to die today, not tomorrow, and nowhere near the distant future! We'll find another way to condemn this piece of shit!" He roared, becoming antsy as the floor beneath them began to rumble.
He grabbed the witch by the waist, pulling her back to his chest, ready to get the hell out of the darkened and eerie cave. But he was suddenly slammed in to the wall. Groaning, he opened his eyes to a pale faced Bennett, eyes white, chanting the rest of the spell on her own.
"BONNIE STOP!" Damon growled rushing towards her, but cursed as he ran in to an invisible barrier she created around her.
"Damon! She's strong! She can finish this! For good!" Stefan yelled frowning, the room crumbling before them.
"We must leave at once, it's not safe" Elijah said sternly, gazing at the beautiful woman in his arms.
"No shit" Rose grumbled, taking out the talisman from her inside her jacket pocket.
"What are you doing, Rose what the FUCK are you doing!?" Damon questioned between clenched teeth.
"Are you daft? You do know what's going to happen if you even try to put that near Silas's body" Rebekah said, her eyes never leaving Rose's.
"I know. But I'm not using it on him directly" The red haired vampire grunted, trying to keep her balance as she walked over to the witch still chanting the spell.
"She has a barrier up, you can't get through" Damon directed.
"You can't get in because you're intentions are benefiting her desires"
"The fuck are you saying" The vampire barked back.
"What I'm saying is that if a witch is trying to complete a spell and you interfere and try to break the concentration, you will be blocked. This talisman… can reverse what its is meant to be used for. Just like if you use a spell for something you shouldn't use it for. It'll still work, but you'll receive a different outcome; positive or negative depending on the situation at hand". Rose cleared her throat, careful to not break Bonnie's concentration as she walked behind her and placed the red chain around her neck. Once she clipped it together, she slowly stepped back and diverted her eyes towards both Stefan and Rebekah. She knew what was going to happen next would piss the fuck out of Damon, maybe even scare him, but it had to be done.
The second Bonnie finished chanting, a small golden box covered in intricate gold drawings popped from Silas's still hands, revealing a small red pouch. Then it happened. Bonnie scream a blood lurching scream in to the muggy air, instantly falling to her knees. Damon's eyes widened, his heart dropping. He could feel the insides of her body decaying and he didn't know how or why. He had to get to her. He just fuckin had to. But he realized he was being restrained by both his brother and Rebekah.
"BONNIE! GET YOUR FUCKING HANDS OFF OF ME! BONNIE IM HERE! IM RIGHT HERE!" Damon roared, his face vamping out, completely and utterly confused as to why his brother and the original were trying to keep him away from her.
Bonnie's eyed fluttered open and shut, suddenly seeing her grams appear out of thin air. "My sweet sweet grand baby. You are strong child. Don't let this take over you, you understand?
"GET IT! HURRY SHE WON'T LAST LONG!" Elijah screamed.
"DAMON! DAMON RELAX, SHE'LL BE FINE! I PROMISE SHE WILL BE FINE!" Stefan repeated seeing angry tears fall from his brothers eyes, knowing he had no control over what was happening to himself and Bonnie.
Rose quickly ran down the cave within sight and retrieved the pouch, hissing as the container instantly shut close, ripping her flesh in the process. As she ran back, Bonnie's screams began to become less and less painful and ended in a soft moan, dropping to the floor, shaking. Her body jerked every couple of seconds, the talisman slowly burning in to her skin.
"I'M GOING TO KILL YOU ROSE. ALL OF YOU! YOU'RE KILLING HER!" The eldest Salvatore's voice strained, unable to contain his disgust and anger at his peers.
"Damon, Bonnie would want us to do this. She wouldn't feel safe knowing we left the cure with Silas's body!" Stefan tried to reason, but was shut up once Damon glared at him, his eyes never darker than ever before. Stefan knew better than to continue to try and convince his brother. He knew he was going to hear and feel it later.
"Now we've got to fucking go! The damn cave is gonna collapse! Rebekah screamed, following Elijah out, disappearing in mid-air.
Damon rushed to Bonnie's side, grabbing her head to his chest. He pulled back waiting for her to move, say something, anything. Then she coughed, blood pooling from her mouth. She moaned cracking open her dizzy eyes for a second before speaking.
"Did I do it?"She asked speaking to both her grams and the wild-eyed vampire in front of her.
"That's my Bonnie, I love you child. Take care of yourself. I'll always be watching over you" Bonnie heard the last words in her mind, not sure if it was real or not.
Her voice was so small, so fragile, so vulnerable, and Damon couldn't decide if he liked it or hated it, but he had time to figure that out, now he needed to get her out of here. He was just so damn glad she was alive. For now at least.
"Fuck yea you did witchy, you did, and I'm gonna kill you for it" He tried to joke, attempting to mask his pain, ripping off the now melted talisman from her bruised neck.
"I'll be f-fine. Ew, I must look like a real shit" Bonnie dragged her arm up to her mouth shaking as she wiped her mouth of blood.
"I'd still do you" Damon smiled sadly, scooping her in to his arms, eyeing Stefan and Rose who nodded their heads.
"Klaus. Where's his body" Damon spun around.
"Rebekah has it" Rose's jaw clenched, stuffing the red pouch lower in to her pocket.
"Let's go, Elijah has a jet just on the edge of the island!" Stefan yelled over the deafening sound cracking rock.
Once they made it near shore, Stefan, offered to take Bonnie inside the plane but Damon refused, instead giving her to Rebekah, knowing that though the blonde was a self-righteous, hard-headed bimbo, she wouldn't dare try anything stupid, yet alone with her brother Elijah around. Elena, Matt and Caroline managed to make it to the jet without much hassle from Klaus's hybrids. Matt was still unconscious and they still had to make certain that Silas didnt have power over him. Elena had brought the old grimore from the house on the island knowing Bonnie would want to dive in to it once she got better.
"I would never hurt her Damon" Stefan frowned clenching his fists.
"Looks like you proved that statement wrong today" Damon growled, trying to keep his composure. He honestly felt like drop kicking his brother and ripping out his heart for letting Rose go on with taking the cure and in the process letting Bonnie suffer.
"I know what it looked like, but Bonnie would have gone back to this island the minute she figured out that the cure was still vulnerable, sitting there waiting for the wrong enemy to obtain in. You and I both know that too" The younger brother sighed, tired of trying to explain himself. He cared about Bonnie too much to even want her in danger, but he knew she would have wanted what had happened to her happen a thousand times over just to get the cure.
"Just get the fuck out of my face. You knew there was a chance she could die, and you still let Rose do what she did"
"That's not true Damon"
"Oh really? Which part?!" He roared, throwing his hands in the air.
"Damon stop" Rose interrupted, stepping in sight.
"You" Damon growled, rushing her against a boulder, his hands around her neck, choking her.
"You let this happen huh. I don't even care right now that Rebekah helped you, so don't try to blame this on someone else rather than yourself. You're good at that."
Kicking him in the chin, he grunted, quickly pulling himself together as he turned around watching Rose rub her neck.
"You are my best friend Damon, and I know what happened didn't look pretty, but God dammit Damon! Open your fuckin eyes! Your girlfriend just saved the world today! Be proud of that! If anything praise her! Because if I didn't get it, this would have all been for nothing! Stefan told me how strong she was. Yea maybe I was blinded with the fact that I finally had the cure, but I did not use the talisman on Silas. I used it on her, and you know I didn't have to. I could have just gotten what I wanted it ran. But I didn't. I didn't kill her, so just stop getting pissed and look at the bigger picture!" She snapped, her skin heating up.
Damon stared at what her for what seemed like minutes before turning around and making his way towards the jet. As he walked back he gave Stefan a quick glance, shaking his head before taking the stairs two at a time.
"He'll get over it, he tends to after a couple of days"
"You and I both know that isn't true. He may be older than both of us, but he's like an eight year old when he gets pissed. Last time I got him mad, he didn't talk to me for three years" Rose chuckled sadly.
"Doesn't beat the hundred years he didn't see me after the whole Katherine ordeal" Stefan frowned sighing.
"But this time-
"This time it's different because of Bonnie. Yes. But not for the worse. Don't worry. Let's just get the fuck off this island" Stefan urged as Rose nodded.
"I'm really not going to miss this place"
"Don't think any of us will" Stefan concluded looking back at the forest, closing the plane doors as he was the last to board.
Damon sat at the back of the jet with Bonnie on a soft pull out bed. There was towel on her forehead and warm blankets around her to stop her from shivering. Elena, Caroline, Stefan and even Rose came to check in on her as Damon sat in the corner of the room, his eyes glued to her. He analyzed her for the past two hours, watching movement in her face, her breathing, her rising chest between breaths, her eyes, fluttering and frowning at times when he could tell she was having a nightmare, and her shaking body. Once he was finally alone with her, he locked the door, and slid in to the bed beside her.
"Bonnie, if you can hear me, know that I tried to get you out of there as soon as possible. This all is my fault, and I'm sorry okay? Fry my brains out, anything. Just know this wasn't supposed to happen" Damon whispered in to her ear, caressing her soft cheek.
"I-I know" She whispered back, shocking Damon as he pulled her closer against his chest. He kissed the top of her head, as she slowly managed to bring a shaky arm around his waist.
Bonnie knew one thing. There was no way she would have thought the Damon Salvatore would ever have feelings for her, or care deeply for that matter when it came to her life and safety, but he truly proved something to her. She knew she couldn't keep being so submissive towards him in hopes that he would instantly become a saint, but he could become a better person without changing who he was, and that's exactly what she believed he was capable of. Damon was a monster no doubt. But she had no problem with him being her monster.
A/N: fini. Next chappy, more Gretta and Elijah. I love em together in my own little world… and what will happen with Klaus's body? Will they un-dagger him? Or leave him the way he left his own siblings for hundreds of years? There will be a serious convo between Bonnie and Damon. Oh and now that I'm starting a new semester at school, updates will be smoother. Thanks for everything guys!