


Shayde woke to his window closing and he tensed for a second before he sighed thinking 'calm down, I destroyed the gem that controlled those things' as he shook the image of skeletal blood drinking humans out of his head. He was almost asleep when he felt something warm beside him. He slowly opened one eye to see Gelu looking him up and down with lust. "Shayde, wake up" she whispered and he opened his eye the rest of the way. "You want something" he said as he noticed her scent in the air, enjoying the sweet smell as he inhaled deeply. She kissed him and said "I've seen your "treasure", I thought it only fair you see mine" she said as they both blushed. She rolled over and spread her legs, Shade looking curiously. It looked like a simple vertical slit. Even in the darkness he could see the moisture and blood rushed to his member at the mere sight of it. It didn't feel right to him, her all exposed while he was still decent, and so he rolled onto his side. They both knew how mating worked, but they had never done it, knowing you were supposed to spend the rest of your life with your first. In fact, they have never seen the genitalia of the opposite sex before they met. She looked at his length in more detail as he studied her. She grabbed it and his eyes widened in surprise pleasure, making him moan under his breath as he moved his head toward her snatch. He began to lick around the outside, as she ran her tongue along his shaft. He brought his paws forward and slowly spread her lips, being careful not to cut her, and looked in curiously before sticking his tongue inside, causing her to stiffen for a moment. Soon she returned to her attentions even more vigorously, going as far as to put it all in her mouth as he darted his tongue in out. They both felt it, and by some unspoken signal stopped at the same time panting heavily. She got up and he gave her a questioning look before she rolled him onto his back, neither of them noticing the sun was beginning to rise. She strolled to the tip of his tail, Shayde watching her the whole time, and walked upwards, giving his dragon hood a teasing lick on the way, until they were eye to eye. She lowered herself until his member was stuck between their bellies, the beginning of his shaft sticking in her womanhood about half an inch. "I want to spend eternity with you, before we continue, I must know, do you feel the same?" she asked him, staring into his eyes as their tails entertained. "The whole Orc army couldn't keep me away from you" he replied staring back at her, as he thought how he now knew what the feeling was, it was love. She sighed happily at his answer before sliding forward until the tip was in her opening. She then slid back down, gasping in pleasure as he stretched her. She wanted more, and slid back faster, instantly hilting him inside her, two tears slid down her cheek as her barrier broke, one of pain, the other of happiness. She was as close as possible to the one she loved as Shayde resisted the urge to squirm in pleasure. The pain subsided and she moved up, the spot where he just was feeling empty and incomplete in the second it took her to change direction. She sped up, pleasure all either of them could sense, even though the sun was now shining directly into their eyes. He felt pressure building in his loins, she could feel it too, in her womb, as they sped up, going as fast as they could, their breathing coming in ragged gasps. She roared in pleasure, covering his abdomen in her juices. The spasm of he walls pushing him over the edge, he joined her, putting all his love, pleasure and happiness into one roar as he spurted inside her, coating her insides with his seed. In seconds they were sleeping, dead to the world.


