Chapter 6
"So… Uh… I'm sorry for both of us… I never should've let Dave mention how we haven't listened to miss Brigham. Because I know we hate each others and after Friday things have been quite awkward—", I started talking and closed the door behind me. John sat on the edge of my bed. He looked around while I talked – pretty much to myself – and suddenly interrupted me.
"Can I put some make-up on you?" John asked leaning towards my shelf where all my make-up was. I crossed my arms, uttered a nervous laugh and then took couple steps towards him. He took my mascara, opened it and asked how this was used. I let my arms go and sat in front of him on the bed. I asked if he wanted some on his lashes.
"Hell no!" John answered with widened eyes. I uttered a laugh, took my mirror and added mascara on my right eye's lashes. John took all my other stuff and was now looking my eyeliner and eye shadows. I sighed and put that mascara down.
"You ready?" he suddenly asked. I asked if I was ready for what. John didn't answer, just smirked and came really close to my face. I stared at his eyes and leaned back little bit. He told me not to escape and asked me to close my eyes. I did it. But I didn't know if I was expecting a kiss or something. But when John started putting some eye shadow… Goodbye for those expectations.
"What colour is it?" I couldn't resist asking. John uttered a laugh – I felt his breath on my cheek. It took a little while, and then he told it was bronze. I thanked him for not choosing those brighter ones. He was silent for a while, again, then I felt how he leaned back. I opened my eyes, only to face his confused face.
"You have brighter ones? Boo, I didn't know", John said making a sad face. I just thanked God for not to let him find them – out loud. That made John laugh. And damn he had cute laugh. I got serious after laughing little bit, and then I closed my eyes. John got serious also and came closer to put more eye shadow. Then he asked me to open my eyes and look up so he could put some mascara. We didn't go through that without giggles and laughter…
"Hey, I forgot to put some eyeliner!" John suddenly realized and grabbed it from my make-up bag. I sighed and smirked before closing my eyes. Woah, he put some really thick lines… I felt like an emo or something… After he had made my right eye ready also, he told me to hold still. Suddenly I felt lipstick on my lips. Or wait no. It was his fingers. I asked why he didn't use the stick instead of his finger. John said this colour was in some set and making me prettier.
"Don't you need to spread it?" I asked when I felt it was only in the middle of my lips. I kept my eyes closed, I didn't know why, I just kept.
"Oh. Right, yeah, of course", he said. I heard a smile in his voice. And yeah, you can hear a smile in someone's voice. I was about to ask if he was smiling because I was looking so ridiculous. I had a chance to say 'are', 'you' and 'smiling' before our lips collided. It was just a little kiss, our lips had just touched.
"Should I spread more?" John asked as I still kept my eyes closed.
"Yeah?" I answered, holding back all my stuttering. When he didn't kiss me, I opened my eyes.
"What the fuck are you waiting for?" I asked, frowning.
"I just… Kelsey, I've fallen for you. But I don't want to be just another boytoy. I've seen what you do to guys – when you find a new, better toy and then the old one is thrown away, right? I don't want that. I've been waiting this moment for ages and now—", he started explaining. I didn't listen to his words. I leaned forward to kiss him.
"You didn't listen to me", John stated pulling out.
"Why would I listen to you? Right now, I just want you so bad", I smiled a little bit and tried to kiss him again. He just pushed me away, leaning back little bit. I leaned back also. Okay, now I was confused.
"You know you're pretty mean, right?" he asked frowning.
"I know I'm pretty and mean, but what the fuck is wrong with you? I know you want me. Otherwise you wouldn't have teased me and said all those stupid things in school. Otherwise you wouldn't have hit Stephen when he tried to kiss me. Otherwise you would have even tried to resist when our professor said we should work together. Think what we could be doing now…" I whispered the last sentence and ran my finger through his chest. John grabbed my wrist and made me look in his eyes.
"Wow, Kelsey. You know that talking nasty turns me on—", John winked smirking a little, "—but I fucking do not want to be your goddamn boytoy. Is this real?"
"No. Nothing is. This is a moment. You know we could have sex right now instead of this stupid conversation", I said seriously and leaned backwards raising my left eyebrow.
"Oh, sweetie, I think it would be wonderful, but I'm not a whore. I don't have sex with people who I don't like", John said smiling and stroking my cheek. I saw how his eyes wondered from my eyes to my lips, from my lips to my collar bones, from my collar bones to...
"So you don't like me?"
"No. You disgust me, you… What was that word again?—", John still smiled, got up and was heading to the door. Then he turned around to look at me. He frowned looking at the wall like he was thinking really hard, "—oh, right. You whore", he finally almost whispered opening my door. Then he slammed it close.
"Damn that fucking Gomez", I hissed to myself and got up. I went to my window and saw John down the street. I opened it and leaned out. John noticed me, shrugged and smirked.
"You've made your bed, so sleep in it!" he yelled.
"Whatever, baby Gomez! Gomez than Gomez, who cares which one of them?" I yelled to him. He suddenly lost all his amusement and gave me so murderous but meanwhile so confused look than anyone ever could. I smiled, slammed the window close and sat in my bed. That fucking bastard… No one ever called me as a whore. No one. Never. The war was on.
"Okay. Let's say it in this way. I have an…itch that only John can scratch", I said slowly and let my eyes wonder on the school's roof. We were sitting on the yard, just the two of us. I carefully took a look on Chelsea whose face told me how disgusted she was.