Chapter 1


It was so goddamn hard to concentrate as I heard laughing next to me. I put down my pen, looked out from the window and sighed. Some kids were sitting in the yard, laughing and talking. Psychology classes were killing me. Especially my classmates. Especially the guy sitting next to me. That guy was John Gomez. He was wearing a t-shirt, black skinny jeans and a beanie. I really didn't understand why someone wore a beanie since it was the end of May. And we were in Arizona. It was frigging hot.

"Shut the fuck up", I hissed at a black-haired kid next to me. He turned to look at me, still laughing at his buddy's joke. John leaned back on his chair, rolled his eyes before he gave me a bored look.

"You're such a party pooper. No wonder you got no friends", he just frowned after we had been staring each others for a while. Our psychology teacher was an old man who spoke into his beard so no one really ever heard him. We just copied his notes from the chalkboard.

"I got friends. They're just not your dumbass friends", I snapped closing my notebook. I heard how the teacher kept telling about coping and defence –stuff. Familiar shit, to me at least. I wasn't as sure about John, who had spent most of his psychology classes either sleeping, fighting with me or talking with his buddies.

"So you're technically calling our gang as dumbasses? I mean, in general, we have same friends", John snapped back. Ouch, that was a touché. If I had said that out loud, he would've called me as a nerd or something because no one ever said touché. But I wasn't a nerd.

I'm Kelsey Fletcher, 17-year-old kid from Arizona, who lived with her parents down the street. I'm just like any other girl in this town – except for I was pretty mean and nobody ever dared to talk to me but still I'm quite popular. My best friend is Chelsea. She's everything I'm not – kind, everybody's friend and beautiful blonde. We had known each others for our whole – since we were born, we did stuff together and had sleepovers and talked about guys… She was the best friend I could ask for. She was the best twin sister I could ask for.

Yeah, Chelsea, she's my twin sister. We didn't look alike – or yes we did, but not exactly. I had brown hair, she had blond hair – actually we both had like light brown, or more likely orangish hair… But anyways, we had the same nose, same eyebrows, same green eyes, same lips… Of course you can say that we're sisters but nobody ever thinks we're twins. So… Yeah.

Here's again one difference – she's dating, I'm not. Yeah, Brian Dales, one of the most popular kids around here. He's year older than us, a senior. Just like Stephen Gomez, Josh Montgomery and Jessica Bowen. They had their own gang, they were like the coolest kids in this school. Who the fuck cared about school's lacrosse-team's players or cheerleaders when we had a group of people who wasn't afraid to be who they wanted to? I mean, seriously everyone looked up to these guys. I bet they didn't even know how high in the school's hierarchy they were… They just were so… Cool. And they have a band.

But John Gomez is Stephen's little brother, a part of the band also. He hangs out with his brother and others – of course. Chelsea hangs out with them because she was Brian's girlfriend. I hang out with them, because Chelsea is my bestie and she drags me everywhere with her. Usually I didn't mind, but this was really bothering me. First, because I didn't know any of those guys but they were like lifelong friends with Chelsea already. And second, because John Gomez hated me and I hate him. And third, because Stephen Gomez was too nice to me.

Chelsea and Brian had been dating for three months. We took hanging with them as our habit about a month ago. Everyone are really nice, especially Jessica and Stephen. John wasn't. He was a complete dickhead when it came to me. But that wasn't a surprise? No, it was like this, everyday.


"Yeah, room for the fat ass…" he hissed. I bet no one else heard because Stephen was already laughing at some joke Brian just told. -- As others had their conversation on, Stephen turned to me.

"Is there something with you and John? You guys never talk and you avoid each others. Have you been dating in the past and got nasty break-up or anything? This is just so stupid", he said smiling his crooked, little bit sad smile. I looked at his eyes, frowning little bit.