50 Sentences: Itachi/Kagome

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto, I also do not own Inuyasha and I highly doubt that I ever will. These two great Manga and Anime series belong strictly to their creators. Naruto belongs to Masashi Kishimoto and Inuyasha belongs to Rumiko Takahashi.

Pairing: Itachi/Kagome

Anime: InuYasha/Naruto Crossover

Genre: Romance/General/Slight angst

01 – Gloss

He had always loved to marvel how glossy her raven dark hair looked every time he woke up; just as the first rays of sunlight peeked through the curtains.

02 – Flirt

Kagome always felt like wringing her hands around the necks of those damn girls whenever they acted all flirtatious and bitchy around HER Itachi.

03 – Scent

Itachi always wondered how Kagome could smell of lavender and oranges at the same time.

04 – Read

Despite always having an emotionless expression on his face, Kagome still found Itachi an easy person to read because of his actions.

05 – Warm

There was nothing Kagome loved more than being in Itachi's embrace, feeling the warmth that his body provided her.

06 – Play

They played together as children and they still 'played' together as adults.

07 – Special

Kagome was the only woman that Itachi truly ever cared about; and for that she was special.

08 – Amuse

"If you leave me, I'll make sure you die a horrible death," she told him saucily, and Itachi only smiled lightly in amusement before his lips claimed hers.

09 – Deal

"It's a deal then," he replied calmly as he walked away from her dazed form.

10 – Chocolate

Kagome gave a shriek of delight and before Itachi knew it she had snatched the box of chocolates from his arms, chanting "Chocolate, chocolate, chocolate, chocolate, CHOCOLATE!!!!"

11 – Grace

Kagome often wondered how Itachi could say that a clumsy person like her was graceful, because she honestly couldn't see which part of her was.

12 – Oblivious

Itachi often pondered how Kagome could be so oblivious about her beauty because it almost seemed like every time she had turned him on was not on purpose.

13 – Top

Their light spar had turned into an all out war as they fought with each other to see who would top whom.

14 – Gentle

Behind that feared and emotionless façade, Itachi was really a gentle soul; and so far it seemed that Kagome was the only person who could see that.

15 – Actions

Kagome could see that Itachi's actions spoke louder than words with all the little things he did for her.

16 – Shock

So it had come as a shock to her when he told her that he loved her.

17 – Lie

"Will you still be there in the morning?" she asked him between kisses and after a moment's pause, Itachi replied monotonously "Yes."

18 – Denial

Somewhere in the back of her mind Kagome knew that Itachi had told her a lie; but she had refused to believe it.

19 – Cry

When Kagome woke up the next morning and couldn't find Itachi beside her, she buried her face in her knees and for once in a really long time, she started to cry.

20 – Rain

Itachi had always loved it best whenever Kagome danced in the rain just for HIM.

21 – Dance

Kagome wasn't exactly a dancing type of person; however when Itachi placed his hands on her waist and pulled her close to him, she found herself thinking that maybe dancing wasn't so bad after all.

22 – Normal

Kagome wasn't what one would call normal; she had been a time travelling miko protecting an a powerful artifact from an evil demon with a pretty messed up romantic life to boot, but Itachi still loved her all the same.

23 – Torture

"Why are you torturing me like this?!" she whined to Itachi, who was waving some embarrassing photos of herself just out of her reach.

24 – Fun

Itachi only smirked "Because it's fun," he said simply and Kagome growled in return.

25 – Truth

It was nearly impossible for anybody to know when Itachi was telling the truth; but Kagome wasn't just anybody.

26 – Fear

Kagome was afraid of worms, giant centipedes, math tests and many other things; but her worst fear would have to be the thought of Itachi leaving her one day.

27 – Smile

Every time he saw Kagome give him a smile that was reserved for him and him only, he felt strange inside.

28 – Grow

"How am I supposed to grow taller?" she asked him in a whine because well, she was a head shorter than him and she also didn't appreciate other people teasing her about her height.

29 – Milk

"How about drinking some milk?" he suggested with perfectly good intentions, only to earn a pillow to the face.

30 – Shakespeare

Kagome was certain that the tragic romance of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet couldn't possibly hold a candle to hers and Itachi's.

31 – Sleep

Kagome couldn't help but smile sadly every night she saw Itachi place a kunai under his pillow before he went to sleep.

32 – Vegetarian

Kagome noticed that Itachi's pacifism also affected what food he ate because he was somewhat like a vegetarian; his favorite food was onigiri while his least favorite was steak.

33 – Opposite

If Itachi was the night, then Kagome would be the day; if he were water, then she would be fire; and if he were the moon, then she would be the sun.

34 – Pillow

Kagome's favorite pillow, whether Itachi was aware of the fact or not, was in fact his chest.

35 – Ring

Itachi fumbled with the ring in his pocket and he silently wondered how Kagome would react when he asked her if she would marry him.

36 – Tomato

"But I thought you liked tomatoes," Kagome said sheepishly as she dumped the rest of the soup in the sink.

37 – Limit

"I do like them," Itachi replied calmly "But even I have my limits when I've been eating tomato soup everyday for the past month."

38 – Friendship

"My name's Higurashi Kagome," she said pleasantly despite the fact that there was a hole in her gut "What's yours?"

39 – Feet

"Oh Itachi!!!" she called deviously, sticking out her feet at the raven haired man "I'm ready for my foot massage now!"

40 – Grapes

'He tastes like grapes,' Kagome silently mused to herself as Itachi deepened their kiss, wrapping his arms around her waist.

41 – Apology

"I'm sorry," he told her softly after their make out session, gathering his arms around her and Kagome only frowned in confusion, not understanding the full meaning of his words.

42 – Understand

She only understood what he meant the next morning; when she had woken up and couldn't find Itachi beside her.

43 – Winter

Kagome gathered up a snowball, took careful aim, and fired it at the raven haired man who was reading in a tree.

44 – Ice

"What do you get when ice melts?" she asked him out of the blue and he replied calmly "Water."

45 – Spring

She only laughed and shook her head "Wrong silly, you get Spring!" and with that said she pressed her lips against his surprised ones.

46 – Soft

"Why is it that your hair is softer than mine?" she whined to her raven haired lover, who only laughed lightly in amusement.

47 – Crease

Kagome gently placed her hand on his cheek and she tenderly traced the creases under his eyes.

48 – Birthday

"Happy birthday Kagome," he told her and held up a bouquet of roses to her surprised form.

49 – Raise

She stared at him with a small smile on her lips and told him cryptically "You raise me up."

50 – Song

And once she saw his confused eyes, she shrugged and explained "I heard it from a song somewhere."

Well that's it!

I might do more 50 sentences of different pairings if you just tell me which pairing you want! And I know I should be writing on more other stories, but this is just something to get my brain working again.

Ps: My exams are next week!

Please review!