Chapter 50 - You Make Me So Happy: Official Ending (Posted August 12th 2010)
AUTHOR'S NOTE: so, this really is the end. no joke. well, not exactly. don't skip over the author's note at the end of this chapter, Very Special Announcement Number Two is waiting for you there :D this version of the ending actually uses much of chapter 49. it includes the entire chapter up until the Doctor is waiting by the casket, and the story starts to change right about there, so I'm only going to backtrack a little and start off a few lines before that. and i just have a few more random things to say. 1 - i started watching Being Human the other day and i totally flipped out, I jumped up and screamed and I was all like "It's Alonso! It's Alonso! Alons-y Alonso!" and my sister got scared and thought something was wrong hahaha :D 2 - i was watching the Doctor Who movie from '96. O!M!G! wtf? is that movie canon? i didn't know the Doctor was half human! and i also didn't know about the 13 lives thing, especially not that the Master had used all his regenerations when that movie was made. that seriously screws with the continuity of my story :'( anyway, XxCoffee-and-CreamxX has posted the first scene she drew for my story! plz go check it out, it's great! [coffee-and-cream .deviantart .com/art/Out-of-Death-Hold-Me-174993736]
"What's a biosignature?" Jack asked, trying not to dwell on the negative things.
"A biosignature is, in essence, body heat. You use your body heat, your life energy, to fuel the giving-of-life to the reconstructed body. But it's like, your heat, mixed with the flow of your blood, and the literal life dwelling in you... it's kind of hard to explain..."
"Doctor," Jack said when the machine went silent, "it's stopped."
"So it has." the Doctor said.
"What now?"
"Now we wait... to see if the reanimation worked."
"Not that I'm not hopeful, Doctor..." Jack said softly, "but if it doesn't work? If he doesn't wake up?"
"Then, I burn him for real, and spread his ashes across the parts of the Universe that I never got to show him."
The Doctor sat next to the casket and waited. Waited for any sign of life coming from the container. About a minute went by before the Doctor decided he had to look in the casket. He opened it, and saw that the body had been rebuilt completely. A brand new, healthy, living, breathing body! It looked just like his previous body, because the DNA was structured to create that specific body. It was the Master's body, but it wasn't quite the Master yet.
"Jack!" the Doctor said so loudly he could have caused an earthquake. "Jack, it worked! The body's been animated!" the Doctor leaned down and pulled the Master's upper body up, resting it against the side of the casket so it wouldn't slump back down.
"His eyes are closed." Jack observed.
"He hasn't woken yet. He needs his memories, which he is about to get..." the Doctor climbed into the casket and knelt right next to the sleeping body. He grabbed the Master's face securely in his hands and held their foreheads together. He transferred all of the Master's memories into his new head. He hadn't looked at them, hadn't scattered them about so they were fairly easy to transport.
Jack decided now was a good time to leave the room. He didn't want to intrude on this moment.
The Doctor kept pouring the memories into the Master's mind, allowing them to settle and find their place in his head. Suddenly the Master gasped deeply and his eyes flung open. The Doctor, not yet finished giving the Master his memories, held the Master's head in place, because if the flow was disrupted there was no chance this part would work. They stared into each other's eyes, the Master not sure what he was seeing and the Doctor trying not to scare this fragile new life. Then the Doctor felt delicate hands reach up and trace his face, as if they didn't know who they were touching. That kind of hurt, but he kept going. Then a finger brushed over his lips, and the stream of memories trickled and stopped, meaning the restoration of the memories was complete. All that was left now was for this person to become the Master.
A few seconds passed where they just stared at each other. The Master's eyes were full of confusion and fear, and the Doctor could tell his brain was sorting through everything it had just received, trying to figure out who he was.
"Doctor?" the Master said with a tilt of his head.
The Doctor lunged forward and wrapped the Master in his arms, hugging him firmly, and soaking him in tears.
"You just don't give up, do you?" the Master said, petting the Doctor's head, and smiling.
"Are you angry?" the Doctor's voice was muffled as he spoke into the Master's neck.
"Why would I be angry?" the Master asked softly.
"You told me not to bring you back."
"I knew you wouldn't listen."
"Master," the Doctor looked up and brought his face close, "I know you love how romantic I can be, and I know how much having me go back to see you one last time meant to you... but you have to understand... I just missed you too much..."
"Shh, Doctor." the Master took the Doctor's hands in his. "I understand. I don't have a clue how you brought me back... but I am really glad you did."
"I love you! Master, I love you."
"That's pretty obvious. And I love you too. So much, Doctor. It's good to see you again. I never thought I'd get to..."
"Remember, back when you still had the Drums... and I offered to help. You asked what you'd be without the noise. Well, we know now and you're beautiful, just like I said you'd be. But I also wondered what I'd be without you. And now I've seen that too, but it's not a good thing, and I just couldn't stand being without you. I had to bring you back!"
"I know, Doctor." the Master tried to comfort him by rubbing his back. "Believe me, I know. What I don't know is why you haven't kissed me yet."
"I didn't know if you'd want me to..."
"Please, Doctor." the Master begged.
The Doctor moved closer until their lips were touching. It started out small, but neither of them could control themselves, and the kiss deepened.
"This feels... different." the Master said. "I mean, it feels like I've never been touched before. Doctor, it feels like the first time..."
"This is a new body, Master." the Doctor said. "This is the first time you've been touched. A brand new body filled with your memories. You remember what it feels like to be touched, but this body has never experienced it..."
"Touch me. Doctor, please, I can't stand it..." the Master pushed his body tight against the Doctor's, his nakedness becoming quite obvious in their passion.
"Hold on, I don't want to do it in this thing..." the Doctor stood and stepped out of the metal canister, helping the Master out and pulling him close as they stood on the floor.
"That door locked?" the Master asked between kisses.
The Doctor quickly pulled out his laser-sonic and aimed it at the door, locking it so Jack and Matthew wouldn't wander in. "Is now."
"What's that?" the Master asked when he caught a glimpse of the Doctor's new device.
"Laser-sonic, I'll tell you everything later. Right now, I need you."
"Oh, you have no idea." the Master said as the Doctor tickled him.
The Doctor indulged the Master for a long time. He was extra careful not to damage him in any way, but the Master insisted that he was fine, and a little roughness wouldn't break him.
"I still like it better on the bed, but the floor worked out nicely." the Master said after a few rounds.
The Doctor was still holding the Master close to him, and the Master was clinging to the other Timelord like either one might disappear any second. "Are you ok?"
"I'm great. Back from the dead again and reunited with my husband whom I love dearly. Is there any reason for me to not be ok?"
"Do you know what I did to bring you back?"
"No. Why, is something wrong?" the Master asked, worried.
"No! No, it's just... what I did was kind of risky, and I'm a little surprised it worked. You're revival was flawless."
"Risky? That's nothing new, it kind of goes without saying..."
"The machine, Master."
The Master looked at the metal box he'd woken up in. "Is that... Doctor, you naughty boy... how did you get that? Those machines were decommissioned and destroyed before they even made it through all the tests..."
"I stole it just before I ran away. In case of an emergency."
"But... it's old and rusted... you'll never be able to use it again, you..." he looked back at the Doctor. "You knew you'd only be able to use it once..."
"And you... you used to bring me back... Doctor, you..."
"I know, now my backup plan is gone, but it's worth it, Master. I had to choose on the spot, and there was never any question over what I would do. I would have done anything to save you."
"So, what now?"
"I don't know." the Doctor said. "I'm not even going to attempt figuring you out. I don't know how this new body works, I don't know how long it's going to last or if you'll be able to regenerate or if you'll end up immortal like Jack or anything. All I know is that I love you and you're alive and I am so happy it worked..."
"I think I can live with that." the Master said, kissing his cheek. "I guess we'd better get dressed..." the Master stood and helped the Doctor up. "Do I hear singing?"
The Doctor tilted his head to listen to his surroundings, then laughed a little. "That's the TARDIS. She missed you too, and she's happy you're back. She's singing for you."
"The TARDIS missed me?"
"I told you when I danced with you at the party that she likes you."
"But... I hurt her." the Master said, not really pouty but somewhat confused.
"And she forgave you just like I did." the Doctor said with a hug. "Now, your letter said you were over all this self-hatred stuff... was that a lie, or..."
"Oh, I wasn't lying, I mean it." the Master insisted and smiled. "I really am better. The watch helped. And you helped so much, Doctor. But, Doctor... we need to have a serious discussion about something."
"What is it?" the Doctor asked, sounding more than a little concerned.
"When Matthew came in, and I saw how grown-up he was... I realized how badly I want to be a parent, Doctor. I really think we should try the adoption thing again. We'd make really great parents, and I think... maybe we're not ready right this very moment, but we will be ready someday, and when that day comes, I won't allow a moment of hesitation."
"That's an odd subject to bring up at such a time..." the Doctor said, "but I think you're right. We'll see what happens, ok?"
"Ok." the Master said. "Now, your clothes are all over the room, but where are mine?"
"On the table over there." the Doctor pointed behind the big machine, then they both got dressed.
"So," the Master said, digging in the Doctor's pocket and pulling out the laser-sonic, "what's this?" He twirled it in his fingers and held it up to his lips.
"That is the amazing laser-sonic that I created by combining the technologies of our respective screwdrivers." the Doctor said in a low voice as he grabbed the device back from the Master.
"Don't I get one?"
"You want one? The computer I used to help build it still has the blueprint file, I could whip one right up in a matter of seconds." the Doctor said. "But, that machine is in another room, so we'll have to leave and we might run into our guests."
"And who are our guests?" the Master asked.
"Just Matthew and Jack. They never left, they helped me take care of a few things. And they're probably itching to know what's going on in here, so they're probably standing right outside the door and before you ask, yes, this room has a sound barrier so they didn't hear a thing." he winked.
"I suppose we need to go out there eventually." the Master sounded only a tad disappointed. Then, almost unexpectedly, he attacked the Doctor with a tight hug, squeezing their bodies together. The Doctor reciprocated the embrace and gave the Master a loving kiss. "You make me so happy, Doctor."
"I know the feeling."
AUTHOR'S NOTE: so, at long last, Out of Death has come to an end. and now for Very Special Announcement Number Two: our dear friend Ponella (fanfiction .net/u/1654136/) has requested and received my permission to write a sequel to this story. As of yet, I know nothing of the plot or anything, but I'm sure it will be fabulous, so you should all check it out. I'm not sure when it will be up, but I will post an announcement for all those who are subscribed and I will also put a link to the story both in my profile and right here in these brackets [http:/ /www .net/s/6731992/1/Still_Life] once it starts, so keep checking for it! as for me, i still have two other stories that are in progress, so i will finish them and then take a short break from writing. i'm not sure what my next projects will be, but i always appreciate new suggestions and even if you just want to say "hi" feel free to PM me or send me an email :) and i may be going back and editing some spelling and grammar errors that i noticed when i reread the story (i can't believe this is the 50th chapter), but other than that this story will stay pretty much the same.