Disclaimer: These characters are not mine, so please don't sue.
This is a little story on how Rogue got her groove back (or just a groove in general) after her character debacle in the X movies. This is for anyone who was disheartened by the water-downed portrayal of Rogue in the movies.
I'd like to turn this into a series, but no promises. I'm not sure plot-driven stories are my strong suit, but I'm going to try it anyway. Let me know how I'm doing, k?
When she left the mansion two years ago, she left defeated, disillusioned and heartbroken. Taking the Cure hadn't salvaged her relationship with Bobby, and it sure as hell didn't make her a favorite around a mansion filled with mutants and proud of it. When she was honest with herself, she knew deep down she really took the Cure for herself, but it didn't change the fact that she also took it for her boyfriend. It was an awful truth that she'd never admit to anyone for fear of looking weak and pathetic. Funny how after taking the Cure that was exactly how she felt. She couldn't exactly be an X-Man without her powers and several of the mutant kids made it clear that she was no longer welcomed at the mansion. It didn't take Rogue long to realize she had to move on and find her own way in life - one that didn't include saving the world, living with a mansion of misfits or absorbing the life force of others.
So she hopped a bus back home to Meridian, Mississippi, ready to make peace with her past. She wanted to apologize to David for giving him the wallop of a kiss that left him in a coma for three weeks and try to amends with her estranged parents. Since she was a powerless mutant, or maybe not even a considered mutant at all since she was "cured," she hoped her apologies might be welcomed with open ears.
After the two-day, nearly non-stop journey by bus, she was home, and felt strangely at ease. When she returned to the river town, she did so with a self-assurance that she hadn't been able to muster since her powers kicked in. She was ready to live in this world as human as the next person. Walking confidently up the front walk of her former home, she knocked on the door, eager to see the face of the parents that disowned her for being a mutant and as her father put it "a freak."
However, she was stunned when an unfamiliar older woman with silvery gray hair knotted in a bun and dark glasses answered the door.
"I knew you would come, my dear," she said.
Sooo, what do y'all think? Good start? I'm nervous about writing this. It seems so... daunting. Btw, this will be Romy so keep your eyes peeled for the Cajun to make an appearance in a little while.