
Part 1 – The worst comes true!

Kong Li wins! The prophesy comes true!

WolfieStar [Star-the-Buizel on fanfiction. net] and Crystalquirt put their heads together to come up with this one. Many thanks to Star!

This is one of the stories in the 'Angel Trilogy'. Devil nor Angel have to be read first. They don't have anything to do with each other. I only called these stories a 'trilogy' because they have a similar theme at the end.

ANGEL was the ONLY STORY that was Sibey.

Devil was TOBUE, and now, human is TOBUE or NO SHIPPINGS. [Not sure yet]

Kong Li attacks 'Nana', Mei Hua Wu and her three teenaged guardians at home at Wu's Garden. This time, Kong Li wins. Sue was left alone after the fight to survive on her own. Sue is left alone in the world and has no choice but to return to the streets where she and Sid spent two years of their very young lives learning to survive after their parents died. With Nana and the boys gone, Sue is the world's only hope, but fighting just to survive, can she still save everyone from Kong Li's tyranny alone?

~ No chance . . .


Silence fell over Wu's Garden like a death shroud. Nana, Sue and Tobey standing around Kong Li at the ready for the fight to continue, though one was already down. Sid already lie on the ground on his side, holding his knee against his chest, a pained look on his face. He gritted his teeth and tried over and over to get up, to stand with Sue, Tobey and Nana, but groaned and fell each time. Sue and Tobey exchanged worried looks, but knew they had to finish with Kong Li before they could help Sid.

Kong Li threw his cape back and pointed his red dragon-headed staff at Nana. "This is it Mei Hua – this is the end for you and your rejects!"

"Never Kong Li, I will never let you win! Kids – take him down!"

Nana meant Tobey and Sue, very worried that one of her guardians was already out of the fight. She charged Kong Li with them of course, he had somehow already hurt Sid, and she intended to make sure nothing happened to Tobey and Sue and make Kong Li pay for hurting Sid.

Kong Li leapt straight up in the air to avoid the three of them. Sue had a hard time pulling back her strike, but she managed to stop just in time to keep her attack from taking Tobey out. When he saw her fist coming at his face, Tobey yelped and covered his head, but after she stopped they smiled at each other and quickly started toward Kong Li again.

Sue and Tobey stopped up short – seeing what Kong Li was doing. After his leap into the air, Kong Li landed over Sid, and with his staff poised over his head like a golf club asked, "How far do you think Sid's head will fly? Think it'll make it over the wall, at least?"

Caught helpless, Sid yelped and covered his head with one arm. Sue cried for her brother, Tobey yelled, "Leave him alone!" and angrily clenched his fists, but Nana attacked, not waiting to let Kong Li to even have a chance to stop their attack by threatening Sid's life. Nana got there before Kong Li even had a chance to bring the staff down. Sue and Tobey breathed a quick sigh of relief as they ran to help. Sid opened his eyes when he felt Sue grab his arm. It took Tobey and Sue both on each of his arms to pull him away.

Nana and Kong Li exchanged punches and blows in an impressive display of their skill while Sue and Tobey got Sid inside the restaurant. They guided Sid to sit back down in the hallway just inside the back door. "Sid, stay here – we'll handle this!" Sue cried as she turned to leave. Tobey said, "Take it easy buddy, we'll handle this!" and followed Sue back to the garden to help Nana. Sid managed to not scream in pain when they moved him, but now he was sure he had broken his leg.

As they ran out, a dark, humanoid shape-shifter appeared before Sue and grabbed her before she could block or jump away. Tobey screamed her name as he attacked the shifter in panic. Hearing Tobey yell Sue's name made Sid pull himself back to the door to see if they were okay.

Kong Li aimed a blast from his staff at Nana, but missed. The blast hit the wall next to the back door and over the storeroom. The wall and foundation under it crumbled in the magical blast. Sid was blown back from the door and landed rolling. He ended up on his stomach, groaning. Part of the hall ceiling came down on top of him and knocked him out.

The whole restaurant shook from the blast and Mr. Wu got mad, as was his nature. Nana's very large son came stomping out of the kitchen and saw Sid first, lying under the debris. He yelled, "I knew you three had something to do with this! Barney, come help Sid – then finish peeling the onions."

Mr. Wu continued to the garden to investigate further and see who else he should yell at, oblivious to what was going on. Barney came out of the kitchen and saw Sid lying under the debris, "Oh man – what happened?" he dropped to his knees next to Sid and tried to wake him, but to no avail. He started rolling chunks of ceiling off of his friend.

Outside, Shifty had Sue in his tentacles. She tried a water spell to loosen Shifty's hold on her, but it didn't work. Tobey ran in and kicked Shifty's butt, literally. "Let her go!" The shifter turned and smiled an evil smile at him. Shifty grew an extra arm just to punch Tobey with. Sue saw him trying to help her and saw him fall too. "Tobey! Aaaahrrgh!" She screamed angrily. "Gei Kow No!"

Fueled by her anger over Tobey being punched, the fire she created in her palm burned like it was burning jet fuel. The bright white flame was so hot it was blue at the base near her hand. And so hot that when she pressed it to the Shape Shifter's hide, he imploded. Reduced to a pile of smoking goo in an instant, Shifty moved no more. Tobey was up rubbing his chest where he was hit; still trying to catch his breath.

Nana had Kong Li backed into the corner where the garden wall met the building. He reached into his cloak and pulled out a vial.

They both looked over at Nana and saw Kong Li holding up the vial. They knew that a vial of any kind in Kong Li's hand, always meant trouble. Suddenly, a hulking mass blocked their vision, Tobey cried, "Mr. Wu!" Sue shouted, "No!"

Just then, Kong Li knocked Nana down and her son saw it happen. Mr. Wu roared angrily, "I don't know who you are – but for hurting my mother, I will kill you!" Years of Mr. Wu's wrath and anger welled up and he intended to let this 'home invader' have it all!

Mr. Wu ran at Kong Li, and he threw the vial when Mr. Wu body slammed him, but he totally missed his intended target, Nana. It did however, land at Sue and Tobey's feet and exploded when it hit the ground.

In the blast, Tobey was thrown against the wall and slumped against it, unconscious before he landed. Sue was blown through the hole in the building that Kong Li made earlier. She fell all the way down through another caved-in hole in the floor that put her in the storeroom. She landed on her back, moaning.

With fear in her heart like she had never experienced before, Nana watched Sue and Tobey being caught in the explosion. She could see that Tobey wasn't moving, but didn't even know where Sue landed. Her attention went back to her innocent son, now fighting her most dangerous enemy alone. When she tried to stand up a sharp pain in her leg put her back down.

When Mr. Wu charged him again, Kong Li managed to get out of the way, screaming, "You oaf! How dare you think you can interfere here!" Mr. Wu cursed back at him and threw a clumsy punch. Kong Li drank from another vial, his body glowed blue briefly as the potion increased his strength ten times.

When Mr. Wu tried to tackle him again, Kong Li pushed back. He actually pushed the large man backwards. Mr. Wu backpedaled, barely able to stay on his feet.


Down in the storeroom, Sue got up and found the doorway to the stairs blocked. She kept her head covered while she tried to get out since the ceiling and walls were still crumbling raining debris down on her. Seeing the only way out was the same way she got in, she stared to crawl up on the pile of rubble. She peeked over the edge and saw Tobey was still down, and so was Nana, but at least Nana was moving – Tobey wasn't. Sue grew even more worried and climbed faster. Just when she was ready to stand up, she looked up and saw the bulking mass that was Mr. Wu coming at her backwards and very quickly.

Kong Li pushed Mr. Wu into Sue and they both fell back down into the store room.

Sue barely managed to stay out from under Mr. Wu when he landed, but Kong Li followed his attack with a strong blast from his staff down where they fell. Mr. Wu saw it coming and rolled over Sue on purpose to protect her. His body protected her from the blast, but he was hit . . . and didn't move again. Now Sue was stuck under the weight of his body. Another blast rattled the restaurant and the lights went off.

Sue couldn't get out from under Mr. Wu no matter how hard she tried. She pushed, she pulled, she tried to crawl out from under him, all while she could barely breathe with his massive weight pressing down on her. At least he was soft. She pushed and shoved on everything she could reach with only one hand. Sue thought it was his shoulder that she was pushing on, but in the dark she wasn't sure.

Sue didn't know how long she lie under Mr. Wu's dead weight. Panicked at first because she was trapped, and later, exhausted from trying to free herself, it didn't occur to her to check on him. It was just as well, there was nothing she could do, but if she hadn't been trapped and panicked, she would have realized sooner that he was no longer breathing.

It did occur to her finally that he had been unconscious for a long time, and became worried about him when she calmed down. She checked him, she could reach his neck anyway, but couldn't find a pulse or any sign of breathing. Sue screamed and started crying.

"Mr. Wu! - No! You can't die – Barney needs you! We all need you!" She shook him as hard as she could and struggled to get out, until she wore herself out again. "Dammit! I can't even reach my phone."

While she rested and caught her breath, it occurred to her that it had gotten very quiet outside and no one had ever come to find her either. Sue started crying when she started to realized how hopeless the situation really was. She was sad for Mr. Wu, scared for the rest of her family and not knowing what happened, was really freaking her out again.

Also, not knowing how much time had passed, at least after a while, Sue calmed down enough to feel around again, as far as she could reach with her one free hand. She thought maybe she could grab something solid and use it to help her pull herself out from under Mr. Wu's body.

The only thing she could find in the dark to touch wasn't secured to anything, but she grabbed it anyway. Still gasping for air, she realized it was something metal and long. It was a mop with a metal handle that Tobey had left leaning against the wall. With all the explosions and damage, it had fallen where she could reach the handle.

Holding her breath and pushing as hard as she could, she shoved the mop handle between her stomach and Mr. Wu's chest. Just getting that far, she had to stop again to catch her breath. But after only a few moments, she forced herself to work at it some more.

She pushed up on the head of the mop as hard as she could, praying she wouldn't bend it. Using it like a lever, she pushed and wiggled and finally got her other arm free. She rolled Mr. Wu just enough that she could finally get out. Somewhere though, still under the large man was her shoe.

Now that she wasn't being squished and could breathe, she paused to really check Mr. Wu. She found his skin cold and there was no sign of life at all. Sadly she turned and went back toward the hole in the wall and ceiling. She climbed up the pile of debris again and looked around. It was morning; dawn was peeking over the Garden wall.

Tobey was gone from where she saw him last fall so she ran to Nana first. She stopped and started screaming when she saw Nana's lifeless eyes staring into space. Her skin felt even colder than Mr. Wu's and she knew she had died too. She fell across her Nana's body, her ear pressed against her chest trying to hear the smallest sound, but nothing.

She took out her phone and dialed 911 but there was no answer. That puzzled her. Then her connection was lost. She tried again, but found no reception at all. "Oh man – why is no one here yet anyway? How can a restaurant in the middle of Chinatown be destroyed and no one notice!"

Sue jumped up and ran inside frantically looking for Sid, but couldn't find him or Barney either. In the dining room, Sue sank to her knees and sobbed uncontrollably until she wore herself out and fell asleep right there on the floor.


She didn't wake up until evening, and still, no one else had shown up to find out what happened. "Did no customer's even stop by?" She got up again to look around. Mr. Wu's body was still in the storeroom. She went out in the garden and sat by Nana's body. Talking to her like she were still alive; wishing for her guidance.

"I love you so much Nana . . . You were like a mother to Sid, Tobey, and me. I couldn't have asked for a more wonderful teacher . . ." Sue whispered. "Thank you . . . For everything . . ."

When Sue had finally calmed down enough, she looked down at Nana one last time, and one more tear rolled down her face. She ran her fingers through Nana's hair, and bent down to kiss her cheek.

Slowly, Sue realized that she wouldn't be able to stay at Wu's anymore. Wu's was in ruins, and the worst part was that Nana and Mr. Wu were dead, and the three boys were still nowhere to be seen. She was afraid she would be taken back to the orphanage. "I can't go back – I can't!" she cried out loud. To her, the orphanage was hell on Earth, and she didn't want to go back there under any circumstances.

"I . . . I have to go back to the streets . . ." Sue whispered. "I thought I never would go back there . . . Not without Sid certainly . . . but . . ." she paused as she heard a commotion and voices of people shouting angrily near by. Realizing that now was the time to run, Sue gave one last look at her Nana's corpse, then sprinted out through the garden gate.

Sue ran as far from Wu's as she could, and didn't look back. When she was far away from the old restaurant, she stopped running and leaned forward with her hands on her knees to catch her breath. Overcome with grieve, she started sobbing again, remembering what Sid had told her when her parents died:

"We can never go to an orphanage . . . No one would ever adopt us together, we would definitely be separated, and never again would we see each other. The only way we can stay together is if we live on the streets." At first, Sue didn't want to believe it, she didn't want to live on the streets, but at that age, she listened to everything her older brother had told her.

She was only four at the time, and for two years, she and Sid lived on the streets together, digging in trash for food, stealing from stands or garage sales, anything to stay alive. They made a makeshift house out of a large cardboard box and blankets. One day they stole a cooler from a salesman, and they used it to store food they found.

Sue and Sid barely survived on the streets, but they did survive for those two years. They both became masters at stealing anything they needed, or wanted. No adults could catch them, and they always refused any help from anyone, for fear of becoming too close to someone and then losing them again, just like what happened to their parents.

Until one day, someone had succeeded in catching them. It was a volunteer who worked at Chinatown Orphanage, and he took the two there, where they stayed for two more years. Because they still didn't trust anyone, at times they tried to escape the orphanage, but never made it. They never listened to the volunteers, and always misbehaved, not wanting to grow any relationships with anyone, no one but each other.

Tobey was in a similar situation, and he understood the siblings. Eventually, they became the best of friends, and the three helped each other heal and grow bonds with other kids and respect their elders. It was because of Tobey and the help and love of each other that Nana had found them and took them in.

But now, they were all gone. Sid, her brother that helped her with everything life threw at her. Tobey, her best friend she could always count on. Nana, her wonderful teacher and the one who actually treated Sue like a daughter. Mr. Wu, Barney, they were gone too. All of them. Gone.

Sue took a deep breath, not wanting to start crying again. Then she remembered where her and Sid set up their makeshift house. It was in a secluded alley, and plant life and dumpsters covered it from anyone noticing it. The plant life covered the cardboard box from all weather conditions, so the area was a fairly good place to go.

She looked all around, making sure nobody saw her, then started walking towards the place where she and Sid spent two years of their lives. She walked past Cornelius Street, and then stopped in an alley about seven blocks away from Eunice's Penthouse.

Slowly, she walked down the alley, then saw some large leaves from trees in the house next door covering the far corner of the alley. A large dumpster sat about a yard in front of the leaves.

Walking past the dumpster and pulling the leaves away, she let out a small sound of surprise when she saw that the old cardboard box and blankets were still there, even after all these years. The cardboard was falling apart, and there were so many holes and rips in the blankets that lined the box.

"I can't believe . . . After all these years, no one hasn't found this place . . . Sid was right, this is an amazing hiding place!" she paused, tears threatening to fall down her cheeks again. She took another deep breath, then stared at the box again.

Then she realized, how was she going to survive without anyone to help her? She knew she wouldn't be able to make it on her own. Were Sid, Tobey, and Barney even alive? Did Kong Li get the cookbook from the scholar stone? Of course he did, but what was he going to do exactly?

". . . and what am I gonna do . . ." Sue sighed, and let the tears fall down her face. She arranged the dirty blankets in the box, then slowly curled up into a small ball on top of the blankets. She took one of the blankets and wrapped it around herself, a cold breeze making her shiver. Eventually, she drifted off to a deep, but fitful sleep.


Sue was so upset over losing, Nana, well, losing everyone, that she hadn't given much thought to the enormity of the situation, but Kong Li had won. He would have the cookbook by now and Mei Hua "Nana" Wu was no longer an obstacle to prevent him from carrying out his evil plans on the whole world!

While Sue slept in her box, Kong Li took down Nana's barrier that had kept his evil magic contained for so long. Had Sue been awake, she probably would have heard the villain laughing his evil laugh. His laughter echoed through the streets of Chinatown for all to hear.

Kong Li thought he had killed Sue too, he was so sure he never checked, and he was way too involved in breaking into the scholar stone to get the cookbook anyway, while Nana's body lay on the ground getting cold.

Skipping happily, Kong Li was on his way to the dungeon. He already had his first slaves build the dungeons underground in preparation for when he finally won – he was so sure he would win. Now his castle could be completed over the top of the dungeons.

Kong Li was going to check on his first prisoners. The first group to have been captured included his traitorous son, Sid Yi and Barney Wu.

The three boys were chained in a line against a stone wall in a cold passageway. Their wrists had heavy metal cuffs locked on them connected to chains which stretched their arms over their heads. Tobey was the shortest so his arms and shoulders were strained the most of the three and he was still fidgeting, trying to cope with the discomfort. Tobey's leather wrist bands were missing, yanked off when he was chained up, but otherwise, Tobey and Barney still wore the clothes they had on when Kong Li attacked Wu's Garden. Tobey's usual white tank top, even though it had been a chilly night, and Barney wore his maroon sleeveless shirt and green pants.

Sid unfortunately, was shirtless and his black pants were down around his ankles. Hanging with only his boxers on, Sid's broken leg could be easily seen. His leg throbbed and caused him to drift in and out of consciousness. He did not start the evening with his pants down, but when the three boys were brought to the dungeons unconscious, Sid was the first one to wake up. He started fighting before Kong Li's minions got him chained to the wall.

Trying to silence and control Sid, who was screaming for his sister and cursing his captors, Kong Li stepped back, letting go of the fighting teen to let his minions deal with him.

"I won't let you get me all hot and sweaty Sid. Mink and Dawn, restrain him using however much force it takes!"

Mink and Dawn were Kong Li's newest shape shifters, a new recipe made these two appear female for the first time and they were a dark purple color instead of black. The two 'females' worked as an efficient team, grabbing Sid's arms and legs and spread-eagling him in mid air. Sid screamed even louder when his broken leg was stretched out and almost fainted right then. The only good thing was that the ends of the bone had been brought closer together, but still not really aligned enough to heal right.

After the shifter girls had Sid chained up, in-between Barney and Tobey on the wall, they got a little amorous with him, thinking him cute. Tobey woke up and begged them to leave Sid alone. Kong Li watched their antics patiently, smiling, and when it was over he walked up to Sid, observing his shirtless condition with his messed up hair and hickeys on his neck and chest.

Kong Li raised his eyebrow at the shifter girls, but chuckled, "It must have been the ginger I used in their recipe." The villain dismissed Mink and Dawn. Mink gave Sid's butt cheek a pinch before she left. Sid pressed his face to his arm, refusing to even look at her. All the fight he had in him was gone, his leg was oddly numb after all the rough treatment.

Back at Wu's, in the middle of the battle, Tobey had awakened, briefly, just in time to see Kong Li violently, kill Nana. Tobey got hysterical and Kong Li slammed him in the head with his staff to knock him out again. Once he got Tobey to the dungeon, Kong Li got impatient when he didn't wake up right away so he could boast about his victory. Totally not caring that Tobey had been hit in the head twice that evening and probably had a concussion injury, Kong Li wanted him awake so badly that he used a spell to force him to wake up, just to brag and torture him some more. He told him that he had killed Sue, knowing that it would really hurt him.

Tobey was very upset and his head really hurt by that time. The recipe Kong Li used on him not only forced him to wake up when his body wasn't naturally capable of it, it made him feel very weird too, a little nauseous and like he was actually right beside his body, instead of 'in' it. He didn't know what to do with all the emotions and horrible thoughts running around in his mind and he couldn't think clearly at all. Even though he was still awake, he had said nothing, and still, when Kong Li returned, he only stared into space. His mind had shut down, since Kong Li wouldn't let his body keep him unconscious.

Now too, with Kong Li's second visit and Tobey and Sid's conditions, Barney was the only one who spoke up. "Who are you? What have you done to everyone – where's my dad?"

"Oh yes, I guess we haven't officially met yet, grandson of Mei Hua; the deceased."

"What? No – you didn't kill my Nana did you?"

"Of course I did, and your father too. That dullard actually tried to stop me, to protect all of you!"

"Dad?" Barney whispered and started crying, he was so angry.

"Don't fret, I will take care of you three. You can even become officers in my army if you can somehow convince me that I can trust you. And Tobey, you already have special standing in my army and in my heart boy. You will come with me, willingly or not to the wishing well at Chung Lee park for me to finally cook the feast. That way the entire prophesy will be competed and I can get on with ruling the world!"

Sid watched Tobey's face while Kong Li chattered on and on. He could see no response or emotion in Tobey's face at all, it was like he wasn't listening. He would have thought Tobey fainted again, but his eyes were open.

Sid reacted to Kong Li's speech for Tobey. "You leave him alone. You don't need him! You can't make him part of this! I know he would rather die than join you – he said so. We would all rather die than join you!"

Barney gasped, "Wait – Die? I didn't even know that was an option! I'd like to reconsider."

"Barney!" Sid grumbled through his teeth. He had totally ruined the effect of Sid's speech.

Barney started sobbing for himself and his dad and the rest of his family again. Tobey still didn't react at all, and Sid started hanging on the chains trying to pull them out of the wall.

Kong Li laughed as he left the dungeon, all the way out into the hall they could hear him. He was going to get the ingredients for the feast.

Chained with his back to the wall, Sid was determined to get free – now he knew how Tobey felt in a small place. He turned around, crossing his arms in the chains in front of his body and walked, or rather hopped up the wall on one foot. His broken leg swinging uselessly, he went high so he could try to pull the chains straight out from the wall, but the damp, moss-covered wall was slippery and he fell. The cuffs around his wrists jerked him up short, his arms twisted and he screamed. Sid's wrists made a horrible cracking noise, his shoulders strained beyond the normal range of motion and he groaned some more, thinking now he had at least broken his wrists.

Tobey heard Sid's sounds of pain and a little life returned to his eyes as he became more aware. Whispering, "Sid," he slowly turned to watch Sid writhing in pain, and not being able to do anything to ease his friend's pain. . . made him feel totally useless, hopeless.


Tobey continued . . .