A quck OS I wrote on a whim.
"Xemnas........You'll pay. Because of you, Xion is.........."
Roxas was on his way back to The World That Never Was to destroy Kingdom Hearts as Xion requested. He was having to fight hard to keep her in his mind, however and that made his resolve momentaryly waver. He arrived in the Realm of Darkness, and turned towards the beach he had met Xemnas on all that time ago. He was going to collect himself before he did this. If he hesitated, he would never succeed.
"I will destroy Kingdom Hearts Xion."
When Roxas got to the beach, he saw a blue haired woman sitting next to the water. Looking at her Roxas felt a pang of nostalgia, however he didn't know why. He figured it was because she slightly resembled Xion. Pulling up his hood, he walked up to her.
"Who are you?"
The woman stood up and turned to look at him. He noticed then that she was several inches taller than him, and was wearing a strange outfit.
"My name is Aqua, are you lost too?"
"No. I have an important mission, I'm just here to collect my thoughts.
Aqua turned away from him and sat back down. Roxas didn't know why, but he sat down next to her.
"Whats this oh so important mission of yours then?" She asked him.
Again, Roxas didn't know why, but he answered her.
"I am going to destroy Kingdom Hearts and free all of the Hearts trapped in it."
"D-destroy Kingdom Hearts!?"
"Xemnas.......he used me and Xion to capture Hearts, and made Kingdom Hearts..........I am going to destroy it."
Roxas glaced over at Aqua, and noticed she was wearing a thoughtful expression. She was probably confused by his words.
"Kingdom Hearts is-"
"I know what Kingdom Hearts is. I guess this Xemnas person just made a fake Kingdom Hearts."
After a moment of silence, Roxas stood and put down his hood.
"Xemnas. I you will pay."
He turned to walk away, and noticed Aqua staring at him.
"Ventus! Is that you!?"
"No. My name is Roxas. A Nobody. I don't even exist. After this, I am going to find my Real Self. Sora."
Roxas walked away, and opened a Corridor of Darkness. He cast one last glance at Aqua, before putting his hood back up and walking through the Corridor. After the opening closed, Roxas fell to the ground. He felt something wet on his face and raised his hand to see what it was.
"Tears? Why am I crying? For some reason........"
Roxas stood up and summoned his Kingdom Key.
"I'll come back for you Aqua, I swear it."
Aqua simply stared at the empty space where Roxas has stood. He had looked so much like Ven that it couldn't have been a coincidence. She felt herself begin to cry. She knew she would never see that spikey blond hair again.
So, what do you think?
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