Meeting with a stranger.

Chapter 1 - Planned?

A tall, stoic, silent man, was making his way down the hallway where the note told him to go. He wasn't really sure where or why he was going but, Hunny told him to and he trusts Hunny. As he walks unsurely down the long hallway, classical music filled the empty space. When he got to the room he was designated to enter into, he saw someone. A girl, who was practicing her ballet. She was a plain girl, she didn't flaunt her looks about. She wasn't very tall, standing at 5'6". She wasn't rail thin like everyone else in the school but she wasn't fat, she has curves, like an hour glass. She wore glasses over her deep brown eyes, and she had a touch of acne on her cheeks where her shoulder length brown hair rested. She stood with her backside to him, practicing her pirouettes, then moving on to her Chaine' turns. As Mori sat there, awestruck at what was playing out in front of him. When she finished her fourth and final turn, she hadn't seen him until now. When she saw him, she fell over from being surprised. Mori shook his head out of his daze and went to help her.

"Sorry." He said taking her hand and helping her up with ease.

"It's okay. I just wasn't expecting anyone to be here."

"How come?"

"Well, the ballet club meeting has been over for about an hour as have all the other clubs and I can't practice at home so, I stayed here."

"Oh, I see. I'm Takashi Morinozika by the way. You can call me Mori. I'm a third year." (Ya that's right, he spoke. Get used to it! lol :D)

"Hello, I'm Samantha Mckinley. Transfer from America. I'm supposed to be a first year but they moved me up a grade so, second year. You can call me Sam, Sammy, whatever. Nice to meet you Mori-." She said cheerfully adding a cute smile. "So, what club are you from that you're here so late?"

"I'm with the Ouran host club."

"Oh, I've heard of that! I've wanted to drop by since I came here but, I've been too busy with transfer stuff and now the club."

"I doubt any customers are left. You want to come see?" He asked

"Sure let me change really quick." She said picking up her drawstring back and heading into a bathroom at the other end of the room. When she came out she was in jean shorts and a blue t-shirt with a red, white, and blue plaid over shirt. (my favorite outfit :D) "Okay, let's go." She said letting her hair down from the tight bun it was in. Mori led her down the hallway, as they walked they didn't exchange any words or a glance. She looked down at the floor and started twisting her ring on her finger. She bumped into Mori. "Sorry." She said

"It's alright. What's that ring on your finger for?" He asked looking at her left ring finger. It was a ring with hearts that were upside down and rightside up that fit in with each other with little diamonds in the middle of the hearts. (It's the ring I have on my ring finger. No, I'm not engaged it was a joke with me and my friend.)

"Oh, it's my promise ring."

"Promise to what?"

"Stay pure. Not have sexual relations until I'm married."

"I see. That's cool. We're here." He said opening the door to the third music room.

"Takashi! You're back!" Hunny said excitedly

"Hey, where'd you go Mori-senpai?" Tamaki asked

"I...Hunny sent me somewhere." Mori said, Tamaki huddled in the corner with the rest of the club minus Hunny.

"Whoa! Mori spoke!" He whispered

"Is it alright if I come in now?" Samantha asked

"Yeah." Mori said, ignoring the whispering people in the corner

"Who is this Mori-senpai?" Haruhi asked

"This is Samantha."

"Hi, nice to meet you. I'm Haruhi."

"Haruhi, you're so cute when you're being friendly!" Tamaki said hugging her

"Tamaki-senpai get off me!"

"Is it just me or does Haruhi look like a girl? Or...Is Tamaki gay?" That last remark sent Tamaki straight to the corner of woe.

"Ummmmm." Mori said awkwardly

"I'm taking that as a 'Haruhi's a girl' An idiot would have to believe that isn't true." She said nonchalantly.

"It's supposed to be a secret." Mori said

"Well, then I guess it's a good thing I'm the only in here isn't it?" She said smiling at him. He smiled back.

"It's nice to meet you princess. And what is a lovely thing like you doing here?"

"First of all, don't call me princess. Second of all that's none of your concern, but it's very nice to meet you." She said smiling sweetly. 'This girl definitely knows how to sugar coat things!' Tamaki thought cowering away to his corner. Mori just kept smiling.

"Oh, so you're Sammy-chan!" Hunny said

"Yes and I take it you're Hunny-senpai! You seem like a very sweet person!"

"Do you like cake?"

"Only if it's chocolate!" She said walking back to Hunny's cake table with him.

"So who is this girl Mori-senpai?" The twins asked

"Mitsukuni was faking." Was all he said

"Huh?" Everyone else said

"He was just making it seem like he just met her. He's the one who sent me to meet her."

"Okay, so who is she?"

"I really don't know. She's a transfer from America and she's in the ballet club." He said then walked away to join Hunny and Sammy at the table

"Since when is there a ballet club?" Haruhi asked

"It's new." Tamaki said joining the group recovering from his pouting.

"So do we officially have a club for everything?" Haruhi said sarcastically.

"Nevermind that, we need to know why Hunny was so set on Mori meeting Samantha!" Tamaki said introducing his new plan 'find-out-why-Mori-needed-to-meet-Samantha'

"Maybe because they seemed compatible? I bet Hunny-senpai felt bad because he has Reiko that likes him." Haruhi said, everyone just looked at her "What?"

"You are a genius!" Everyone said hugging Haruhi

"Okay okay get off me." She said pushing them off of her. "So what are we gonna do? We already figured out why."

"Well, I guess all we can do is make them be together all the time." The twins said

"Then it's settled. Operation Get-Mori-to-like-Samantha is a go!" Tamaki said seriously

A/N: Sooo, here's my new fanfic. Tell me what you think! Not gonna lie, Samantha is based off of me. I always wanted to be named Samantha or Sammy. :\ lol

OMG I'm on chapter 71 of ouran manga and it's making sad/happy/giddy/mad :((( everything's ending! noooooooooooo! *Dies dramatically*

No! Get up! Don't die! - Tamaki

There's no point to live! - Me

You have to finish your fanfics first! - Tamaki

But you're leaving me! - Me

Not true! You can still write about me ^_^ - Tamaki

...Okay... - Me *leaves still depressed but a little better*

Anyway...Good? Bad? Lemme know!